
Tundla is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Tundla Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Tundla Tehsil.

Tundla Tehsil Overview

Tundla is Town and sub district in Firozabad district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Tundla Tahsil. Total area of Tundla is 386 km² including 369 km² rural area and 16 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Tundla sub district, There are 98 villages in Tundla Tehsil.

Population of Tundla Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Tundla has a population of approximately 361,489 peoples which is divided into urban population is 64,906 and rular population is 296,583 The population density in Tundla sub district region is about 937 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 193,631 167,858 361,489
Rural 159,454 137,129 296,583
Urban 34,177 30,729 64,906

Households of Tundla Tehsil

There are about 58,949 houses in the Tundla sub district, including 11,356 urban houses and 47,593 rural houses. The average household size in Tundla sub district is about 6.13 person per household.

Type Households
Total 58,949
Rural 47,593
Urban 11,356

List Of Villages in Tundla Tehsil

Tundla district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 98 villages in Tundla Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Tundla Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
|Kutubpur Jarkhi 138.51 1023
Alai 426.97 3627
Alawalpur 105.55 660
Anandpur 120 682
Anwara 692.06 7945
Bachhgaon 269.1 5044
Badanpur 100 498
Baghai 388.8 2483
Baghai 263.59 846
Bankat 280.04 2402
Basai 275.63 2432
Bhainsabrijpur 245.8 1317
Bhikanpur Bajhera 723.31 1963
Bhondela 147.94 1328
Chhakau 244.13 2554
Chhitrai 207.05 2360
Chulhaoli 787.09 7151
Danauli 233.55 1993
Deo Khera 865.14 6801
Dharampur 106.93 1162
Dhir Pur 2464.1 14478
Eta 183.31 1380
Garai Thakur 95.13 821
Garhi Bhopal 133.6 719
Garhi Fateh 112.46 694
Garhi Harrai 163.05 1411
Garhi Nirbhai 121.23 3156
Garhi Purani 109.36 1164
Garhi Sidhari 80.89 1678
Garhi Ummed 112.03 302
Garhijafar 169.08 2669
Garhiranchhor 225.51 1545
Ghirauli 258.11 1963
Gothua 470.26 2758
Guarinagla Singhi 1697.59 6113
Hazratpur 234.57 2715
Hemrajpur 158.3 1351
Himmatpur 670.5 7230
Husainpur 149.78 1102
Jaj Pur 477.35 1439
Jarauli Kalan 689.54 6171
Jarauli Khurd 182.92 3094
Jarkhi 251.76 1468
Jondhri 318.51 2406
Kartiki 938.33 4833
Khera Langar 192.49 1593
Kheria Jarkhi 142.52 747
Khushhal Pur 107.2 730
Kotki 538.13 6061
Kutabpur Sahibmustaqil 514.75 3375
Kutubpur Sahibahat Mali 183.99 0
Lalgarhi 159.03 936
Latifpur 156.09 931
Madauli 326.19 2169
Marsena 403.69 2093
Mohammadabad 490.76 8907
Mohammadpur 83.21 754
Mohammdi 463.74 4507
Nagala Dal 267.05 2471
Nagalapunu 151.53 1721
Nagalaraiya 121.96 613
Nagau 401.54 4144
Nagla Balia 169.93 1348
Nagla Barisani 60.01 669
Nagla Kalua 113.53 1641
Nagla Sikandar 346.72 3083
Nagla Suraj 192.07 1737
Niamatpur 873.59 2491
Pachokara 1206.54 10831
Paharipur Bhodela 454.51 3080
Panwari 1547.36 10253
Piprauli 184.73 1865
Pratapur 157.87 814
Raja Wali 309.66 2074
Ram Pur 169.08 907
Ramgarh Urf Ummergarh 2624.8 14944
Ramnagarjarkhi 174.15 983
Rampur 155.45 495
Rampur Katailia 115.82 936
Rasulabad 1366.2 9958
Rudau Mustaqil 820.34 9512
Rudau Pahar Pur 516.1 9268
Rudaunat Mali 166.91 0
Sakhawat Pur 158.32 833
Salempur 396.74 3355
Salempur Naglakhar 175.55 3290
Sarainoor Mahal 162.82 1388
Satauli 296.03 1900
Seosinghpur 109.72 1642
Shekhpur Mandanpur 497.53 3286
Shekhupur Rajmal 950.19 6395
Sikrari 147.85 2636
Siraulia 84.83 1421
Tikri 437 5216
Tilokpur 136.92 783
Tundli 308.15 0
Ulau 186.57 4705
Usaini 552.62 4161

Frequently Asked Question About Tundla Tehsil

How many villages are there in Tundla Tehsil ?

There are 98 villages in the Tundla Tehsil.

Is Tundla is rural or urban ?

Tundla is urban area.

What is the population of Tundla Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Tundla Tehsil is 361,489

How many town or city are there in Tundla Tehsil ?

There are 3 town or city in the Tundla Tehsil.


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