
Korai is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Odisha, India. This article provides an in depth look at Korai Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Korai Tehsil.

Korai Tehsil Overview

Korai is Town and sub district in Jajapur district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Korai Tahsil. Total area of Korai is 187 km² including 187 km² rural area and 0 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Korai sub district, There are 149 villages in Korai Tehsil.

Population of Korai Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Korai has a population of approximately 96,874 peoples which is divided into urban population is 0 and rular population is 96,874 The population density in Korai sub district region is about 518 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 49,208 47,666 96,874
Rural 49,208 47,666 96,874
Urban 0 0 0

Households of Korai Tehsil

There are about 20,561 houses in the Korai sub district, including 0 urban houses and 20,561 rural houses. The average household size in Korai sub district is about 4.71 person per household.

Type Households
Total 20,561
Rural 20,561
Urban 0

List Of Villages in Korai Tehsil

Korai district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 149 villages in Korai Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Korai Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Adhagan 73 329
Akhanpur 44 275
Aladajalasarpur 323 1180
Alia 163 418
Andhari 196 992
Aranto 106 10
Aranyamadana 1691 460
Asanagadia 229 506
Asanjhar 291 1040
Ashokjhar 110 719
Bachhipur 82 488
Bainsipur 58 163
Baladia 92 318
Baliapal 158 467
Bandalo 198 3396
Bangarkote 88 205
Bantala 100 326
Barada 230 1188
Barahampur 76 467
Barundai 334 3250
Begana 194 416
Belada 32 265
Benapur 149 269
Biridiha 107 389
Biruanpada 120 276
Brahmanda 50 312
Charada 73 456
Chhanchania 5 63
Chillipada 55 328
Chingudipur 28 178
Dhanapur 280 898
Dhaneswar 257 1381
Draupadipur 17 0
Fazalpur 182 3078
Gajendrapur 105 757
Gamharia 178 733
Gayalgadia 43 136
Ghikoili 35 0
Gobaragali 52 109
Godarapal 208 349
Gohiragadia 224 1180
Gopalpur 64 444
Gopinathpur 114 377
Gorakhapur 24 101
Gourpur 50 614
Haladigadia 183 1626
Haribandi 63 0
Harichandpur 26 151
Hatpur 38 538
Ichhapur 87 630
Itapur 83 69
Jagulaigadia 61 625
Jaintala 45 293
Jaintira 68 159
Jalanda 118 673
Jalanda 100 374
Jalapatipur 18 141
Jhumpan 110 381
Jugala 333 717
Jugalakana 104 394
Kacharasahi 290 1372
Kadama 282 2211
Kandaragadia 25 142
Kankadagadia 55 18
Kantore 147 1232
Kayan 103 828
Khaira 153 341
Khajiria 47 0
Khajuribindha 35 56
Khajurinalua 126 538
Khamigan 148 992
Kharajabatira 82 769
Khatuatikar 40 0
Khilipankha 126 544
Khosalpur 32 262
Kiapada 174 1440
Kogan 70 459
Korabandi 746 1690
Koutura 93 0
Kuanrada 85 557
Mahulia 63 567
Mandapada 151 223
Mangalpur 128 742
Mangarajpur 87 345
Manjuri 236 183
Mathurapur 153 821
Mohammadhosenpur 125 518
Motirama 30 0
Mrutunjayapur 191 1674
Mukundapur 365 2974
Mulari 111 516
Mulasaragada 70 484
Naguan 215 566
Narendrabhog 59 219
Natagadia 55 0
Nayagarh 215 478
Nayahatpatna 169 433
Nigodha 104 384
Nisankhapur 53 224
Oshala 374 1065
Pachhikote 232 1157
Padi 59 289
Panasua 19 155
Pandiapada 18 39
Paramanandapur 244 1246
Patarakana 105 552
Pataranga 562 1710
Pimpal 57 482
Purbakote 118 1059
Ragadi 328 1304
Raghunathpur 40 225
Raghupur 86 375
Rahemanpur 175 849
Ramakrishnapur 106 647
Ranapur 174 1287
Ranasarapur 65 478
Routapada 108 411
Routpada 208 982
Sadakpur 78 1798
Sahagan 157 586
Sahaspur 28 201
Sainto 76 317
Salakana 70 322
Sampur 55 97
Sanasahaspur 6 0
Sanla 243 906
Santarapur 165 900
Santasahi 278 1303
Sisua 34 103
Sitalgobindpur 64 375
Solabandi 219 1108
Solapatia 92 411
Sunachara 37 155
Sundarapokhari 82 378
Taharpur 202 1053
Taja Pur 214 622
Talagadia 78 855
Talagarh 217 2106
Talia 64 150
Tarakote 276 2875
Tarapada 69 337
Tentulikhunta 82 563
Toranda 168 449
Tulasipur 233 934
Tulati 163 1105
Uparagarh 225 324
Upulei 49 772
Uttarakhajira 72 418
Uttarkota 459 160

Frequently Asked Question About Korai Tehsil

How many villages are there in Korai Tehsil ?

There are 149 villages in the Korai Tehsil.

Is Korai is rural or urban ?

Korai is urban area.

What is the population of Korai Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Korai Tehsil is 96,874

How many town or city are there in Korai Tehsil ?

There are 0 town or city in the Korai Tehsil.


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