Puraini Bansgopal

Puraini Bansgopal is a village situated in Puraini Subdivision of Madhepura district in Bihar, India. This article provides an in depth look at Puraini Bansgopal overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of nearby villages of Puraini Bansgopal

Name Puraini Bansgopal
Subdivision Puraini
District Madhepura
State Bihar
Area 607 hectares
Population 7,722
Household 1,284
Pincode Not Given

Puraini Bansgopal Overview

Puraini Bansgopal is village in Madhepura district of Bihar. According to Census 2011, Village code of Puraini Bansgopal is 226155. Total area of Puraini Bansgopal is 607 hectares. It is situated 3 kilometer from Puraini Sub district office and 50 kilometer from Madhepura District office.

Population of Puraini Bansgopal

As of the 2011 census, Puraini Bansgopal has a population of approximately 7722 peoples where male population is 4042 and female population is 3,680.

Group Population
Total 7,722
Male 4,042
Female 3,680

Households of Puraini Bansgopal

There are about 1,284 houses in the Puraini Bansgopal. The average household size in village is about 6 person per house.

Type Stats
Household 1,284
people / Family 6

Puraini Bansgopal Administration

  • The name of the Gram Panchayat is Bansgopal
  • The name of the community development block is Puraini
  • The sub district headquarters is located in Puraini. It is located at a distance of 3 km from the village
  • Madhepura is the district headquarters. It is located at a distance of 50 km from the village

List Of Nearby Villages of Puraini Bansgopal

The following is a list of nearby villages of Puraini Bansgopal along with nearest town.

Villages Nearest Town
Amanat Sarkar Murliganj (42 km)
Amanat Sarkar -
Aurahi Murliganj (38 km)
Bagahra Murliganj (35 km)
Basdeopur Murliganj (36 km)
Dumrail Murliganj (35 km)
Durgapur Murliganj (41 km)
Durgapur Arazi -
Ganeshpur Murliganj (41 km)
Harban Singh Naek Jagir -
Kalekhan Naek Jagir Murliganj (42 km)
Kanwanrahi Murliganj (42 km)
Karaman Murliganj (40 km)
Kherho Murliganj (43 km)
Kursandi Murliganj (38 km)
Madantha Milik -
Makhdampur Dhapdhara Murliganj (40 km)
Mohammadpur Balia Murliganj (38 km)
Mwghu Singh Hawaldar Jagir -
Narda Murliganj (36 km)
Nardeh -
Nayatola urf Hamidpur Murliganj (35 km)
Nayatola urf Hamidpur -
Nazar Ali Milik Murliganj (36 km)
Nurullapur urf Jogirar Murliganj (33 km)
Paran Singh Jamadar Jagir -
Puraini Bansgopal Murliganj (35 km)
Puraini Milik -
Purani Murliganj (37 km)
Raota Murliganj (35 km)
Saparda Murliganj (39 km)

Frequently Asked Question About Puraini Bansgopal Village

What is the population of Puraini Bansgopal ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Puraini Bansgopal village is 7,722

Which is Subdivision of Puraini Bansgopal ?

Puraini is Subdivision of Puraini Bansgopal.

Which is district of Puraini Bansgopal ?

Madhepura is district of Puraini Bansgopal.


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