Chundi is a village situated in Voletivaripalem Mandal of Prakasam district in Andhra Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Chundi overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of nearby villages of Chundi
Name | Chundi |
Mandal | Voletivaripalem |
District | Prakasam |
State | Andhra Pradesh |
Area | 3,072 hectares |
Population | 4,350 |
Household | 1,002 |
Pincode | 523116 |
Chundi Overview
Chundi is village in Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh. According to Census 2011, Village code of Chundi is 591511. Total area of Chundi is 3,072 hectares. It is situated 5 kilometer from Voletivaripalem Sub district office and 78 kilometer from Prakasam District office. The pincode of Chundi village is 523116.
Population of Chundi
As of the 2011 census, Chundi has a population of approximately 4350 peoples where male population is 2248 and female population is 2,102.
Group | Population |
Total | 4,350 |
Male | 2,248 |
Female | 2,102 |
Households of Chundi
There are about 1,002 houses in the Chundi. The average household size in village is about 4 person per house.
Type | Stats |
Household | 1,002 |
people / Family | 4 |
Chundi Administration
- The name of the Gram Panchayat is Chundi, Ammapalem
- The name of the community development block is Voletivaripalem
- The sub district headquarters is located in Voletivaripalem. It is located at a distance of 5 km from the village
- Prakasam is the district headquarters. It is located at a distance of 78 km from the village
List Of Nearby Villages of Chundi
The following is a list of nearby villages of Chundi along with nearest town.
Villages | Nearest Town |
Ayyavaripalle | Kandukur (31 km) |
Chundi | Kandukur (28 km) |
East Polineni Palem | Kandukur (21 km) |
Kakutur | Kandukur (3 km) |
Kalavalla | Kandukur (20 km) |
Kondareddipalem | Kandukur (13 km) |
Kondasamudram | Kandukur (19 km) |
Naladalapur | Kandukur (16 km) |
Nawabpalem | Kandukur (28 km) |
Nekunam Puram K.Kandrika | Kandukur (12 km) |
Nekunampuram @ Pokur | Kandukur (12 km) |
Nukavaram | Kandukur (10 km) |
Polineni Cheruvu | Kandukur (31 km) |
Ramachandrapuram | Kandukur (28 km) |
Ramalingapuram | Kandukur (34 km) |
Sakhavaram | Kandukur (16 km) |
Sameerapalem | Kandukur (16 km) |
Singamnenipalle | Kandukur (12 km) |
Veeranna Palem | Kandukur (30 km) |
Voletivaripalem | Kandukur (23 km) |
Z.Uppalapadu | Kandukur (21 km) |
Frequently Asked Question About Chundi Village
What is the population of Chundi ?
As of the 2011 census, The population of Chundi village is 4,350
What is the pincode of Chundi ?
Pincode of Chundi village is 523116
Which is Mandal of Chundi ?
Voletivaripalem is Mandal of Chundi.
Which is district of Chundi ?
Prakasam is district of Chundi.