
Bhuban is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Odisha, India. This article provides an in depth look at Bhuban Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Bhuban Tehsil.

Bhuban Tehsil Overview

Bhuban is Town and sub district in Dhenkanal district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Bhuban Tahsil. Total area of Bhuban is 221 km² including 203 km² rural area and 18 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Bhuban sub district, There are 108 villages in Bhuban Tehsil.

Population of Bhuban Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Bhuban has a population of approximately 101,051 peoples which is divided into urban population is 22,200 and rular population is 78,851 The population density in Bhuban sub district region is about 457 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 51,992 49,059 101,051
Rural 40,447 38,404 78,851
Urban 11,545 10,655 22,200

Households of Bhuban Tehsil

There are about 22,588 houses in the Bhuban sub district, including 4,802 urban houses and 17,786 rural houses. The average household size in Bhuban sub district is about 4.47 person per household.

Type Households
Total 22,588
Rural 17,786
Urban 4,802

List Of Villages in Bhuban Tehsil

Bhuban district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 108 villages in Bhuban Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Bhuban Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Adipura 234 1605
Anala 348 1487
Anantapur 60 912
Anla 95 0
Anlajhari 590 1538
Anlapal 157 381
Arilo 136 78
Asurabandha 277 1173
Asurabandha Patana 16 926
Balibo(Kha) 225 0
Balibo(L) 297 2573
Balijhati 220 569
Balipada 182 22
Balipura 15 0
Bamuan 75 664
Baruan 244 1323
Basudeipur 111 572
Baunsakana 36 271
Bentashalia 130 368
Bhadaliapasi 32 0
Bharatipahad 183 0
Bhusala 325 2302
Brahmankhantakhol 89 212
Brahmapur 142 111
Chandar 144 941
Chhatakhamb 31 12
Dadhisinga 153 100
Darjani 105 802
Dayanabili 180 819
Dhalapada 437 747
Ekatali(Ka) 60 101
Ekatali(Kha) 49 2009
Gabagoda 40 165
Gadganpur 243 1122
Gajabola 185 4
Gamargola 76 81
Garhnrusinghaprasad 318 1753
Garudabandi 341 931
Gheekhola 70 13
Gobindabidyadhar Pur Patana 5 266
Gobindabidyadharpur 92 92
Gobindapur 288 978
Gopalpur 36 0
Gopiapasi 25 0
Hariamaru 154 139
Ichhapur 95 23
Jamunakote 470 3009
Jaypur 84 1429
Joragadia 46 85
Kainsiri 252 1250
kaitha 83 0
kanapalsamilmahulpal 285 3600
Kanchanbahali 27 311
Kanheipal 444 1875
Kankhai 210 720
Kansaragoda 186 1066
Kendupada 167 807
Kesharpur 381 500
Khantakhola 189 0
Khoksa(L) 98 296
Khoksa(R) 91 333
Kingol 166 667
Kirtanpur 281 1240
Krishnapur 212 1656
Kumarda 89 237
Kumurasinga 108 530
Kunda 362 1230
Kuninda 376 1626
Lakshyanapali 13 0
Lankabeherakateni 11 0
Mahapatia 1 0
Mala 132 0
Malapura 339 177
Maluagoda 230 492
Maneidoli 154 0
Marthapur 336 2498
Mathanuagan 110 834
Mrudanga 654 2716
Muruga 134 1112
Naraharipur 33 0
Nayanilakanthapur 87 448
Nayaodhana 3 28
Nilakanthapur 209 1023
Nimeinpur 61 987
Nrusinghapur oraf Krushnapur 301 513
Odhana 175 1009
Odisha 1209 4021
Palasapithia 223 1280
patapur 353 392
Prachandapur 82 0
Praharajpur 17 102
Purastampur 384 1216
Ramachandrapur 26 0
Ranjeila 46 0
Renadapatana 439 906
Rodanga 157 125
Routrapur 9 0
Samal 262 541
Samal(R.F) 523 52
Sarangapur 64 97
Senanda 99 240
Siaridoli 32 53
Sribschhabhagiratha Pur Sasan Samil Gajendra Kateni 101 0
Sribschhabhagiratha Pur Sasan Samil Patusahu Kateni 76 0
Sundhikateni 103 239
Surapratappur 234 5776
Tipilei 382 1162
Tipilei(R.F.)Thoriasandi 642 160

Frequently Asked Question About Bhuban Tehsil

How many villages are there in Bhuban Tehsil ?

There are 108 villages in the Bhuban Tehsil.

Is Bhuban is rural or urban ?

Bhuban is urban area.

What is the population of Bhuban Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Bhuban Tehsil is 101,051

How many town or city are there in Bhuban Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Bhuban Tehsil.


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