Coimbatore North

Coimbatore North is a Taluka and city located in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. This article provides an in depth look at Coimbatore North Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Coimbatore North Taluka.

Coimbatore North Taluka Overview

Coimbatore North is Town and sub district in Coimbatore district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Coimbatore North Tahsil. Total area of Coimbatore North is 873 km² including 659 km² rural area and 214 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Coimbatore North sub district, There are 35 villages in Coimbatore North Taluka.

Population of Coimbatore North Taluka

As of the 2011 census, Coimbatore North has a population of approximately 637,389 peoples which is divided into urban population is 468,124 and rular population is 169,265 The population density in Coimbatore North sub district region is about 730 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 320,620 316,769 637,389
Rural 84,785 84,480 169,265
Urban 235,835 232,289 468,124

Households of Coimbatore North Taluka

There are about 176,703 houses in the Coimbatore North sub district, including 128,824 urban houses and 47,879 rural houses. The average household size in Coimbatore North sub district is about 3.61 person per household.

Type Households
Total 176,703
Rural 47,879
Urban 128,824

List Of Villages in Coimbatore North Taluka

Coimbatore North district is divided into several Taluka or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 35 villages in Coimbatore North Taluka. The following is a list of villages in Coimbatore North Taluka.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Agraharasamakulam 1028.22 4144
Akkaraisengapalli 1402.52 3787
Allapalayam 973.15 2189
Ambodi 1050.2 3531
Anaikatti (North) 752.3 0
Anaikatti (South) 1822.6 0
Annur Mettupalayam 1038.02 3902
Bilichi 2795.81 10412
Kallipalayam 756.21 2821
Kanjappali 1462.63 5204
Kanuvakkarai 1238.3 2646
Karegoundenpalayam 2138.28 7531
Kariampalayam 819.52 4498
Kattampatti 1079.23 5859
Keeranatham 1331.46 4707
Kondayampalayam 906.77 6636
Kunnathur 902.04 4281
Kuppanur 1953.26 4130
Kuppepalayam 1319.69 2784
Masagoundenchettipalayam 2736.23 9616
Naickenpalayam 982.89 5914
Nanjundapuram 1198.92 9355
Naranapuram 915.8 2111
Odderpalayam 1229.58 7403
Pachapalayam 731.97 2359
Pannimadai 748.86 13785
Pasur 941.51 3219
Pillaiappampalayam 868.23 3233
Pogalur 1535.96 4671
Thadagam R.F. 4878.2 0
Vadakkalur 1167.63 5640
Vadavalli 1557.35 3859
Veerapandi 4906.25 7528
Vellamadai 1721.6 6874
Vellanaipatti 1642.43 4636

Frequently Asked Question About Coimbatore North Taluka

How many villages are there in Coimbatore North Taluka ?

There are 35 villages in the Coimbatore North Taluka.

Is Coimbatore North is rural or urban ?

Coimbatore North is urban area.

What is the population of Coimbatore North Taluka ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Coimbatore North Taluka is 637,389

How many town or city are there in Coimbatore North Taluka ?

There are 19 town or city in the Coimbatore North Taluka.


The Indian Village Directory - Your Guide to Every Village, City or Town in the Nation.

