
Batrikkund is a village situated in Pakuria Subdivision of Pakur district in Jharkhand, India. This article provides an in depth look at Batrikkund overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of nearby villages of Batrikkund

Name Batrikkund
Subdivision Pakuria
District Pakur
State Jharkhand
Area 39 hectares
Population 207
Household 49
Pincode 816117

Batrikkund Overview

Batrikkund is village in Pakur district of Jharkhand. According to Census 2011, Village code of Batrikkund is 360938. Total area of Batrikkund is 39 hectares. It is situated 3 kilometer from Pakuria Sub district office and 55 kilometer from Pakur District office. The pincode of Batrikkund village is 816117.

Population of Batrikkund

As of the 2011 census, Batrikkund has a population of approximately 207 peoples where male population is 102 and female population is 105.

Group Population
Total 207
Male 102
Female 105

Households of Batrikkund

There are about 49 houses in the Batrikkund. The average household size in village is about 4 person per house.

Type Stats
Household 49
people / Family 4

Batrikkund Administration

  • The name of the Gram Panchayat is Tatulia
  • The name of the community development block is Pakuria
  • The sub district headquarters is located in Pakuria. It is located at a distance of 3 km from the village
  • Pakur is the district headquarters. It is located at a distance of 55 km from the village

List Of Nearby Villages of Batrikkund

The following is a list of nearby villages of Batrikkund along with nearest town.

Villages Nearest Town
Aludaha -
Amkona -
Angargaria -
Azimgarh -
Babuijhuti -
Bagrapara -
Bagrapara -
Baktarpur -
Balia Katra -
Balidih -
Bandigha Nalhadi (24 km)
Bangabari -
Baniaposa -
Bannagram -
Bara Sapadaha -
Bara Singpur -
Baramasia -
Baramasia -
Baraudali -
Bartala Nalhati (25 km)
Bartala -
Basantpur -
Basitkund -
Bathanpahari -
Batrikkund Nalhati (24 km)
Baurbila -
Bena Kunri -
Bhalko -
Bhalukchua -
Bhandibon -
Bichpahari -
Bijaipur -
Birajpur -
Bishunpur -
Bishunpur -
Chak Pakuria -
Chakladanga -
Chandna -
Chandpur Nalhari (28 km)
Charkadanga Nalhati (22 km)
Chaukisala -
Chengagaria -
Chhota Sapadaha -
Chhota Singpur -
Chhotaudalbanipahari -
Chhotaudalbanipahari -
Chhotaudali -
Chunpura Nalhati (23 km)
Dalahi -
Dalahi -
Daldali -
Damohani -
Dhawadangal -
Dhawbona -
Dhekiduha -
Dholkata -
Domangaria Nakhati (22 km)
Dukhu Baramasia -
Dumarsal Nalhati (22 km)
Dumgi Baramasia -
Durgapur -
Gadrosal -
Gaipathar -
Gangulia -
Ghurni -
Gobindpur -
Golpur -
Gopalnagar Nalhati (22 km)
Gopinathpur -
Gunpur -
Hakimpur -
Haripur -
Isanpur -
Jagrukunra -
Jamsal Nalhati (20 km)
Jharia -
Joggaria -
Junka -
Kalipur -
Kalyanpur -
Kamarpokhar -
Karmanala -
Karmatanr -
Khagachua -
Khaksa -
Khejurchua Nalhati (22 km)
Khejurdangal -
Khospokhar -
Kotaldighi -
Kuchia Bathan -
Lakdom -
Lakhijol Nalhati (22 km)
Lakhipokhar -
Lakra Pahari -
Ledhapara -
Madhupur Talhari (20 km)
Maheshkata -
Mahuligaipathar -
Mahulpahari -
Majhopara -
Mangla Bandh -
Marganwa -
Matialghati -
Meliachuan -
Mohanpur -
Murgadanga -
Namo Parkura -
Nunadanga -
Orpara -
Pakuria -
Palasi -
Paliadaha -
Parolla Nahari (20 km)
Pathar Bhanga -
Pathradaha -
Patpahari -
Phuljhanjhri -
Phulpani -
Pitalgaria -
Radhanagar -
Rajadaha -
Rajapur -
Rajbari Nalhati (18 km)
Rajpokhar -
Ramdebkuri Nalhadi (22 km)
Ramghati -
Rampur -
Sagberia -
Saharpur -
Salgadih -
Salgapara -
Salgapara -
Salpani -
Sarsa Bandh -
Shridharpara -
Sibrat Nalhati (22 km)
Sidpur -
Sikharpasni -
Sindrisal -
Siulibana -
Solla -
Srirampur Alhati (22 km)
Surjadih -
Syamsundarpur -
Taldih -
Taloa -
Tegharia -
Tereldih -
Tetulia -
Thakurpur -
Tiladanga -
Tilberia -
Tinsimani Mahulpaahari -
Udaipur -
Umapahari -
Uparparkura Nalhati (22 km)

Frequently Asked Question About Batrikkund Village

What is the population of Batrikkund ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Batrikkund village is 207

What is the pincode of Batrikkund ?

Pincode of Batrikkund village is 816117

Which is Subdivision of Batrikkund ?

Pakuria is Subdivision of Batrikkund.

Which is district of Batrikkund ?

Pakur is district of Batrikkund.


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