Talwandi Sabo

Talwandi Sabo is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Punjab, India. This article provides an in depth look at Talwandi Sabo Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Talwandi Sabo Tehsil.

Talwandi Sabo Tehsil Overview

Talwandi Sabo is Town and sub district in Bathinda district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Talwandi Sabo Tahsil. Total area of Talwandi Sabo is 959 km² including 924 km² rural area and 35 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Talwandi Sabo sub district, There are 87 villages in Talwandi Sabo Tehsil.

Population of Talwandi Sabo Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Talwandi Sabo has a population of approximately 315,930 peoples which is divided into urban population is 74,991 and rular population is 240,939 The population density in Talwandi Sabo sub district region is about 329 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 172,905 143,025 315,930
Rural 132,932 108,007 240,939
Urban 39,973 35,018 74,991

Households of Talwandi Sabo Tehsil

There are about 62,016 houses in the Talwandi Sabo sub district, including 14,527 urban houses and 47,489 rural houses. The average household size in Talwandi Sabo sub district is about 5.09 person per household.

Type Households
Total 62,016
Rural 47,489
Urban 14,527

List Of Villages in Talwandi Sabo Tehsil

Talwandi Sabo district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 87 villages in Talwandi Sabo Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Talwandi Sabo Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Amarpura Urf Gurthuri 596 1867
Bagha 1153 3297
Bangher Charat Singh 441.92 1424
Bangher Mohabat Singh 337 878
Bangi Dipa Singh 601 1978
Bangi Nihal Singh 1475.53 3979
Bangi Rughu 564.55 1647
Bangi Ruldu 1610 4376
Behman Jassa Singh 1167 1916
Behman Koer Singh 1156.22 2239
Bhagibandar 2527.75 7489
Bhagwangarh Urf Bhukhianwali 1395 2659
Bhai Bakhtour 811 2772
Burj 731 2578
Burj Sema 561.41 1797
Chak Hira Singhwala Urf Pakka Khurd 869 2169
Chathewala 1123 2758
Dunewala 487 1370
Fatah Balu 483 774
Fatehgarh Nouabad 577 1748
Gadhianwala Urf Bhagwanpura 505 751
Gatwali 701 2105
Gehlewala 552.41 1190
Gehri Bara Singh 691 1536
Ghaso Khana 313 722
Ghuman Khurd 615.53 875
Giana 1875.29 4299
Golewala 490 952
Gurusar Joga 558 1555
Jajjal 838 3235
Jatri 384.81 1181
Jeon Singhwala 1463 3689
Jodhpur Bagga Singh Alias Phalran 817 2106
Jodhpur Pakhar 1965.95 4731
Jogewala 430.58 1191
Kalalwala 998 2548
Kamalu 600 2015
Kamalu 537 2069
Kanakwal Urf Rattangarh 1188.6 2841
Kaureana 797.66 2056
Kishangarh Urf Chinarthal 872 2581
Kot Bakhtu 1743 4789
Kot Bhara 989 2636
Kotli Khurd 1195 3263
Kutiwal Kalan 774.41 2005
Kutiwal Khurd 567 1769
Lehri 1278 2934
Leleana 1131 3654
Lelewala 1270.35 4577
Mahi Nangal 1081 2827
Maisar Khana 2002 4807
Malkana 2448 4714
Malwala 780 2737
Manak Khana 262.88 549
Mansa Kalan 909 3190
Manwala Urf Kishangarh 675 1933
Mari 249 1293
Maur Charat Singh 907.74 2670
Menuana 378 598
Mirziana 655.61 1420
Nangla 1216 2540
Nasibpura Kaile bandar 1731.71 4401
Natheha 1114 2745
Natt 493.32 1302
Pakka Kalan 3153 8677
Phulo Khari 1192.65 2120
Rai Khana 1178 1932
Rajgarh Kuba 1388 4432
Ram Tirath Jaga 2986 6465
Ramgarh Bhundar 605.82 1912
Ramgarh Ghuman 1520 5791
Ramnagar Urf Kasaiwara 1767 4266
Ramsara 576 13959
Raya 533.79 1141
Sandoha 1641 4318
Sangat Khurd 394.16 1650
Sekho 1919 4969
Shekhpura 1955 5420
Shergarh 895 1876
Singo 1419.28 3481
Sukha Singhwala 184.53 861
Sukhladhi 800 2688
Swaich 598 1404
Tarkhanwala 1220 2252
Teona Pujarian 1177.23 2209
Thamangarh 527 1172
Tungwali 307.56 648

Frequently Asked Question About Talwandi Sabo Tehsil

How many villages are there in Talwandi Sabo Tehsil ?

There are 87 villages in the Talwandi Sabo Tehsil.

Is Talwandi Sabo is rural or urban ?

Talwandi Sabo is urban area.

What is the population of Talwandi Sabo Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Talwandi Sabo Tehsil is 315,930

How many town or city are there in Talwandi Sabo Tehsil ?

There are 3 town or city in the Talwandi Sabo Tehsil.


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