
Jalpaiguri is a district and city located in West Bengal State of India. This article provides an in depth look at Jalpaiguri district overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of its Subdivision or sub-districts.

Jalpaiguri District overview

Jalpaiguri is Town in West Bengal serves as administrative headquarter of Jalpaiguri district. Total area of Jalpaiguri District is 6,227 km² including 5,860 km² rural area and 367 km² urban area. There are 13 Subdivisions part of Jalpaiguri District for administrative purpose. When it about rural area of Jalpaiguri District, Jalpaiguri has 733 villages.

Kalchini is the largest tehsil in Jalpaiguri district by area covering 1020.17 km2 and Matiali is the smallest tehsil in Jalpaiguri district by area covering 230.537 km2. Dhupguri is the largest tehsil by population while Matiali is the smallest tehsil by population in Jalpaiguri district.

Population of Jalpaiguri District

As of the 2011 census, Jalpaiguri district has a population of approximately 3,872,846 peoples which is divided into urban population of 1,060,351 and rular population of 2,812,495. The population density in Jalpaiguri region is about 621.9 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 1,983,064 1,889,782 3,872,846
Rural 1,437,286 1,375,209 2,812,495
Urban 545,778 514,573 1,060,351

Households of Jalpaiguri District

There are about 868,326 houses in the district, including 243,311 urban houses and 625,015 rural houses. The average household size is about 4.46 people

Type Households
Total 868,326
Rural 625,015
Urban 243,311

List Of Subdivision in Jalpaiguri District

Jalpaiguri district is divided into several Subdivisions or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 13 tehsils in Jalpaiguri district. Each tehsil is headed by a Tehsildar, who is responsible for revenue administration and law and order. The following is a list of Subdivision in Jalpaiguri:

Subdivision Area(km²) Population
Alipurduar I 347.7 216,931
Alipurduar II 313.3 218,272
Dhupguri 494.9 414,854
Falakata 283.2 290,722
Jalpaiguri 502.1 323,445
Kalchini 1,020.2 298,458
Kumargram 465.5 199,609
Madarihat 352.9 202,026
Mal 563.3 299,556
Matiali 230.5 117,540
Maynaguri 470.2 329,032
Nagrakata 457.6 127,397
Rajganj 658.4 373,776

Frequently Asked Question About Jalpaiguri District

How many villages are there in Jalpaiguri district ?

There are 733 villages in the Jalpaiguri district.

What is the population of Jalpaiguri district ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Jalpaiguri district is 3,872,846

How many town or city are there in Jalpaiguri district ?

There are 39 town or city in the Jalpaiguri district.

How many Subdivision in Jalpaiguri district ?

There are 13 Subdivision in Jalpaiguri district.

Which is the largest Subdivision in Jalpaiguri district

Kalchini is the largest Subdivision in Jalpaiguri district.

Which is the smallest Subdivision in Jalpaiguri district ?

Matiali is the smallest Subdivision in Jalpaiguri district.

Which is the most populated Subdivision in Jalpaiguri district ?

Dhupguri is the most populated Subdivision in Jalpaiguri district.

Which is the least populated Subdivision in Jalpaiguri district ?

Matiali is the most least populated Subdivision in Jalpaiguri district.


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