
Rashmi is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Rajasthan, India. This article provides an in depth look at Rashmi Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Rashmi Tehsil.

Rashmi Tehsil Overview

Rashmi is Town and sub district in Chittaurgarh district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Rashmi Tahsil. Total area of Rashmi is 447 km² including 447 km² rural area and 0 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Rashmi sub district, There are 94 villages in Rashmi Tehsil.

Population of Rashmi Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Rashmi has a population of approximately 88,670 peoples which is divided into urban population is 0 and rular population is 88,670 The population density in Rashmi sub district region is about 198 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 43,954 44,716 88,670
Rural 43,954 44,716 88,670
Urban 0 0 0

Households of Rashmi Tehsil

There are about 18,434 houses in the Rashmi sub district, including 0 urban houses and 18,434 rural houses. The average household size in Rashmi sub district is about 4.81 person per household.

Type Households
Total 18,434
Rural 18,434
Urban 0

List Of Villages in Rashmi Tehsil

Rashmi district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 94 villages in Rashmi Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Rashmi Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Achalpura 143 0
Adana 160 869
Arni 1841.3 3599
Bakhatawar Pura 125 360
Balwantpura 110.6 216
Baroo 1372 2167
Bassi 254.7 663
Bawlas 1480 2181
Bhalotan Ki Kheri 1349.31 1660
Bhat Kheri 325.2 623
Bheemgarh 1701 4099
Bhopalpura 237.4 0
Bhoplai 263 414
Chak Adana No. A 8 0
Chak Adana No. B 14 0
Chamanpura 190 488
Chatawati 666 1512
Chittauriya 400 621
Darba 685.36 1045
Depura 179 690
Devipura 217 456
Devipura ' B' 131 428
Devpuri 133.4 94
Devpuriya 352 357
Dhangaliya Khera 192 265
Dindoli 1334 2469
Dolatpura 117 234
Gandraf 237 361
Ganeshpura 180.27 463
Ganeshpura 331.75 621
Ganeshpura 204 348
Gegpura 196 642
Gokalpura 116 159
Gopalpura Kalan 270.4 808
Gopalpura Khurd 87.3 0
Gudaliya 382 333
Gurjaniya 351.6 1273
Hamerpura 79 15
Haripura 215 39
Harnathpura 487 1048
Heera Kheri 573 1234
Indanpura 150.27 221
Jadana 785 2444
Jagpura 309 1046
Jalampura 407 1256
Jawaharpura 132 0
Jawanpura 166 425
Kanpura 191 512
Karas 372 327
Kareethara 597 854
Karjiya 318.6 370
Keeron Ka Khera 328 612
Lalpura 515.4 1158
Lasadiya Kalan 1012.97 1492
Lasadiya Khurd 904 1540
Lookdi 168.27 461
Mandpiya Mataji Ka 182.29 384
Manyas 692.3 905
Marmi 919 1765
Matrikundiya 156.4 491
Meda Kheri 446 926
Mirchiya Kheri 261 496
Muroli 855 1854
Nandpura 217.04 583
Nangpura 222 457
Narayanpura 455 623
Nawalpura 187 53
Newariya 1273.13 2826
Pahoona 1346.24 4833
Pahooni 469 949
Panna Khera 410 216
Parmeshwar Pura 115 381
Pavli 691 1429
Punawta 293 420
Puthwadia 325 554
Raipuriya 248 8
Rampuriya 208.8 132
Rashmi 876 4923
Ratan Kheri 411 717
Ratna Ka Khera 105 134
Rewara 1270 2108
Rood 1227 2794
Rooppura 240.1 310
Rughnathpura 356 567
Sankhli 537.9 1001
Sanwalpura 142 0
Shambhupura 277.05 776
Sihana 1631 2914
Soliya 116.21 50
Somarwalon Ka Khera 519 811
Somi 1195 1528
Uncha 962 1732
Upreda 812 2155
Uttampura 231.4 293

Frequently Asked Question About Rashmi Tehsil

How many villages are there in Rashmi Tehsil ?

There are 94 villages in the Rashmi Tehsil.

Is Rashmi is rural or urban ?

Rashmi is urban area.

What is the population of Rashmi Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Rashmi Tehsil is 88,670

How many town or city are there in Rashmi Tehsil ?

There are 0 town or city in the Rashmi Tehsil.


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