
Chikkanargund is a village situated in Nargund Taluka of Gadag district in Karnataka, India. This article provides an in depth look at Chikkanargund overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of nearby villages of Chikkanargund

Name Chikkanargund
Taluka Nargund
District Gadag
State Karnataka
Area 1,911 hectares
Population 4,279
Household 849
Pincode 582207

Chikkanargund Overview

Chikkanargund is village in Gadag district of Karnataka. According to Census 2011, Village code of Chikkanargund is 601866. Total area of Chikkanargund is 1,911 hectares. It is situated 8 kilometer from Nargund Sub district office and 70 kilometer from Gadag District office. The pincode of Chikkanargund village is 582207.

Population of Chikkanargund

As of the 2011 census, Chikkanargund has a population of approximately 4279 peoples where male population is 2188 and female population is 2,091.

Group Population
Total 4,279
Male 2,188
Female 2,091

Households of Chikkanargund

There are about 849 houses in the Chikkanargund. The average household size in village is about 5 person per house.

Type Stats
Household 849
people / Family 5

Chikkanargund Administration

  • The name of the Gram Panchayat is Chikkanargund
  • The name of the community development block is Nargund
  • The sub district headquarters is located in Nargund. It is located at a distance of 8 km from the village
  • Gadag is the district headquarters. It is located at a distance of 70 km from the village

List Of Nearby Villages of Chikkanargund

The following is a list of nearby villages of Chikkanargund along with nearest town.

Villages Nearest Town
Arban -
Arishinagodi Nargund (8 km)
Banahatti Nargund (6 km)
Belleri Nargund (22 km)
Benakanakoppa Nargund (15 km)
Bhairana Hatti Nargund (7 km)
Budihal Nargund (20 km)
Chikkanargund Nargund (8 km)
Dandapur Nargund (2 km)
Gangapur Nargund (20 km)
Gurlakatti Nargund (8 km)
Hadali Nargund (15 km)
Hirekopppa Nargund (16 km)
Hunashikatti Nargund (6 km)
Jagapur Nargund (8 km)
Kalakeri Nargund (4 km)
Kallapur Nargund (22 km)
Kanakikop Nargund (10 km)
Kappali Nargund (23 km)
Khanapur Nargund (21 km)
Konnur Nargund (18 km)
Kurlageri Nargund (6 km)
Kurugovinakoppa Nargund (16 km)
Lakhamapur Nargund (26 km)
Madagunaki Nargund (8 km)
Muganur Nargund (7 km)
Nargund(Rural) -
Peth -
Radder Naganur Nargund (20 km)
Sankadal Nargund (15 km)
Shirol Nargund (26 km)
Siddapur Nargund (8 km)
Somapur Nargund (2 km)
Surkod Nargund (10 km)
Vasan Nargund (20 km)

Frequently Asked Question About Chikkanargund Village

What is the population of Chikkanargund ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Chikkanargund village is 4,279

What is the pincode of Chikkanargund ?

Pincode of Chikkanargund village is 582207

Which is Taluka of Chikkanargund ?

Nargund is Taluka of Chikkanargund.

Which is district of Chikkanargund ?

Gadag is district of Chikkanargund.


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