
Gandia is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Odisha, India. This article provides an in depth look at Gandia Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Gandia Tehsil.

Gandia Tehsil Overview

Gandia is Town and sub district in Dhenkanal district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Gandia Tahsil. Total area of Gandia is 483 km² including 483 km² rural area and 0 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Gandia sub district, There are 140 villages in Gandia Tehsil.

Population of Gandia Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Gandia has a population of approximately 104,442 peoples which is divided into urban population is 0 and rular population is 104,442 The population density in Gandia sub district region is about 216 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 53,238 51,204 104,442
Rural 53,238 51,204 104,442
Urban 0 0 0

Households of Gandia Tehsil

There are about 25,204 houses in the Gandia sub district, including 0 urban houses and 25,204 rural houses. The average household size in Gandia sub district is about 4.14 person per household.

Type Households
Total 25,204
Rural 25,204
Urban 0

List Of Villages in Gandia Tehsil

Gandia district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 140 villages in Gandia Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Gandia Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Aghariapada 59 80
Alati 59 0
Ambabahali 158 1686
Ambakhol 42 5
Ambapada 266 1416
Ankurda 380 1397
Anthukudakateni 76 191
Arachua 147 868
Arasahi 123 120
Arnapur 344 1058
Aruhan 431 844
Aswakhola 275 614
Atinda 495 1056
Bahaliabandhakateni 109 0
Bainsia 135 1909
Bainsia 195 301
Bajuria 168 229
Balibandha 70 0
Balijoranda 89 368
Ballabha 146 1534
Bambilo 74 0
Banasinga 365 1835
Bangol 131 286
Banguramal 60 0
Bania 179 597
Baniapada 740 1725
Barada 225 851
Baradapatana 5 134
Baunsabereni 114 222
Bhaliakana 190 326
Bidharpur 648 2628
Birikhunti 359 1113
Bisnupur 64 257
Biswanathapur 250 1130
Brahmapur 14 188
Brajabiharipur 103 0
Chabisakuda 78 160
Chandipal 173 1005
Chandrasekharpur 583 2268
Chhatakumba 111 223
Chhatghar forestbeat 0 290
Chhatia 611 1092
Chhotatentuli 163 597
Chirulei 1054 2965
Chitalpur 115 1062
Chudakhiakateni 173 257
Dadhisinga 180 1361
Dalar 760 1003
Dalsingamarthapur 393 1126
Dandeibereni 112 651
Dandeswar 8 2
Deogan 484 2343
Deogan 0 155
Desakaluriapatana 127 0
Dulan 109 410
Eleijanga 247 942
Eranda 126 792
Gandia 247 2104
Ghantapasi 23 0
Ghantapasikateni 26 0
Gopalpur 255 740
Gopalpur 115 0
Goradapal 182 607
Gundurapasi 557 3421
Hatibari 58 501
Hatibarikud 83 0
Jadupur 64 89
Jagaberena 53 26
Jamusara 88 378
Jandapasi 293 437
Jharada 147 840
Jhilli 214 907
Jhinkatopbahali 16 0
Joranda 344 2931
Jorandapatana 5 528
Kabera 466 1997
Kaitha 78 0
Kaluriapatana 130 1526
Kamalpur 167 83
Kanka 175 431
Kankalunda 345 984
Karamulpatana 164 2047
Kathapal 158 876
Kendupada 179 99
Khankar 174 1341
Kokeida 150 431
Kolha 41 186
Koluha 146 168
Koriamal 136 92
Kudakhetri 89 0
Kumbharunibati 58 82
Kusida 135 963
Lakhalinga 181 0
Latadeipur 721 1069
Madhapur 147 619
Mahapada 399 1362
Mahisiakada 71 403
Mahulkhali 780 761
Majhipal 64 515
Makundapur 214 1313
Mandar alias samantsingarpur 203 1455
Manitiri 98 410
Mathatentulia 293 1629
Mundamari 101 411
Nabaninga 182 336
Naguan 27 0
Natima 21 652
Nayakateni 174 276
Neulpoi 62 215
Nilakanthapursasan 336 2183
Nuagan 81 236
Nuapada 261 430
Panubarikkateni 16 0
Patuabil 73 0
Patusahukateni 20 430
Poruhakhoja 249 1308
Radhadeipur 559 1693
Raipal 23 316
Raipur 86 209
Raipur 217 365
Raitala 310 942
Rameikhamar 1216 1492
Sadangi 863 4255
Sandapasi 252 1382
Sankarpur 135 751
Santhapur 345 1488
Santhasara 204 1130
Santrapur 17 190
Sapuajhar 75 275
Silakundi 48 0
Similia 241 340
Singa 200 502
Sogara 72 252
Sorisiapada 135 737
Sriramchandrapur 299 624
Surapratap-Rajkishorpur 281 720
Talapada 181 282
Tentuleigundlei 204 866
Thakurapal 137 1131
Tunpur 96 0

Frequently Asked Question About Gandia Tehsil

How many villages are there in Gandia Tehsil ?

There are 140 villages in the Gandia Tehsil.

Is Gandia is rural or urban ?

Gandia is urban area.

What is the population of Gandia Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Gandia Tehsil is 104,442

How many town or city are there in Gandia Tehsil ?

There are 0 town or city in the Gandia Tehsil.


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