
Borgota is a village situated in Limkheda Taluka of Dohad district in Gujarat, India. This article provides an in depth look at Borgota overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of nearby villages of Borgota

Name Borgota
Taluka Limkheda
District Dohad
State Gujarat
Area 278 hectares
Population 918
Household 162
Pincode 389140

Borgota Overview

Borgota is village in Dohad district of Gujarat. According to Census 2011, Village code of Borgota is 519258. Total area of Borgota is 278 hectares. It is situated 23 kilometer from Limkheda Sub district office and 65 kilometer from Dohad District office. The pincode of Borgota village is 389140.

Population of Borgota

As of the 2011 census, Borgota has a population of approximately 918 peoples where male population is 466 and female population is 452.

Group Population
Total 918
Male 466
Female 452

Households of Borgota

There are about 162 houses in the Borgota. The average household size in village is about 6 person per house.

Type Stats
Household 162
people / Family 6

Borgota Administration

  • The name of the Gram Panchayat is Borgota
  • The name of the community development block is Limkheda
  • The sub district headquarters is located in Limkheda. It is located at a distance of 23 km from the village
  • Dohad is the district headquarters. It is located at a distance of 65 km from the village

List Of Nearby Villages of Borgota

The following is a list of nearby villages of Borgota along with nearest town.

Villages Nearest Town
Agara (Randhikpur) Jhalod (28 km)
Agara (U) Limkheda (12 km)
Ambava Limkheda (7 km)
Andhari Limkheda (3 km)
Anoppura Limkheda (27 km)
Aroda Limkheda (18 km)
Atarsumba Limkheda (10 km)
Bar Limkheda (12 km)
Bara Limkheda (12 km)
Barela Limkheda (22 km)
Baroda Limkheda (30 km)
Bhanpur (Randhikpur) Limkheda (26 km)
Bhilpaniya Limkheda (12 km)
Bhimpura Limkheda (10 km)
Bhutkhedi Dohad (23 km)
Borgota Limkheda (23 km)
Chachakpur Limkheda (34 km)
Chaidiya Limkheda (15 km)
Chatki Limkheda (10 km)
Chhaparvad Limkheda (20 km)
Chhapri Jhalod (28 km)
Chilakota Dohad (24 km)
Choki Limkheda (20 km)
Chopat Palli Limkheda (4 km)
Chunddi Limkheda (32 km)
Dabhada Limkheda (5 km)
Dakara Limkheda (8 km)
Dantiya Limkheda (4 km)
Dasa Limkheda (21 km)
Degawada Limkheda (3 km)
Devdhi Limkheda (12 km)
Dhabudi Limkheda (15 km)
Dhadhela Limkheda (10 km)
Dhamanbari Limkheda (17 km)
Dhanpur (Du) Limkheda (10 km)
Dudhiya Limkheda (5 km)
Dudhiyadhara Limkheda (8 km)
Dungara Limkheda (10 km)
Fatepura Limkheda (11 km)
Fofan Limkheda (15 km)
Fulpari Limkheda (10 km)
Ghuntiya Limkheda (22 km)
Goriya Limkheda (7 km)
Gumni (Du) Limkheda (8 km)
Handi Jhalod (28 km)
Hathiyavan Limkheda (24 km)
Hirapur Limkheda (15 km)
Humadpur Limkheda (15 km)
Jada Kheriya Limkheda (20 km)
Jamadra Limkheda (15 km)
Jamri Limkheda (25 km)
Jetpur (Du) Limkheda (5 km)
Jetpur (R) Limkheda (18 km)
Juna Vadiya Limkheda (10 km)
Kakri Dungari Limkheda (7 km)
Kaliya Gota Limkheda (20 km)
Kaliyarai Limkheda (21 km)
Kamboi Limkheda (15 km)
Karmadi Limkheda (23 km)
Katarani Palli Limkheda (30 km)
Katholiya Limkheda (25 km)
Kelkuva Limkheda (30 km)
Kesharpura Limkheda (15 km)
Khadada (Umariya) Dohad (15 km)
Khirkhai Limkheda (9 km)
Khudra Limkheda (22 km)
Khunta Limkheda (20 km)
Kothara Limkheda (7 km)
Kumpur Limkheda (17 km)
Kundha Limkheda (7 km)
Kunlli Limkheda (5 km)
Limbodar Limkheda (20 km)
Lukhawada Limkheda (10 km)
Machhelai Limkheda (15 km)
Malekpur Limkheda (30 km)
Mander Limkheda (30 km)
Mangal Mahudi Dohad (12 km)
Manlli Limkheda (5 km)
Matana Palla Limkheda (30 km)
Methan Limkheda (28 km)
Mota Ambaliya Limkheda (27 km)
Mota Hathidhara Limkheda (3 km)
Motamal Limkheda (6 km)
Moti Bandibar Limkheda (8 km)
Moti Vasvani Limkheda (20 km)
Moti Vav Limkheda (13 km)
Munavani Limkheda (20 km)
Nana Ambaliya Limkheda (26 km)
Nana Hathidhara Limkheda (4 km)
Nana Mal Limkheda (11 km)
Nani Bandibar Limkheda (8 km)
Nani Sanjeli Dohad (23 km)
Nani Vasvani Limkheda (20 km)
Nani Vav Limkheda (12 km)
Nava Vadiya Limkheda (10 km)
Navagam Limkheda (22 km)
Navipuri Dohad (24 km)
Ninamana Khakhariya Limkheda (11 km)
Ninamani Vav Limkheda (14 km)
Pada Limkheda (10 km)
Padaliya Limkheda (10 km)
Padola Limkheda (12 km)
Pahad Limkheda (13 km)
Palla Limkheda (22 km)
Palli Limkheda (2 km)
Pania Limkheda (4 km)
Panivela Limkheda (15 km)
Panta Limkheda (34 km)
Parmarna Dungarpur Jhalod (34 km)
Parmarna Kharkhariya Limkheda (15 km)
Parpata Limkheda (3 km)
Patangadi Limkheda (20 km)
Patdi Limkheda (10 km)
Patwan Limkheda (13 km)
Pipaliya Limkheda (18 km)
Piplapani Limkheda (15 km)
Pipli Dohad (40 km)
Pisoi Limkheda (19 km)
Polisimal Limkheda (11 km)
Pratappura Limkheda (5 km)
Rai Limkheda (14 km)
Randhikpur Limkheda (23 km)
Ranipura Limkheda (17 km)
Rathodna Dungarpur Jhalod (30 km)
Sakariya Limkheda (25 km)
Sangiya Limkheda (22 km)
Sarjumi Limkheda (17 km)
Sati Faliya Limkheda (7 km)
Shasta Limkheda (7 km)
Singapur Limkheda (20 km)
Singvad Limkheda (21 km)
Sudiya Limkheda (21 km)
Surpur (Randhikpur) Jhalod (30 km)
Tarmi Jhalod (24 km)
Timba Limkheda (14 km)
Toyani Limkheda (18 km)
Tunta Ghati Limkheda (15 km)
Umedpura Limkheda (7 km)
Usra Limkheda (13 km)
Vadapipla Limkheda (30 km)
Vadela Limkheda (5 km)
Vaghnala Limkheda (21 km)
Vala Gota Dohad (28 km)
Valundi Limkheda (10 km)
Vanjhariya Limkheda (15 km)
Vateda Limkheda (3 km)
Vislanga Limkheda (17 km)
Zaliya Pada Limkheda (12 km)
Zarola (Du) Limkheda (12 km)
Zarola (Randhikpur) Limkheda (16 km)
Zerjitgadh Limkheda (18 km)

Frequently Asked Question About Borgota Village

What is the population of Borgota ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Borgota village is 918

What is the pincode of Borgota ?

Pincode of Borgota village is 389140

Which is Taluka of Borgota ?

Limkheda is Taluka of Borgota.

Which is district of Borgota ?

Dohad is district of Borgota.


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