
Chehni is a village situated in Sunderbani Tehsil of Rajouri district in Jammu & Kashmir, India. This article provides an in depth look at Chehni overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of nearby villages of Chehni

Name Chehni
Tehsil Sunderbani
District Rajouri
State Jammu & Kashmir
Area 1,764 hectares
Population 3,278
Household 733
Pincode 185152

Chehni Overview

Chehni is village in Rajouri district of Jammu & Kashmir. According to Census 2011, Village code of Chehni is 1611. Total area of Chehni is 1,764 hectares. It is situated 13 kilometer from Sunderbani Sub district office and 78 kilometer from Rajouri District office. The pincode of Chehni village is 185152.

Population of Chehni

As of the 2011 census, Chehni has a population of approximately 3278 peoples where male population is 1701 and female population is 1,577.

Group Population
Total 3,278
Male 1,701
Female 1,577

Households of Chehni

There are about 733 houses in the Chehni. The average household size in village is about 4 person per house.

Type Stats
Household 733
people / Family 4

Chehni Administration

  • The name of the Gram Panchayat is Chehni
  • The name of the community development block is Sunderbani
  • The sub district headquarters is located in Sunderbani. It is located at a distance of 13 km from the village
  • Rajouri is the district headquarters. It is located at a distance of 78 km from the village

List Of Nearby Villages of Chehni

The following is a list of nearby villages of Chehni along with nearest town.

Villages Nearest Town
Bakhar Sunderbani (10 km)
Balchaman Sunderbani (12 km)
Bamlia Sunderbani (13 km)
Bandrahi Rajouri (10 km)
Barnara Sunderbani (6 km)
Basant Pur Sunderbani (12 km)
Bhajwal -
Chak Nawabad Sunderbani (12 km)
Chak Tawela Sunderbani (12 km)
Changi Kangrial -
Chehni Sunderbani (13 km)
Deoli Sunberbani (11 km)
Devak Sunderbani (10 km)
Dhar -
Dhok Bainar Sunderbani (20 km)
Forest Block Sunderbani (15 km)
Gandeh -
Ghantha Sunderrbani (14 km)
Goraha Charala Sunderbani (7 km)
Hathal Sunderbani (25 km)
Kaldubi -
Kangri Sunderbani (12 km)
Langar Sunderbani (5 km)
Lohara Kot -
Makol Sunderbani (7 km)
Manikah Sunderbani (22 km)
Marchola Rajouri (8 km)
Mawa -
Nah Sunderbani (20 km)
Nala Sunderbani (8 km)
Nauti Sunderbani (7 km)
Owna Sunderbani (13 km)
Patni Sunderbani (25 km)
Patrara -
Patrat Sunderbani (8 km)
Peli -
Phal Sunderbani (8 km)
Sehia Sunderbani (0 km)
Sehot Sunderbani (13 km)
Thanda Pani Sunderbani (8 km)
Thangrot Sunderbani (10 km)
Thichka Sunderbani (16 km)
Tila Tanda Sunderbani (10 km)

Frequently Asked Question About Chehni Village

What is the population of Chehni ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Chehni village is 3,278

What is the pincode of Chehni ?

Pincode of Chehni village is 185152

Which is Tehsil of Chehni ?

Sunderbani is Tehsil of Chehni.

Which is district of Chehni ?

Rajouri is district of Chehni.


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