
Pombhurna is a Taluka and city located in the state of Maharashtra, India. This article provides an in depth look at Pombhurna Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Pombhurna Taluka.

Pombhurna Taluka Overview

Pombhurna is Town and sub district in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Pombhurna Tahsil. Total area of Pombhurna is 398 km² including 398 km² rural area and 0 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Pombhurna sub district, There are 71 villages in Pombhurna Taluka.

Population of Pombhurna Taluka

As of the 2011 census, Pombhurna has a population of approximately 50,781 peoples which is divided into urban population is 0 and rular population is 50,781 The population density in Pombhurna sub district region is about 128 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 25,648 25,133 50,781
Rural 25,648 25,133 50,781
Urban 0 0 0

Households of Pombhurna Taluka

There are about 13,329 houses in the Pombhurna sub district, including 0 urban houses and 13,329 rural houses. The average household size in Pombhurna sub district is about 3.81 person per household.

Type Households
Total 13,329
Rural 13,329
Urban 0

List Of Villages in Pombhurna Taluka

Pombhurna district is divided into several Taluka or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 71 villages in Pombhurna Taluka. The following is a list of villages in Pombhurna Taluka.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Ambai Tukum 48.93 144
Ambe Dhanora Rith 74.93 0
Ashta 476.34 700
Bamni Chak 349.28 297
Bhatari 247.9 780
Bhimani 438.02 1002
Borda Borkar 103.18 687
Borda Dixit 218.75 714
Borda Zulurwar 207.71 808
Chak Ambe Dhanora 338.03 735
Chak Ashta 246.08 693
Chak Ballarpur 897.46 1019
Chak Borgaon Rith 243.31 263
Chak Chintaldhaba No.1 337.07 1552
Chak Chintaldhaba No.2 646.98 610
Chak Dongar Haldi No. 2 134.58 102
Chak Dongar Haldi No. 3 17.33 0
Chak Dongar Haldi No.1 57.3 239
Chak Futana 481.94 758
Chak Ghanoti No.1 739.21 776
Chak Ghanoti No.2 654.34 382
Chak Hattibodi 584.44 350
Chak Nawegaon 452.6 444
Chak Pombhurna 435.29 0
Chak Thana 532.94 536
ChakThane Wasana 601.16 1113
Dewada Bk. 725.57 1233
Dewada Kh 417.74 2681
Dewai 318.96 913
Dighori 905.57 1374
Dongar Haldi Mal 168.22 828
Dongar Haldi Tukum 111.97 668
Futana Mokasa 654.73 1486
Gangapur Chak 279.82 200
Ghanoti Tukum 201.58 586
Ghatkul 1151.55 1637
Ghosari 1441.14 1835
Jam Kh. 415.24 1228
Jam Tukum 262.82 1062
Jam Tukum Ryt. 282.98 0
Jungaon 977.83 1309
Juni Ladholi 129.23 0
Kasargatta 183.86 968
Kawit Bodi 136.83 0
Kemara 353.74 778
Khapari Chak 436.21 578
Khapari Rith 64.45 0
Kosambi chak 402.48 469
Kosambi Rith 326.14 0
Loni 24.99 0
Mahala Ryt. 548.62 645
Navin Ladholi 105.54 0
Nawegaon More 702.36 1372
Pipari Deshpande 727.4 1094
Pombhurna 1438.63 6308
Rampur Dixit 553.1 493
Rampur Zadikar 105 97
Satara Bhosale 148.44 320
Satara Komti 248.72 443
Satara Tukum 123.65 404
Selur Chak 391.33 0
Selur Nagreddi 258.57 428
Sonapur 295.05 500
Sonapur Rith 31.22 0
Thane Wasana Mal 107.63 282
Thergaon Ryt. 644.14 1018
Tok 190.74 110
Umari Potdar 201.39 755
Umari Tukum 51.12 715
Welwa Chak 157.26 0
Welwa Mal 291.68 1260

Frequently Asked Question About Pombhurna Taluka

How many villages are there in Pombhurna Taluka ?

There are 71 villages in the Pombhurna Taluka.

Is Pombhurna is rural or urban ?

Pombhurna is urban area.

What is the population of Pombhurna Taluka ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Pombhurna Taluka is 50,781

How many town or city are there in Pombhurna Taluka ?

There are 0 town or city in the Pombhurna Taluka.


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