
Yerrupalem is a Mandal and city located in the state of Telangana, India. This article provides an in depth look at Yerrupalem Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Yerrupalem Mandal.

Yerrupalem Mandal Overview

Yerrupalem is Town and sub district in Khammam district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Yerrupalem Tahsil. Total area of Yerrupalem is 257 km² including 257 km² rural area and 0 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Yerrupalem sub district, There are 24 villages in Yerrupalem Mandal.

Population of Yerrupalem Mandal

As of the 2011 census, Yerrupalem has a population of approximately 49,851 peoples which is divided into urban population is 0 and rular population is 49,851 The population density in Yerrupalem sub district region is about 194 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 25,078 24,773 49,851
Rural 25,078 24,773 49,851
Urban 0 0 0

Households of Yerrupalem Mandal

There are about 14,269 houses in the Yerrupalem sub district, including 0 urban houses and 14,269 rural houses. The average household size in Yerrupalem sub district is about 3.49 person per household.

Type Households
Total 14,269
Rural 14,269
Urban 0

List Of Villages in Yerrupalem Mandal

Yerrupalem district is divided into several Mandal or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 24 villages in Yerrupalem Mandal. The following is a list of villages in Yerrupalem Mandal.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Ayyavarigudem 833 1648
Banigandlapadu 616 3715
Bheemavaram 2767 2623
Choppakatlapalem 577 1624
Gatla Gowraram 570 249
Gosaveedu 427 1650
Guntupalle Gopavaram 989 1792
Inagali 541 1968
Jamalapuram 1162 2977
Kacharam 1359 622
Kesireddipalle 456 102
Mamunuru 4015 6277
Meenavole 973 3536
Mulugumadu 342 1472
Pedda Goparam 2420 2690
Pegallapadu 580 1187
Rajulapalem 1002 2463
Rangagudem 211 0
Remidicherla 3872 4281
Sakhina Veedu 522 1734
Tatigudem 267 0
Thakkellapadu 805 2023
Tripuraram 120 0
Yerrupalem 906 5218

Frequently Asked Question About Yerrupalem Mandal

How many villages are there in Yerrupalem Mandal ?

There are 24 villages in the Yerrupalem Mandal.

Is Yerrupalem is rural or urban ?

Yerrupalem is urban area.

What is the population of Yerrupalem Mandal ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Yerrupalem Mandal is 49,851

How many town or city are there in Yerrupalem Mandal ?

There are 0 town or city in the Yerrupalem Mandal.


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