
Griddalur is a village situated in Sydapuram Mandal of Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore district in Andhra Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Griddalur overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of nearby villages of Griddalur

Name Griddalur
Mandal Sydapuram
District Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore
State Andhra Pradesh
Area 2,900 hectares
Population 4,255
Household 1,147
Pincode 524409

Griddalur Overview

Griddalur is village in Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh. According to Census 2011, Village code of Griddalur is 592249. Total area of Griddalur is 2,900 hectares. It is situated 13 kilometer from Sydapuram Sub district office and 51 kilometer from Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore District office. The pincode of Griddalur village is 524409.

Population of Griddalur

As of the 2011 census, Griddalur has a population of approximately 4255 peoples where male population is 2170 and female population is 2,085.

Group Population
Total 4,255
Male 2,170
Female 2,085

Households of Griddalur

There are about 1,147 houses in the Griddalur. The average household size in village is about 4 person per house.

Type Stats
Household 1,147
people / Family 4

Griddalur Administration

  • The name of the Gram Panchayat is Griddaluru
  • The name of the community development block is Sydapuram
  • The sub district headquarters is located in Sydapuram. It is located at a distance of 13 km from the village
  • Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore is the district headquarters. It is located at a distance of 51 km from the village

List Of Nearby Villages of Griddalur

The following is a list of nearby villages of Griddalur along with nearest town.

Villages Nearest Town
Adhvanna Punarayanakattubadi Gudur (23 km)
Ananthamadugu Gudur (21 km)
Chaganam Gudur (23 km)
Cheekavolu Gudur (36 km)
Devaravemur Gudur (35 km)
Edulakhandrika Gudur (28 km)
Griddalur Gudur (28 km)
Gulimcherla Gudur (23 km)
Jaflapuram Gudur (24 km)
Jogipalle Gudur (23 km)
Kalichedu Gudur (30 km)
Komatigunta Rajupalem Gudur (29 km)
Kommipadu Gudur (27 km)
Krishnareddipalle Gudur (29 km)
Lingasamudram Gudur (20 km)
Malichedu Gudur (27 km)
Mittapalle Gudur (25 km)
Molakalapundla Gudur (13 km)
Munagapadu Gudur (31 km)
Nalabotlapalle Gudur (25 km)
Orupalle Gudur (31 km)
Orupalle @ Turimerla Gudur (23 km)
Palur Gudur (22 km)
Pathallapalle Gudur (23 km)
Perumallapadu Gudur (26 km)
Pokkandala Gudur (22 km)
Pothegunta Gudur (30 km)
Raganaramapuram Gudur (19 km)
Ramasagaram Gudur (21 km)
Samudralavari Khandrika Gudur (22 km)
Thimmanaramapuram Gudur (29 km)
Thippireddipalle Gudur (21 km)
Thokalapudi Gudur (22 km)
Tocham Gudur (30 km)
Utukur Gudur (21 km)
Vemulachedu Gudur (26 km)

Frequently Asked Question About Griddalur Village

What is the population of Griddalur ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Griddalur village is 4,255

What is the pincode of Griddalur ?

Pincode of Griddalur village is 524409

Which is Mandal of Griddalur ?

Sydapuram is Mandal of Griddalur.

Which is district of Griddalur ?

Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore is district of Griddalur.


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