
Mao is a village situated in Pataudi Tehsil of Gurgaon district in Haryana, India. This article provides an in depth look at Mao overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of nearby villages of Mao

Name Mao
Tehsil Pataudi
District Gurgaon
State Haryana
Area 614 hectares
Population 2,265
Household 362
Pincode 123414

Mao Overview

Mao is village in Gurgaon district of Haryana. According to Census 2011, Village code of Mao is 62787. Total area of Mao is 614 hectares. It is situated 10 kilometer from Pataudi Sub district office and 38 kilometer from Gurgaon District office. The pincode of Mao village is 123414.

Population of Mao

As of the 2011 census, Mao has a population of approximately 2265 peoples where male population is 1168 and female population is 1,097.

Group Population
Total 2,265
Male 1,168
Female 1,097

Households of Mao

There are about 362 houses in the Mao. The average household size in village is about 6 person per house.

Type Stats
Household 362
people / Family 6

Mao Administration

  • The name of the Gram Panchayat is Mao
  • The name of the community development block is Pataudi
  • The sub district headquarters is located in Pataudi. It is located at a distance of 10 km from the village
  • Gurgaon is the district headquarters. It is located at a distance of 38 km from the village

List Of Nearby Villages of Mao

The following is a list of nearby villages of Mao along with nearest town.

Villages Nearest Town
Ahmdpur Pataudi (11 km)
Bahmanwas Haleymandi (0 km)
Balewa Pataudi (0 km)
Bapas Pataudi (0 km)
Barheri Rehnwa Pataudi (0 km)
Bas Padamka Pataudi (0 km)
Bastpur P;ataudi (0 km)
Bhogpuri Pataudi (11 km)
Bir Khurd Pataudi (1 km)
Brijpura Pataudi (0 km)
Chhawan Pataudi (0 km)
Chhilarki Pataudi (0 km)
Dadawas Pataudi (0 km)
Darapur Pataudi (0 km)
Daultabad Pataudi (0 km)
Dewlawas Pataudi (0 km)
Gadaipur Pataudi (0 km)
Gagli Pataudi (11 km)
Ghilnawas Pataudi (0 km)
Ghudana Haleymandi (0 km)
Goriawas Pataudi (0 km)
Haliaki Haelymandi (0 km)
Hansaka Pataudi (7 km)
Haqdarpur Pataudi (0 km)
Hera Heri Pataudi (0 km)
Husainka Haleymandi (0 km)
Inchhapuri Haleymandi (0 km)
Jasat Pataudi (0 km)
Khalilpur Pataudi (0 km)
Khanpur Pataudi (0 km)
Khetiawas Pataudi (0 km)
Khor Pataudi (0 km)
Lohaka Pataudi (5 km)
Lohchap Pataudi (0 km)
Lokra Pataudi (0 km)
Lokri Pataudi (0 km)
Mangwaki Haelymandi (0 km)
Mao Pataudi (0 km)
Mehaniawas Pataudi (0 km)
Milakpur Pataudi (0 km)
Mirzapur Pataudi (0 km)
Mozamabad Pataudi (0 km)
Mubarikpur Pataudi (5 km)
Mumtajpur Pataudi (0 km)
Muzaphara Alias Mandpura Haleymandi (0 km)
Nanu Khurd Pataudi (0 km)
Nanukalan Pataudi (0 km)
Narhera Pataudi (0 km)
Nurgarh Haelymandi (0 km)
Pahari Pataudi (0 km)
Rajpura Haleymandi (0 km)
Rampur Pataudi (0 km)
Ransika Pataudi (0 km)
Said Shahpur 0pataudi (0 km)
Sapedar Nagar Pataudi (0 km)
Shahpur Jat Haleymandi (0 km)
Sherpur Pataudi (0 km)
Telpuri Pataudi (0 km)
Turkapur Pataudi (0 km)
Uncha Majra Pataudi (0 km)

Frequently Asked Question About Mao Village

What is the population of Mao ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Mao village is 2,265

What is the pincode of Mao ?

Pincode of Mao village is 123414

Which is Tehsil of Mao ?

Pataudi is Tehsil of Mao.

Which is district of Mao ?

Gurgaon is district of Mao.


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