P Leikul

P Leikul is a village situated in Mahur Circle of Dima Hasao district in Assam, India. This article provides an in depth look at P Leikul overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of nearby villages of P Leikul

P Leikul Overview

P Leikul is village in Dima Hasao district of Assam. According to Census 2011, Village code of P Leikul is 298615. Total area of P Leikul is 247.84 hectares. It is situated 30 kilometer from Mahur Sub district office and 64 kilometer from Dima Hasao District office. The pincode of P Leikul village is 788830.

Population of P Leikul

As of the 2011 census, P Leikul has a population of approximately 545 peoples where male population is 279 and female population is 266.

Group Population
Total 545
Male 279
Female 266

Households of P Leikul

There are about 82 houses in the P Leikul. The average household size in village is about 7 person per house.

Type Stats
Household 82
people / Family 7

P Leikul Administration

  • The name of the Gram Panchayat is P Leikul
  • The name of the community development block is Jatinga Valley
  • The sub district headquarters is located in Mahur. It is located at a distance of 30 km from the village
  • Dima Hasao is the district headquarters. It is located at a distance of 64 km from the village

List Of Nearby Villages of P Leikul

The following is a list of nearby villages of P Leikul along with nearest town.

Villages Nearest Town
Allephai Udharban (40 km)
Ashalu Mahur (11 km)
Baladhan Mahur (65 km)
Baojen Mahur (1 km)
Boljung Mahur (23 km)
Boro Arkap Mahur (50 km)
Boro Leikek Mahur (20 km)
Boro Ninglo Mahur (54 km)
Boro Rongmailai Mahur (2 km)
Boro Wapu Mahur (8 km)
Changpijang Mahur (3 km)
Chillei Mahur (60 km)
Choto Arkap Mahur (23 km)
Choto Laisong Mahur (43 km)
Choto Leikek Mahur (25 km)
Choto Neinglo Mahur (46 km)
Choto Neinglo Mahur (48 km)
Chotorongmailai Mahur (1 km)
Chuduning Mahur (2 km)
Dao Dung Mahur (1 km)
Daoban Mahur (54 km)
Dautuhaja Rly Stn Maibang (10 km)
Dibaola Maibong (15 km)
Dijam Hagjer Mahur (9 km)
Dingamkelo Mahur (0 km)
Diyonkro Mahur (1 km)
Diyung Bathari Mahur (1 km)
Duijung Mahur (60 km)
Gadin Raji Mahur (1 km)
Gamvom Ll Mahur (10 km)
Gerem Labra Mahur (9 km)
Gopikot Mahur (22 km)
Hajaichak Mahur (42 km)
Hange Mahur (4 km)
Hangrum Mahur (61 km)
Hangrum ll Haflong (23 km)
Hasanghajik Mahur (4 km)
Hegele Mahur (41 km)
Hejailo Mahur (54 km)
Hekokang Mahur (10 km)
Hewangberam Mahur (3 km)
Impui Mahur (14 km)
Impui Mahur (14 km)
Isuilung Mahur (1 km)
J Hebran Mahur (3 km)
J Tulpui Mahur (29 km)
Jenam Mahur (49 km)
Jorai Bathari Mahur (8 km)
Jungle Basti Mahur (1 km)
Kanan Mahur (1 km)
Kepeilo Mahur (43 km)
Keraidelo Mahur (66 km)
Khangmul Mahur (50 km)
Khangmul Mahur (50 km)
Khangnam Mahur (50 km)
Khobul Mahur (0 km)
Kholjung Mahur (1 km)
Khomunom Mahur (2 km)
Khumlung Mahur (45 km)
Lairi Mahur (60 km)
Laisang Mahur (34 km)
Laisong Bagan Mahur (44 km)
Laisong Bagan Mahur (45 km)
Laisong Porter Camp Mahur (34 km)
Lasang Mahur (10 km)
Lodi Kachari Udharban (42 km)
Lodi Kuki Udarband (44 km)
Longkai Mahur (4 km)
Longma Haflong (12 km)
Longma Gadain Haflong (17 km)
Longma Pt III Mahur (21 km)
Mahur Garden Mahur (0 km)
Migrengdisa Rly Stn -
Monigaon Mahur (0 km)
Moti Hojai Haflong (29 km)
Moti Lampu Mahur (27 km)
Moti Longmailai Mahur (5 km)
Moti Riao Mahur (5 km)
Mouchar Mahur (60 km)
Muollien Mahur (60 km)
Muolnom Mahur (2 km)
N Hmaplushai Mahur (50 km)
N Leikul Haflong (12 km)
N Longkhai Mahur (5 km)
N Ngalsang Mahur (1 km)
N Ninglo Mahur (40 km)
N Songkhai Mahur (81 km)
N Wari Haflong (22 km)
Nakajao Mahur (8 km)
Namjeurang Mahur (50 km)
Nanadisa Mahur (9 km)
Natop Leikek Mahur (50 km)
Natun Paisa Mahur (29 km)
Nchangjol Mahur (60 km)
Nehurelo Mahur (1 km)
New Zion Mahur (25 km)
New Zoar Mahur (2 km)
Ngalsang Mahur (20 km)
Ngente Mahur (9 km)
Nguiyaberam Mahur (1 km)
Nkiabunglo Mahur (1 km)
Nomjang Mahur (6 km)
Nrianam Mahur (2 km)
Nrimbangol Mahur (13 km)
Nrimbangol Mahur (11 km)
P Hmarlushai Mahhur (55 km)
P Leikul Mahur (30 km)
P Songkhai Mahur (75 km)
Paipui Mahur (65 km)
Pangmoul Mahur (6 km)
Patherkoi Mahur (12 km)
Pura Haflong (19 km)
Purana Paisa Mahur (30 km)
Rambam Mahur (80 km)
Riam Bathari Haflong (27 km)
Saitop Mahur (49 km)
Samserpur Maibang (11 km)
Sansari Mahur (2 km)
Saron Mahur (2 km)
Semidikor Mahur (3 km)
Sobojai Maibong (10 km)
Songbung Mahur (2 km)
T Muolkoi Mahur (22 km)
T Vangkho Mahur (2 km)
Taijol Mahur (2 km)
Tatepai Mahur (80 km)
Thingbung Mahur (16 km)
Thoi Nagar Mahur (11 km)
Tilla Basti Mahur (1 km)
Tuicham Mahur (36 km)
Tumjanag Mahur (16 km)
Tungje Mahur (48 km)
Tungje Pungo Mahur (48 km)
Tuolpui Mahur (29 km)
Walaodisa Mahur (20 km)

Frequently Asked Question About P Leikul Village

What is the population of P Leikul ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of P Leikul village is 545

What is the pincode of P Leikul ?

Pincode of P Leikul village is 788830

Which is Circle of P Leikul ?

Mahur is Circle of P Leikul.

Which is district of P Leikul ?

Dima Hasao is district of P Leikul.