
Vedaranyam is a Taluka and city located in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. This article provides an in depth look at Vedaranyam Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Vedaranyam Taluka.

Vedaranyam Taluka Overview

Vedaranyam is Town and sub district in Nagapattinam district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Vedaranyam Tahsil. Total area of Vedaranyam is 667 km² including 582 km² rural area and 85 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Vedaranyam sub district, There are 51 villages in Vedaranyam Taluka.

Population of Vedaranyam Taluka

As of the 2011 census, Vedaranyam has a population of approximately 216,065 peoples which is divided into urban population is 47,064 and rular population is 169,001 The population density in Vedaranyam sub district region is about 324 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 107,217 108,848 216,065
Rural 84,375 84,626 169,001
Urban 22,842 24,222 47,064

Households of Vedaranyam Taluka

There are about 59,588 houses in the Vedaranyam sub district, including 12,108 urban houses and 47,480 rural houses. The average household size in Vedaranyam sub district is about 3.63 person per household.

Type Households
Total 59,588
Rural 47,480
Urban 12,108

List Of Villages in Vedaranyam Taluka

Vedaranyam district is divided into several Taluka or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 51 villages in Vedaranyam Taluka. The following is a list of villages in Vedaranyam Taluka.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Adhanur 822.53 4154
Andagathurai 341.66 1203
Ayakkarambulam III Sethi 821.19 5089
Ayakkarambulam IV Sethi 725.67 2016
Ayakkaranbulam II Sethi 685.52 3709
Ayakkaranbulam Ist Sethi 659.09 3323
Chettipulam 1644.44 10367
Kadanthethi 436.38 1440
Kadinevayal 1208.99 1594
Kallimedu 1167.67 5341
Karurpambulam 944.3 4868
Katharipuram 1423.7 7292
Kodiakarai 694.51 2128
Kodiakkadu 570.87 3085
Kovilpathu 567 3213
Kuravapuram 1029.64 4051
Maharajapuram (East) 340.97 8
Maharajapuram (West) 695.52 875
Marudur Therku 784.95 4350
Marudur Vadakku 1097.92 5072
Mulakarai 264.05 1297
Nagakudaiyan 849.32 3566
Naluvedapathi 959.69 4819
Neivilakku 360.67 2313
Pachanathikulam Middle 676.91 3115
Panchanathikulam East 460.4 2113
Panchanathikulam West 715.85 2833
Pannal 1006.3 2523
Periyakuthagai 614.9 2531
Periyakuthagai RF 367.66 0
Piranthiyankarai 391.86 1873
Pointkalimere R.F. 440.67 0
Pushpavanam 1370.3 6705
Sembagarayanellur 1233.53 5101
Sembodai 975.16 4520
Talanayar 1155.37 1876
Talanayar R.F. 1236.29 0
Thagattur Pethachikadu 585.08 2164
Thagattur Subramanyakadu 507.85 2768
Thanikpttagam 863.76 4857
Thennadar 707.61 1774
Thethakudi North 834.72 3882
Thethakudi South 1208.23 7695
Thulasapuram 398.19 1082
Umbalacheri 563.33 2253
Vadamazhai 713.88 3805
Vaimedu East 936.46 3751
Vaimedu west 1272.71 2006
Vanduvancheri 1301.48 7384
Vedaraniyapuram 162.38 71
Vellapallam 937.17 7146

Frequently Asked Question About Vedaranyam Taluka

How many villages are there in Vedaranyam Taluka ?

There are 51 villages in the Vedaranyam Taluka.

Is Vedaranyam is rural or urban ?

Vedaranyam is urban area.

What is the population of Vedaranyam Taluka ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Vedaranyam Taluka is 216,065

How many town or city are there in Vedaranyam Taluka ?

There are 2 town or city in the Vedaranyam Taluka.


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