
Bibinagar is a Mandal and city located in the state of Telangana, India. This article provides an in depth look at Bibinagar Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Bibinagar Mandal.

Bibinagar Mandal Overview

Bibinagar is Town and sub district in Nalgonda district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Bibinagar Tahsil. Total area of Bibinagar is 200 km² including 189 km² rural area and 11 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Bibinagar sub district, There are 24 villages in Bibinagar Mandal.

Population of Bibinagar Mandal

As of the 2011 census, Bibinagar has a population of approximately 48,498 peoples which is divided into urban population is 8,320 and rular population is 40,178 The population density in Bibinagar sub district region is about 243 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 24,626 23,872 48,498
Rural 20,380 19,798 40,178
Urban 4,246 4,074 8,320

Households of Bibinagar Mandal

There are about 11,593 houses in the Bibinagar sub district, including 1,954 urban houses and 9,639 rural houses. The average household size in Bibinagar sub district is about 4.18 person per household.

Type Households
Total 11,593
Rural 9,639
Urban 1,954

List Of Villages in Bibinagar Mandal

Bibinagar district is divided into several Mandal or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 24 villages in Bibinagar Mandal. The following is a list of villages in Bibinagar Mandal.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Anantharam 391 1325
Annampatla 393 909
Bagdayara 8 273
Brahmana Palle 777 2319
Chinaraval Palle 1233 3644
Gudur 1253 2751
Gurrala Dandi 891 1837
Jain Palle 936 1421
Jam Palle 487 1148
Jameelapet 321 1340
Jiya Palle 526 1248
Kondamadugu 1861 4746
Madharam 493 823
Mahadevpur 291 350
Maqdoom Palle 615 1775
Nemarugomula 955 1711
Padamati Somaram 736 1449
Raghavapur 942 2205
Raheem Khan Guda 181 764
Rangapur 328 341
Ravi Pahad 382 1070
Rayarao Pet 304 1366
Rudra Velly 368 1085
Venkiryal 857 4278

Frequently Asked Question About Bibinagar Mandal

How many villages are there in Bibinagar Mandal ?

There are 24 villages in the Bibinagar Mandal.

Is Bibinagar is rural or urban ?

Bibinagar is urban area.

What is the population of Bibinagar Mandal ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Bibinagar Mandal is 48,498

How many town or city are there in Bibinagar Mandal ?

There are 1 town or city in the Bibinagar Mandal.


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