Marripalem is a village situated in Dornala Mandal of Prakasam district in Andhra Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Marripalem overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of nearby villages of Marripalem
Name | Marripalem |
Mandal | Dornala |
District | Prakasam |
State | Andhra Pradesh |
Area | 49 hectares |
Population | 418 |
Household | 104 |
Pincode | 523331 |
Marripalem Overview
Marripalem is village in Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh. According to Census 2011, Village code of Marripalem is 590588. Total area of Marripalem is 49 hectares. It is situated 13 kilometer from Dornala Sub district office and 140 kilometer from Prakasam District office. The pincode of Marripalem village is 523331.
Population of Marripalem
As of the 2011 census, Marripalem has a population of approximately 418 peoples where male population is 225 and female population is 193.
Group | Population |
Total | 418 |
Male | 225 |
Female | 193 |
Households of Marripalem
There are about 104 houses in the Marripalem. The average household size in village is about 4 person per house.
Type | Stats |
Household | 104 |
people / Family | 4 |
Marripalem Administration
- The name of the Gram Panchayat is Peda Bommala Puram
- The name of the community development block is Dornala
- The sub district headquarters is located in Dornala. It is located at a distance of 13 km from the village
- Prakasam is the district headquarters. It is located at a distance of 140 km from the village
List Of Nearby Villages of Marripalem
The following is a list of nearby villages of Marripalem along with nearest town.
Villages | Nearest Town |
Ayinamukkala | Markapur (34 km) |
Chilaka Cherla Gudem | Markapur (53 km) |
China Arutla | Markapur (64 km) |
China Dornala | Markapur (26 km) |
China Manthanala | Markapur (59 km) |
Chinthala | Markapur (41 km) |
Dornala | Markapur (32 km) |
Kata Kani Palle | Markapur (28 km) |
Marripalem | Markapur (45 km) |
Nalla Guntla Gudem | Markapur (58 km) |
Nallaguntla | Markapur (57 km) |
Peda Arutla | Markapur (74 km) |
Peda Bommala Puram | Markapur (35 km) |
Pedachama | Markapur (54 km) |
Pedamanthanala | Markapur (57 km) |
Rolla Penta | Markapur (67 km) |
Thummala Bayalu | Markapur (54 km) |
Yadavalli | Markapur (35 km) |
Yeguva Cherlo Palle | Markapur (48 km) |
Frequently Asked Question About Marripalem Village
What is the population of Marripalem ?
As of the 2011 census, The population of Marripalem village is 418
What is the pincode of Marripalem ?
Pincode of Marripalem village is 523331
Which is Mandal of Marripalem ?
Dornala is Mandal of Marripalem.
Which is district of Marripalem ?
Prakasam is district of Marripalem.