
Vijayapura is a village situated in Gundlupet Taluka of Chamarajanagar district in Karnataka, India. This article provides an in depth look at Vijayapura overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of nearby villages of Vijayapura

Name Vijayapura
Taluka Gundlupet
District Chamarajanagar
State Karnataka
Area 273 hectares
Population 95
Household 25
Pincode 571111

Vijayapura Overview

Vijayapura is village in Chamarajanagar district of Karnataka. According to Census 2011, Village code of Vijayapura is 619508. Total area of Vijayapura is 273 hectares. It is situated 2 kilometer from Gundlupet Sub district office and 36 kilometer from Chamarajanagar District office. The pincode of Vijayapura village is 571111.

Population of Vijayapura

As of the 2011 census, Vijayapura has a population of approximately 95 peoples where male population is 53 and female population is 42.

Group Population
Total 95
Male 53
Female 42

Households of Vijayapura

There are about 25 houses in the Vijayapura. The average household size in village is about 4 person per house.

Type Stats
Household 25
people / Family 4

Vijayapura Administration

  • The name of the Gram Panchayat is Baragi
  • The name of the community development block is Gundlupet
  • The sub district headquarters is located in Gundlupet. It is located at a distance of 2 km from the village
  • Chamarajanagar is the district headquarters. It is located at a distance of 36 km from the village

List Of Nearby Villages of Vijayapura

The following is a list of nearby villages of Vijayapura along with nearest town.

Villages Nearest Town
Agathagowdanahalli Gundlupet (16 km)
Alathur Gundlupet (17 km)
Alavady -
Ameerahosahalli -
Ankahalli Gundlupet (10 km)
Annur Gundlupet (4 km)
Arepura Nanjangud (17 km)
Bachahalli Gundlupet (18 km)
Bachanahalli Gundlupet (15 km)
Balachavady Gundlupet (16 km)
Ballahalli Gundlupet (20 km)
Banagavadi -
Bandipura Gundlupet (18 km)
Bandipura District Forest -
Bandipura State Forest -
Bannithalapura Gundlupet (4 km)
Baragi Gundlupet (13 km)
Basavapura Gundlupet (4 km)
Begur Gundlupet (15 km)
Belachalavadi Gundlupet (18 km)
Belakuppe Gundlupet (19 km)
Belavadi Gundlupet (14 km)
Bendagalli Gundlupet (12 km)
Bendaravadi Gundlupet (8 km)
Berambadi Gundlupet (17 km)
Berambadi District Forest -
Berambadi State Forest Gundlupet (14 km)
Beratahalli Gundlupet (15 km)
Bettadamadahalli Gundlupet (17 km)
Bettahalli Gundlupet (3 km)
Bheemanabeedu Gundlupet (12 km)
Bhogganapura -
Bommalapura Gundlupet (15 km)
Bommanahalli Gundlupet (25 km)
Channamallipura Gundlupet (16 km)
Chikanapura Gundlupet (10 km)
Chikkathuppur Gundlupet (3 km)
Chikkati Nanjangud (16 km)
Chirakanahalli Gundlupet (23 km)
Daribegur Gundlupet (23 km)
Depapura Gundlupet (16 km)
Deshipura Gundlupet (20 km)
Devalapura -
Devarahalli Gundlupet (7 km)
Doddathuppur Gundlupet (2 km)
Dumdasanapura -
Garaganahalli Gundlupet (8 km)
Guruvinapura Gundlupet (20 km)
Hakkalapura Gundlupet (15 km)
Halladamadahalli Gundlupet (12 km)
Halladapura -
Hanchipura -
Hangala Gundlupet (8 km)
Hangaladahosahalli Gundlupet (7 km)
Hangalapura Gundlupet (10 km)
Hasaguli Gundlupet (12 km)
Heggadahalli Gundlupet (9 km)
Heggavadi Gundlupet (28 km)
Hirikati Nanjangud (14 km)
Honakanahalli Gundlupet (14 km)
Hongahalli Gundlupet (15 km)
Honnegowdanahalli Gundlupet (12 km)
Hooradahalli Gundlupet (16 km)
Horeyala Gundlupet (20 km)
Hosapura Gundlupet (29 km)
Hosur -
Hullana -
Hullepura Gundlupet (10 km)
Hunasinapura Gundlupet (20 km)
Hundipura Gundlupet (12 km)
Huttur Gundlupet (16 km)
Jakkahalli Gundlupet (24 km)
Kabbahalli Gundlupet (14 km)
Kadabur Gundlupet (24 km)
Kaggala Gundlupet (8 km)
Kaligowdanahalli Gundlupet (12 km)
Kallahalli Gundlupet (15 km)
Kallipura Gundlupet (15 km)
Kamarahalli Gundlupet (24 km)
Kandegala Gundlupet (8 km)
Kandegaladahosahalli Gundlupet (15 km)
Kaniyanapura Gundlupet (24 km)
Kannegala Gundlupet (11 km)
Karakalamadahalli Gundlupet (25 km)
Karle Gundlupet (12 km)
Kasavanur -
Kebbepura Gundlupet (13 km)
Kelasur Gundlupet (10 km)
Kelasurupura Gundlupet (5 km)
Kengavadi Gundlupet (24 km)
Kilagere Gundlupet (4 km)
Kodahalli Gundlupet (4 km)
Kodasoge Gundlupet (22 km)
Kotekere Gundlupet (18 km)
Kunagahalli Gundlupet (16 km)
Kundakere Gundlupet (28 km)
Kuthanur Gundlupet (6 km)
Lakkipura Gundlupet (16 km)
Lakkur Gundlupet (18 km)
Lokkere Gundlupet (27 km)
Madahalli Gundlupet (3 km)
Madapattana Gundlupet (20 km)
Maddur Gundlupet (16 km)
Madrahalli Gundlupet (11 km)
Maguvinahallimel Kamanahalli Gundlupet (16 km)
Maidanahalli -
Malapura Gundlupet (22 km)
Malavalli Gundlupet (10 km)
Managalli Gundlupet (2 km)
Manchahalli Gundlupet (13 km)
Mangala Gundlupet (22 km)
Marihosahalli -
Masahalli -
Mayanayakanapura -
Mudagur Gundlupet (15 km)
Mukha Halli Gundlupet (7 km)
Narayanapura -
Nenekatte Gundlupet (12 km)
Nitre Gundlupet (23 km)
Padagur Gundlupet (12 km)
Panjanahalli Gundlupet (2 km)
Paramapura Gundlupet (12 km)
Parvathanapura Gundlupet (20 km)
Passaiahnapura Gundlupet (12 km)
Putthanapura Gundlupet (8 km)
Raghavapura Gundlupet (12 km)
Ramaiahnapura Gundlupet (28 km)
Sampigepura Gundlupet (16 km)
Savakanahalli Gundlupet (15 km)
Seegavadi Gundlupet (23 km)
Sheelavanthapura Gundlupet (18 km)
Shettahalli Gundlupet (15 km)
Shindanapura Gundlupet (10 km)
Shivapura Gundlupet (8 km)
Shyanadrahalli Gundlupet (18 km)
Siddaianapura Gundlupet (11 km)
Siddapura -
Somahalli Gundlupet (15 km)
Somanapura Gundlupet (22 km)
Taggalur Gundlupet (13 km)
Talale Gundlupet (3 km)
Terakanambi Gundlupet (12 km)
Thodipura -
Thondavadi Gundlupet (18 km)
Thoravalli Gundlupet (25 km)
Triyambakapura Gundlupet (10 km)
Vaddagere Gundlupet (25 km)
Vaddana Hosahalli Gundlupet (6 km)
Vaddarahalli Gundlupet (8 km)
Vadeyanapura Gundlupet (15 km)
Vasthilinganapura -
Veeranapura Gundlupet (6 km)
Vijayapura Gundlupet (2 km)
Vijayapura Amani Gundlupet (1 km)
Vodeyanapura Amani Gundlupet (10 km)
Yadavanahalli Gundlupet (24 km)
Yelachatti Gundlupet (26 km)
Yeriyur Gundlupet (24 km)

Frequently Asked Question About Vijayapura Village

What is the population of Vijayapura ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Vijayapura village is 95

What is the pincode of Vijayapura ?

Pincode of Vijayapura village is 571111

Which is Taluka of Vijayapura ?

Gundlupet is Taluka of Vijayapura.

Which is district of Vijayapura ?

Chamarajanagar is district of Vijayapura.


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