
Kapasan is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Rajasthan, India. This article provides an in depth look at Kapasan Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Kapasan Tehsil.

Kapasan Tehsil Overview

Kapasan is Town and sub district in Chittaurgarh district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Kapasan Tahsil. Total area of Kapasan is 914 km² including 887 km² rural area and 27 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Kapasan sub district, There are 197 villages in Kapasan Tehsil.

Population of Kapasan Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Kapasan has a population of approximately 199,340 peoples which is divided into urban population is 20,869 and rular population is 178,471 The population density in Kapasan sub district region is about 218 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 100,101 99,239 199,340
Rural 89,522 88,949 178,471
Urban 10,579 10,290 20,869

Households of Kapasan Tehsil

There are about 43,083 houses in the Kapasan sub district, including 4,049 urban houses and 39,034 rural houses. The average household size in Kapasan sub district is about 4.63 person per household.

Type Households
Total 43,083
Rural 39,034
Urban 4,049

List Of Villages in Kapasan Tehsil

Kapasan district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 197 villages in Kapasan Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Kapasan Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Ajan Khera 447 825
Akola 1899 9839
Ali 122 120
Amarpura 84.38 166
Anoppura 600 1101
Arniya 357 773
Babariya Khera 301.08 550
Babariya Khera 318 676
Babrana 782 1734
Badwai 497.61 1021
Balad 305 667
Balarada 528 967
Baldiyon Ka Kera 325 1250
Balla Ki Bhagal 69 39
Banakiya Kalan 968 2515
Banakiyakhurd 478 1006
Bari 401 673
Benipuriya 243 542
Bhagwanpura 112 0
Bhanwarkiya 310 819
Bhatton Ka Bamniya 802 1892
Bheemkhand 481 924
Bhoopal Nagar 928 1352
Bhoopal Sagar 767 5136
Binoda Khera 356 250
Bond @ Bool 466 1507
Chak Bhoopal Sagar 891 0
Chak Papariya 131 92
Chak'B' Tana 97 11
Chakura 347.5 967
Chakuri 429 649
Chatarbhujpura 159 500
Chaukha Khera 146 515
Chauthpura 650 571
Chhapari 899 986
Chokri 519.88 958
Chorwari 422.45 1568
Dama Khera 504 927
Danta 629.49 1231
Dantoli 249 459
Dareeba 41.82 218
Daulatpura 185.25 471
Deoriya 515 1221
Deoron Ka Khera 438 768
Dhamana 2162 3102
Dhani 335 656
Dhanna Ki Bhagal 179 514
Dhobi Khera 251 435
Dolji Ka Khera 106 271
Dowani 1015 2019
Fatehpura 246.47 409
Gadriyawas 200 462
Geelund 246 633
Ghaslon Ka Khera 244.11 635
Godiyana 331 411
Goojariya Khera 386 473
Goojaron Ki Bhagal 356 401
Goverdhanpura 100 192
Govind Pura 184 253
Gulabpura 215 320
Gumanpura 196 542
Gundli 271 621
Gundli Khera 345 368
Gurha 275 653
Hamerpura 369.71 281
Hapha Kheri 574 1033
Harmatiya 308 402
Hathiyana 1090 2735
Heeraji Ka Khera 394 1199
Hingoriya 720 1299
Hingwaniya 291 885
Indrapura 151.2 0
Jaipura 577 799
Jaisinghpura 473.6 668
Jaitpura 309 364
Jajron Ka Khera 202 519
Jakar Khera 104 150
Jalampura 131 173
Jashma 2771 4747
Jawa 202 252
Jawanpura 245 405
Jeetiya 554 1143
Jeewa Khera 175.7 149
Jelwalon Ka Khera 218 292
Joonakeer Khera 79 544
Joyra 494.05 1246
Kabeerji Ki Bhagal 187 432
Kachhiya Kheri 181 841
Kacholiya 467.97 692
Kalyanpura 320 467
Kalyanpura 440 453
Kalyanpura 368 670
Kana Khera 730 878
Kanar Khera 459 711
Kankariya 523 985
Kankarwa 1557 5558
Kanrookara 670.9 1122
Kanwarpura 182.59 576
Karjali 1447 2378
Karookariya 150 268
Keshar Kheri 455.68 1055
Khanji Ka Khera 42 97
Kharolon Ki Jhunpariya 279 393
Khatya Kheri 119 359
Khera Kiran 90.52 359
Kheri 408 600
Kherli 125 231
Kiron Ka Khera 253.12 535
Kishaniyakheri 159 223
Kodiya Kheri 408 870
Kolpura 497 818
Lakha Ka Khera 246 382
Lalawas 163.94 417
Langach 793 1812
Loonera 863 1304
Mali Khera 438 1316
Manohar Kheri 193 349
Mataji Ka Khera 363 831
Matuniya 268 758
Mewada 653 876
Mewada Colony 150 699
Moda Khera 264 890
Moonch Ki Bhagal 11 0
Moti Khera 125 320
Mugana 1813 3127
Mund Katiya 438 570
Murla 466.48 747
Nandoli 452 895
Nariya 469 427
Narji Ki Bhagal 59 391
Nathi Ka Khera 354 237
Nawalpura 220 410
Nilod 1057.87 2293
Nimbahera 1262.95 2938
Oron Ka Khera 152 393
Pandoli 1161.87 2330
Pari 1112 1810
Parsa Khera 111.7 159
Patoliya 937 1543
Pawatiya 288 399
Peepal Kheri 336.62 483
Pemakhera 149.42 262
Phalasiya 256 308
Phalasiya 1049 1020
Pitamber Puriya 129 225
Rajpura 149.1 212
Rama Khera 811 1281
Rampuriya 80 147
Ramthali 490 1671
Ranawaton Ki Sadari 540 1435
Ranchhor Pura 249 287
Randiyardi 287 590
Ranwon Ka Khera 174.45 269
Rawtiya 780 1168
Rayapuriya Kalan 793 1089
Rayapuriya Khurd 344 397
Ren Ka Khera 404 740
Roliya 405 1461
Roodri 593 1067
Roopa Kheri 585 766
Rooppura @ Dhanna Khera 264 308
Rughnathpura 164 1235
Sadipura 205 345
Samrathpura 460 415
Sandiyarda 436 802
Sanwaliya Khera 197 363
Sardarpura 111 49
Saropa 623 1169
Sejgariya 302 660
Shambhoo Pura 75 143
Shambhoopura 210 509
Shivwata 836 1122
Singhariya 127 0
Singhpur 1708 4696
Surajpura 204 267
Surajpura 115 549
Suratpura 157 375
Surpur 658 1597
Surpuri 374 802
Surta Khera 294 557
Talab Panchmoja 103 0
Tana 1549 3276
Tanda 119 387
Tara Kheri 375 947
Tarmawon Ka Khera 324 1195
Tasvariya 841 1233
Teja Khera 27 231
Theparion Ka Khera 148.93 312
Turkiya Kalan 731 1255
Turkiya Khurd 434 1305
Uchnar Kalan 539 899
Uchnar Khurd 677 1187
Umand 808 1677
Ummedpura 194.19 546
Undayala 126 304
Usrol 811 1196
Viroli 301 375

Frequently Asked Question About Kapasan Tehsil

How many villages are there in Kapasan Tehsil ?

There are 197 villages in the Kapasan Tehsil.

Is Kapasan is rural or urban ?

Kapasan is urban area.

What is the population of Kapasan Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Kapasan Tehsil is 199,340

How many town or city are there in Kapasan Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Kapasan Tehsil.


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