
Prakasam is a district and city located in Andhra Pradesh State of India. This article provides an in depth look at Prakasam district overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of its Mandal or sub-districts.

Prakasam District overview

Prakasam is Town in Andhra Pradesh serves as administrative headquarter of Prakasam district. Total area of Prakasam District is 17,626 km² including 17,357 km² rural area and 269 km² urban area. There are 56 Mandals part of Prakasam District for administrative purpose. When it about rural area of Prakasam District, Prakasam has 1081 villages.

Yerragondapalem is the largest tehsil in Prakasam district by area covering 1147.11 km2 and Vetapalem is the smallest tehsil in Prakasam district by area covering 92.1336 km2. Ongole is the largest tehsil by population while Yeddana Pudi is the smallest tehsil by population in Prakasam district.

Population of Prakasam District

As of the 2011 census, Prakasam district has a population of approximately 3,397,448 peoples which is divided into urban population of 664,582 and rular population of 2,732,866. The population density in Prakasam region is about 192.8 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 1,714,764 1,682,684 3,397,448
Rural 1,382,641 1,350,225 2,732,866
Urban 332,123 332,459 664,582

Households of Prakasam District

There are about 860,463 houses in the district, including 168,650 urban houses and 691,813 rural houses. The average household size is about 3.95 people

Type Households
Total 860,463
Rural 691,813
Urban 168,650

List Of Mandal in Prakasam District

Prakasam district is divided into several Mandals or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 56 tehsils in Prakasam district. Each tehsil is headed by a Tehsildar, who is responsible for revenue administration and law and order. The following is a list of Mandal in Prakasam:

Mandal Area(km²) Population
Addanki 259.8 89,769
Ardhaveedu 706.5 36,169
Ballikurava 225.1 53,269
Bestawaripeta 472.5 51,062
Chandra Sekhara Puram 573.1 44,953
Chimakurthi 287.8 79,343
Chinaganjam 171.4 42,468
Chirala 105.1 172,826
Cumbum 137.4 48,698
Darsi 366.1 86,702
Donakonda 347.6 48,148
Dornala 885.3 44,187
Giddalur 781.6 86,133
Gudluru 248.3 46,883
Hanumanthuni Padu 406.5 30,964
Inkollu 144.8 49,546
Janakavarampanguluru 169.2 45,186
Kandukur 221.2 98,769
Kanigiri 513.8 92,466
Karamchedu 162.2 38,916
Komarolu 318.0 40,517
Konakanamitla 466.6 49,259
Kondapi 214.4 43,004
Korisapadu 149.6 48,273
Kotha Patnam 166.3 50,006
Kurichedu 277.3 40,801
Lingasamudram 234.8 38,094
Maddipadu 167.2 52,353
Markapur 307.0 122,984
Marripudi 391.4 38,848
Martur 180.7 73,862
Mundlamuru 329.8 56,783
Naguluppala Padu 256.5 67,733
Ongole 203.8 253,122
Pamur 415.1 63,017
Parchur 222.7 54,668
Peda Araveedu 270.8 42,262
Pedacherlo Palle 357.9 36,985
Podili 332.1 67,017
Ponnaluru 339.1 43,016
Pullalacheruvu 692.5 53,279
Racherla 358.8 35,080
Santhamaguluru 208.3 59,528
Santhanuthala Padu 211.6 66,186
Singarayakonda 111.3 65,784
Tangutur 202.2 62,618
Tarlupadu 267.0 34,640
Thallur 195.4 48,400
Tripuranthakam 274.3 62,627
Ulavapadu 187.7 53,918
Veligandla 390.7 35,951
Vetapalem 92.1 75,219
Voletivaripalem 257.4 39,855
Yeddana Pudi 105.3 28,373
Yerragondapalem 1,147.1 64,063
Zarugumilli 137.8 42,866

Frequently Asked Question About Prakasam District

How many villages are there in Prakasam district ?

There are 1081 villages in the Prakasam district.

What is the population of Prakasam district ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Prakasam district is 3,397,448

How many town or city are there in Prakasam district ?

There are 13 town or city in the Prakasam district.

How many Mandal in Prakasam district ?

There are 56 Mandal in Prakasam district.

Which is the largest Mandal in Prakasam district

Yerragondapalem is the largest Mandal in Prakasam district.

Which is the smallest Mandal in Prakasam district ?

Vetapalem is the smallest Mandal in Prakasam district.

Which is the most populated Mandal in Prakasam district ?

Ongole is the most populated Mandal in Prakasam district.

Which is the least populated Mandal in Prakasam district ?

Yeddana Pudi is the most least populated Mandal in Prakasam district.


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