
Salema is a Subdivision and city located in the state of Tripura, India. This article provides an in depth look at Salema Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Salema Subdivision.

Salema Subdivision Overview

Salema is Town and sub district in Dhalai district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Salema Tahsil. Total area of Salema is 364 km² including 358 km² rural area and 6 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Salema sub district, There are 45 villages in Salema Subdivision.

Population of Salema Subdivision

As of the 2011 census, Salema has a population of approximately 119,282 peoples which is divided into urban population is 4,827 and rular population is 114,455 The population density in Salema sub district region is about 328 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 60,659 58,623 119,282
Rural 58,265 56,190 114,455
Urban 2,394 2,433 4,827

Households of Salema Subdivision

There are about 27,518 houses in the Salema sub district, including 1,143 urban houses and 26,375 rural houses. The average household size in Salema sub district is about 4.33 person per household.

Type Households
Total 27,518
Rural 26,375
Urban 1,143

List Of Villages in Salema Subdivision

Salema district is divided into several Subdivision or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 45 villages in Salema Subdivision. The following is a list of villages in Salema Subdivision.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Abhanga 1451 5137
Apareshkar 699 2000
Bamanchhara 660 3654
Baralutma 552 2887
Barasurma 328 2158
Bishnupur 545 780
Chankap 1010 2595
Chhetrai 574 583
Chotasurma 1015 5245
Chulubari 592 4007
Dab bari 689 1154
Dakshin Bilashchhara 843 611
Darang Tilla 157 889
Debichhara 609 3931
Duraichhara 1189 3212
Ganganagar 678.95 3946
Halahali 665 6556
Halhuli (Halahali - 1991 Census) 101 529
Harerkhola 349 692
Jamthumbari 466 2090
Kachuchhara 1181 5806
Katalutma 1596 4376
Kuchainala 401 2878
Lambuchhara 786 2419
Latiachhara 1769 0
Longtarai R.F. 3068 395
Mahabir 1141 3409
Maharani 256 852
Manik Bhandar 749 5009
Marachhara 735 2961
Mayachhari 842 3965
Mendi 1815 2387
Michhuria 1104 2553
Mohanpur 304 2124
Mothirmia 157 1016
Nakful 246 1688
Noagaon 289.95 2530
Panbua 1247 2368
Panchasi 177 1128
Paschim Daluchhara 1652 1787
Purba Daluchhara 935 4401
Salema 935 4516
Simbuchak 1142 286
Srirampur 1073 2217
Uttar Bilashchhara 917 728

Frequently Asked Question About Salema Subdivision

How many villages are there in Salema Subdivision ?

There are 45 villages in the Salema Subdivision.

Is Salema is rural or urban ?

Salema is urban area.

What is the population of Salema Subdivision ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Salema Subdivision is 119,282

How many town or city are there in Salema Subdivision ?

There are 1 town or city in the Salema Subdivision.


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