
Chutyo is a village situated in Chanho Subdivision of Ranchi district in Jharkhand, India. This article provides an in depth look at Chutyo overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of nearby villages of Chutyo

Name Chutyo
Subdivision Chanho
District Ranchi
State Jharkhand
Area 230 hectares
Population 481
Household 97
Pincode 835301

Chutyo Overview

Chutyo is village in Ranchi district of Jharkhand. According to Census 2011, Village code of Chutyo is 374273. Total area of Chutyo is 230 hectares. It is situated 12 kilometer from Chanho Sub district office and 52 kilometer from Ranchi District office. The pincode of Chutyo village is 835301.

Population of Chutyo

As of the 2011 census, Chutyo has a population of approximately 481 peoples where male population is 233 and female population is 248.

Group Population
Total 481
Male 233
Female 248

Households of Chutyo

There are about 97 houses in the Chutyo. The average household size in village is about 5 person per house.

Type Stats
Household 97
people / Family 5

Chutyo Administration

  • The name of the Gram Panchayat is Murto
  • The name of the community development block is Chanho
  • The sub district headquarters is located in Chanho. It is located at a distance of 12 km from the village
  • Ranchi is the district headquarters. It is located at a distance of 52 km from the village

List Of Nearby Villages of Chutyo

The following is a list of nearby villages of Chutyo along with nearest town.

Villages Nearest Town
Ara Ranchi (45 km)
Bachhau Ranchi (43 km)
Badri Ranchi (40 km)
Balsokra Ranchi (48 km)
Barhe Ranchi (35 km)
Bejang -
Betlangi Ranchi (43 km)
Beyasi Ranchi (57 km)
Birra Ranchi (44 km)
Buchaopa Ranchi (50 km)
Chaliyo Ranchi (35 km)
Chama Ranchi (48 km)
Chamranga Ranchi (55 km)
Chancho Ranchi (35 km)
Chanho -
Chatwal Ranchi (42 km)
Chora Ranchi (48 km)
Choreya Ranchi (33 km)
Chutyo Ranchi (52 km)
Ganeshpur Ranchi (45 km)
Goke Ranchi (60 km)
Gutua Ranchi (32 km)
Harra Ranchi (30 km)
Hatri Ranchi (37 km)
Hondpiri Ranchi (55 km)
Honhe Ranchi (55 km)
Hurhuri Ranchi (48 km)
Hutar Ranchi (34 km)
Jaipur Ranchi (44 km)
Kamta Ranchi (40 km)
Kanjgi Ranchi (58 km)
Karambo Ranchi (40 km)
Karkat Ranchi (32 km)
Kataiya -
Koko Ranchi (40 km)
Kullu Ranchi (55 km)
Lepsar Ranchi (30 km)
Lundri -
Lupunga Ranchi (50 km)
Lurangi Ranchi (55 km)
Madai -
Madhukam Ranchi (30 km)
Mahthatoli Ranchi (30 km)
Masmano Ranchi (40 km)
Melani Ranchi (50 km)
Murto Ranchi (53 km)
Naudi Ranchi (52 km)
Nunhu -
Opa Ranchi (38 km)
Pakaria -
Patratu Ranchi (45 km)
Patuk Ranchi (43 km)
Pondri Ranchi (48 km)
Raghunathpur Ranchi (40 km)
Rakadih -
Ramdaga Ranchi (55 km)
Rol (Rola) Ranchi (38 km)
Silagain Ranchi (47 km)
Sisai Ranchi (60 km)
Sonchipi -
Sonrkhap Ranchi (56 km)
Sons Ranchi (44 km)
Soparam Ranchi (35 km)
Sukurhutte Ranchi (39 km)
Tala Ranchi (45 km)
Tangar -
Taranga Ranchi (40 km)

Frequently Asked Question About Chutyo Village

What is the population of Chutyo ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Chutyo village is 481

What is the pincode of Chutyo ?

Pincode of Chutyo village is 835301

Which is Subdivision of Chutyo ?

Chanho is Subdivision of Chutyo.

Which is district of Chutyo ?

Ranchi is district of Chutyo.


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