
Punugodu is a village situated in Kanigiri Mandal of Prakasam district in Andhra Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Punugodu overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of nearby villages of Punugodu

Name Punugodu
Mandal Kanigiri
District Prakasam
State Andhra Pradesh
Area 2,213 hectares
Population 2,133
Household 516
Pincode 523254

Punugodu Overview

Punugodu is village in Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh. According to Census 2011, Village code of Punugodu is 591257. Total area of Punugodu is 2,213 hectares. It is situated 8 kilometer from Kanigiri Sub district office and 88 kilometer from Prakasam District office. The pincode of Punugodu village is 523254.

Population of Punugodu

As of the 2011 census, Punugodu has a population of approximately 2133 peoples where male population is 1116 and female population is 1,017.

Group Population
Total 2,133
Male 1,116
Female 1,017

Households of Punugodu

There are about 516 houses in the Punugodu. The average household size in village is about 4 person per house.

Type Stats
Household 516
people / Family 4

Punugodu Administration

  • The name of the Gram Panchayat is Punugodu
  • The name of the community development block is Kanigiri
  • The sub district headquarters is located in Kanigiri. It is located at a distance of 8 km from the village
  • Prakasam is the district headquarters. It is located at a distance of 88 km from the village

List Of Nearby Villages of Punugodu

The following is a list of nearby villages of Punugodu along with nearest town.

Villages Nearest Town
Ayyanapalem Kandukur (57 km)
Baduguleru Kandukur (62 km)
Balavenkata Puram Kandukur (66 km)
Balli Palle Kandukur (67 km)
Bommireddi Palle Kandukur (61 km)
Chakirala Kandukur (54 km)
Challagirigala Kandukur (55 km)
Chennakesavapuram Kandukur (60 km)
China Irlapadu Kandukur (44 km)
Chinaalavala Padu Kandukur (60 km)
Chirla Dinne Kandukur (68 km)
Dirisavancha Kandukur (59 km)
Ganuga Penta Kandukur (63 km)
Gosulaveedu Kandukur (48 km)
Gudipadu Kandukur (72 km)
Guravajipeta Kandukur (74 km)
Hazis Puram Kandukur (39 km)
Jammalamadaka Kandukur (74 km)
Kalagatla Kandukur (56 km)
Kanchipuram Kandukur (60 km)
Kodigudla Padu (West) Kandukur (43 km)
Krishna Puram Kandukur (79 km)
Lingojipuram Kandukur (57 km)
Nimma Maheswarapuram Kandukur (56 km)
Peramgudi Palle Kandukur (45 km)
Polavaram Kandukur (56 km)
Punugodu Kandukur (57 km)
Punugodu Khandrika Kandukur (60 km)
Rachagundlapadu Kandukur (57 km)
Sankavaram Kandukur (47 km)
Somanapalle Kandukur (46 km)
Takkellapadu Kandukur (60 km)
Tallur Kandukur (66 km)
Thummagunta Kandukur (54 km)
Umamaheswarapuram Kandukur (57 km)
Vangapadu Kandukur (77 km)
Vijaya Gopala Puram Kandukur (64 km)
Viswanadha Puram Kandukur (69 km)
Yadavalli Kandukur (61 km)

Frequently Asked Question About Punugodu Village

What is the population of Punugodu ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Punugodu village is 2,133

What is the pincode of Punugodu ?

Pincode of Punugodu village is 523254

Which is Mandal of Punugodu ?

Kanigiri is Mandal of Punugodu.

Which is district of Punugodu ?

Prakasam is district of Punugodu.


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