
Nunhad is a village situated in Gormi Tehsil of Bhind district in Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Nunhad overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of nearby villages of Nunhad

Nunhad Overview

Nunhad is village in Bhind district of Madhya Pradesh. According to Census 2011, Village code of Nunhad is 453204. Total area of Nunhad is 737.96 hectares. It is situated 15 kilometer from Gormi Sub district office and 30 kilometer from Bhind District office.

Population of Nunhad

As of the 2011 census, Nunhad has a population of approximately 3186 peoples where male population is 1683 and female population is 1,503.

Group Population
Total 3,186
Male 1,683
Female 1,503

Households of Nunhad

There are about 500 houses in the Nunhad. The average household size in village is about 6 person per house.

Type Stats
Household 500
people / Family 6

Nunhad Administration

  • The name of the Gram Panchayat is Nunhad
  • The name of the community development block is Mehgaon
  • The sub district headquarters is located in Gormi. It is located at a distance of 15 km from the village
  • Bhind is the district headquarters. It is located at a distance of 30 km from the village

List Of Nearby Villages of Nunhad

The following is a list of nearby villages of Nunhad along with nearest town.

Villages Nearest Town
Achhai Gormi (5 km)
Akloni Gormi (8 km)
Arelekapura Gormi (22 km)
Aroli Gormi (7 km)
Asokhar Mehgaon (6 km)
Bahera Gormi (7 km)
Balupura Gormi (6 km)
Chandeni Gormi (15 km)
Chandrapura Gormi (25 km)
Chapra Gormi (10 km)
Choniyapura Gormi (3 km)
Didona Gormi (17 km)
Dogarpura Gormi (11 km)
Dondari Mehgaon (12 km)
Emanpura Gormi (15 km)
Ghilauwa Gormi (5 km)
Gopalpura Gormi (3 km)
Guliyapura Gormi (6 km)
Harichha Gormi (16 km)
Hasanpura Gormi (9 km)
Hirapura Gormi (10 km)
Ingosa Raipura Gormi (15 km)
Jaitpura Gormi (27 km)
Kachnav Khurd Gormi (10 km)
Kachnavkalan Gormi (10 km)
Kalyanpura Gormi (2 km)
Khera Gormi (10 km)
Khokipura Gormi (6 km)
Kishanpura Gormi (7 km)
Kot Gormi (6 km)
Kripekapura Gormi (7 km)
Kutroli Gormi (8 km)
Lalpura Gormi (8 km)
Lawan Gormi (13 km)
Liloi Gormi (12 km)
Manhad Gormi (6 km)
Manpura Gormi (20 km)
Mehdoli Gormi (4 km)
Mohanpura Gormi (3 km)
Nunhad Gormi (9 km)
Pachera Gormi (14 km)
Parosa Gormi (8 km)
Piparpura Gormi (13 km)
Pratapura Gormi (3 km)
Prathvipura Gormi (7 km)
Rajgadhiya Gormi (2 km)
Raupura Gormi (4 km)
Rawatpura Gormi (4 km)
Saipura Mehgaon (6 km)
Seupura Gormi (7 km)
Shreekapura Gormi (13 km)
Shyampura Gormi (15 km)
Sikroda Gormi (10 km)
Siloli Gormi (3 km)
Sondha Gormi (20 km)
Suchchapura Gormi (12 km)
Sujanpura Gormi (8 km)
Sukand Gormi (7 km)
Sunarpura Gormi (5 km)
Tejpura Gormi (7 km)
Tikri Gormi (9 km)
Vijaygarh Gormi (9 km)

Frequently Asked Question About Nunhad Village

What is the population of Nunhad ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Nunhad village is 3,186

Which is Tehsil of Nunhad ?

Gormi is Tehsil of Nunhad.

Which is district of Nunhad ?

Bhind is district of Nunhad.


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