
Kallur is a Mandal and city located in the state of Telangana, India. This article provides an in depth look at Kallur Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Kallur Mandal.

Kallur Mandal Overview

Kallur is Town and sub district in Khammam district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Kallur Tahsil. Total area of Kallur is 238 km² including 238 km² rural area and 0 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Kallur sub district, There are 23 villages in Kallur Mandal.

Population of Kallur Mandal

As of the 2011 census, Kallur has a population of approximately 63,828 peoples which is divided into urban population is 0 and rular population is 63,828 The population density in Kallur sub district region is about 268 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 31,800 32,028 63,828
Rural 31,800 32,028 63,828
Urban 0 0 0

Households of Kallur Mandal

There are about 17,409 houses in the Kallur sub district, including 0 urban houses and 17,409 rural houses. The average household size in Kallur sub district is about 3.67 person per household.

Type Households
Total 17,409
Rural 17,409
Urban 0

List Of Villages in Kallur Mandal

Kallur district is divided into several Mandal or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 23 villages in Kallur Mandal. The following is a list of villages in Kallur Mandal.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Bathulapalle 1406 1655
Chandrupatla 1930 4248
Chennuru 1314 3416
Chinna Korukondi 1468 4613
Gokavaram 665 1135
Gopala Devaboinapalle 214 1111
Kallur 2864 15807
Khankhanpet 326 3431
Korlagudem 1199 1210
Lakshmipuram 1174 1095
Lokavaram 1346 1600
Mucharam 922 2327
Narayanapuram 304 1570
Payapur 684 719
Peddakorukondi 1403 2765
Peruvancha 1509 4143
Raghunadhagudem 468 1466
Ravikampadu 719 1436
Talluru 773 1942
Telagaram 1074 1913
Vennavalle 873 1476
Yagna Narayanapuram 352 973
Yerraboinapalle 1178 3777

Frequently Asked Question About Kallur Mandal

How many villages are there in Kallur Mandal ?

There are 23 villages in the Kallur Mandal.

Is Kallur is rural or urban ?

Kallur is urban area.

What is the population of Kallur Mandal ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Kallur Mandal is 63,828

How many town or city are there in Kallur Mandal ?

There are 0 town or city in the Kallur Mandal.


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