
Jakhnidhar is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Uttarakhand, India. This article provides an in depth look at Jakhnidhar Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Jakhnidhar Tehsil.

Jakhnidhar Tehsil Overview

Jakhnidhar is Town and sub district in Tehri Garhwal district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Jakhnidhar Tahsil. Total area of Jakhnidhar is 137 km² including 137 km² rural area and 0 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Jakhnidhar sub district, There are 138 villages in Jakhnidhar Tehsil.

Population of Jakhnidhar Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Jakhnidhar has a population of approximately 32,753 peoples which is divided into urban population is 0 and rular population is 32,753 The population density in Jakhnidhar sub district region is about 239 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 14,992 17,761 32,753
Rural 14,992 17,761 32,753
Urban 0 0 0

Households of Jakhnidhar Tehsil

There are about 7,955 houses in the Jakhnidhar sub district, including 0 urban houses and 7,955 rural houses. The average household size in Jakhnidhar sub district is about 4.12 person per household.

Type Households
Total 7,955
Rural 7,955
Urban 0

List Of Villages in Jakhnidhar Tehsil

Jakhnidhar district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 138 villages in Jakhnidhar Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Jakhnidhar Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Akhori Sain 25.38 192
Ali Malli 91.31 127
Ali Talli 36.61 41
Amelda 80.59 217
Andrethi 58.48 124
Badera 28.58 44
Badera 16.96 79
Bagi Semaltiyun Ki 11.87 8
Bainsoli Malli 59.42 115
Bainsoli Talli 61.4 289
Barkot 87.78 98
Bartyakund 25.86 24
Baunstha 68.49 105
Belkandi 44.63 83
Bhadli 47.43 116
Bhasho 20.28 66
Bhatkanda 132.82 287
Bhatkanda 17.38 102
Bhatkot 8.68 30
Borgaon 10.62 65
Chahgadoliya 339.16 1373
Chaka Pichwara 53.95 150
Chaknauli 16.35 0
Chami 40.74 124
Chaund Jaspur 152.46 461
Chaundi 30.26 64
Chaunra 27.84 57
Chhadiyara 32.32 176
Chhadiyara Malla 33.08 233
Chhadiyara Talla 16 75
Chheti 430.21 576
Chholgaon 145.47 673
Chopra 57.42 341
Churerna 18.57 54
Danoli 148.09 393
Dapoli May Kalana 40.58 262
Dasoli 99.25 366
Dharun 13.73 106
Dobh 198.57 345
Dyuradi Chak 37.22 13
Gadugad 58.75 231
Gainwali May Dawaisari 249.28 782
Garakot 219.46 538
Gaunsari 54.87 167
Genwali 129.15 442
Ghogas 38.5 129
Gothiyara 8.51 26
Haljent 50.05 38
Jagdhar 128.48 318
Jagethi 76.98 139
Jamtee 86.3 195
Jelam 65.68 732
Kafalna 21.45 147
Kail Bagi 70.47 47
Kaintholi 35.52 158
Kakraru 12.57 2
Kanda Dangi 143.4 179
Kandi 71.19 145
Kandiyal Gaon 48.02 177
Karakot 50.67 126
Karas 42.9 287
Kashi Gaon 14.94 188
Khand 31.67 106
Khandi Maya Kafali 150.83 189
Khastal Talla 68.5 65
KhitBidi 47.36 38
Khon Bagi 125.44 345
Khstal Malla 13.56 49
Kot 79.51 119
Kothiya 29.19 103
Koti 122.79 179
Koti Khas 302.61 1037
Koti-Tyunsa 114.75 226
Kulakandi 107.64 333
Kuler 64.86 92
Kumai Gaon 107.26 0
Kumardhar Maya Maroda 373.97 521
Kumrada 76.35 164
Kwanli 39.26 476
Lawaigaon 54.11 307
Lonthar 35.4 88
Mairaf Malla 37.14 167
Mairaf Talla 30.16 105
Malyakot 33.32 222
Manthal 66.86 260
Marora 124.68 338
Mathiyali 91.1 510
Mengwali 56.3 1040
Moli May Sunaldi 101.66 772
Molkhali Chak 17.09 92
Nandgaon 57.09 486
Nandoli 30.09 199
Nauli 153.24 22
Nawakot 295.08 1102
Negiyana 41.57 75
Nirali 25.42 83
Paindula 78.18 187
Pajiyara 68.37 195
Pali 24.89 85
Palkot 21.92 133
Panchoor 269.58 623
Parsari 48.65 167
Pata Palla 35.72 90
Pata Walla 25.67 117
Patoi Gaon 5.15 53
Petaw 139.68 486
Phakwa Chak 44.89 49
Pipola 146.29 523
Polkhand 6.3 36
Pulan 208.44 0
Punadu 61.94 194
Ragara Pipola 293.66 623
Rama 62.45 156
Raswari 22.26 193
Ratoli 225.68 1183
Raud Lagga Dharun 99.33 286
Raunthi 25.92 33
Rudoli 12.29 11
Sandankot 150.19 354
Sankuld 42.36 56
Sapla 31.61 56
Sema 41.55 157
Shrikot 126.98 179
Simlasu 87.24 232
Singoli Malli 39 41
Singoli Talli 50.8 27
Sirau 9.16 61
Sondhar 145.05 430
Swari 123.44 788
Swati 24.69 76
Syuta 69.59 148
Takoli 47.96 229
Tehri Range (P-2) 0.17 37
Tipri 273.07 697
Titriya Tipri 17.18 67
Undoli 46.24 201
Uthar 60.66 337
Vichitarpur 64.56 0

Frequently Asked Question About Jakhnidhar Tehsil

How many villages are there in Jakhnidhar Tehsil ?

There are 138 villages in the Jakhnidhar Tehsil.

Is Jakhnidhar is rural or urban ?

Jakhnidhar is urban area.

What is the population of Jakhnidhar Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Jakhnidhar Tehsil is 32,753

How many town or city are there in Jakhnidhar Tehsil ?

There are 0 town or city in the Jakhnidhar Tehsil.


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