
Kuthalam is a Taluka and city located in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. This article provides an in depth look at Kuthalam Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Kuthalam Taluka.

Kuthalam Taluka Overview

Kuthalam is Town and sub district in Nagapattinam district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Kuthalam Tahsil. Total area of Kuthalam is 171 km² including 164 km² rural area and 7 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Kuthalam sub district, There are 56 villages in Kuthalam Taluka.

Population of Kuthalam Taluka

As of the 2011 census, Kuthalam has a population of approximately 131,948 peoples which is divided into urban population is 16,125 and rular population is 115,823 The population density in Kuthalam sub district region is about 772 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 64,869 67,079 131,948
Rural 56,856 58,967 115,823
Urban 8,013 8,112 16,125

Households of Kuthalam Taluka

There are about 32,952 houses in the Kuthalam sub district, including 4,059 urban houses and 28,893 rural houses. The average household size in Kuthalam sub district is about 4 person per household.

Type Households
Total 32,952
Rural 28,893
Urban 4,059

List Of Villages in Kuthalam Taluka

Kuthalam district is divided into several Taluka or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 56 villages in Kuthalam Taluka. The following is a list of villages in Kuthalam Taluka.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Alangudi 334.61 1971
Ananthanallur 328.05 1406
Ariyalur 325.44 3203
Asikkadu 348.34 1521
Elumagalur 266.9 1348
Gangadharapuram 487.49 2019
Inam Senniyanallur 16.53 192
Inam Tiruvalangadu 120.25 1487
Kadalangudi 466.88 2696
Kanjuvoy 257.29 1155
Kappur 270.82 1752
Karuppur 278.45 1860
Kazhanivasal 193.27 1203
Kilaparuthikudi 107.16 430
Kodimangalam 100.53 734
Kokkur 275.76 1687
Komal - East 672.57 5261
Komal - West 564.86 2952
Konerirajapuram I Bit 463.76 1521
Konerirajapuram II Bit 356.81 3364
Kothangudi 189.69 751
Kozhaiyur 277.09 1668
Kshetrapalapuram 389.58 3317
Madhirimangalam 463.59 3959
Mandai 256.11 1444
Manganallur 370.83 2943
Maruthur 212.06 1097
Mekkirimangalam 375.71 1980
Melagalangam 127.32 970
Melaiyur 270.49 2281
Melaiyur Thulasenthirapuram 10.14 0
Melaparuthikudi 218.68 1295
Nakkambadi 221.1 2153
Nallavur 234.91 1024
Palaiyur 445.68 2737
Palayagudalure 222.72 1461
Pandaravadai 275.42 1491
Peravur 213.43 1264
Perumalkoil 209.47 3403
Peruncheri 396.34 3175
Porumbur 404.28 1793
Sengudi 244.58 1114
Senniayanallur 224.03 1748
Sivanaragaram 263 1146
Srikantapuram 169.44 1279
Thathangudi 328.69 2199
Therizhandur 316.12 2816
Thirumannancheri 359.1 3159
Thirunelkondacheri 205.73 2031
Tholuthalangudi 191.48 1437
Thulasenthirapuram 101.06 695
Tiruvaduthurai 544.9 7031
Tiruvalangadu 244.62 3461
Valuvur 436.93 2770
Vanadirajapuram 351.94 3217
Villiyanallur 403.16 3752

Frequently Asked Question About Kuthalam Taluka

How many villages are there in Kuthalam Taluka ?

There are 56 villages in the Kuthalam Taluka.

Is Kuthalam is rural or urban ?

Kuthalam is urban area.

What is the population of Kuthalam Taluka ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Kuthalam Taluka is 131,948

How many town or city are there in Kuthalam Taluka ?

There are 1 town or city in the Kuthalam Taluka.


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