
Korpana is a Taluka and city located in the state of Maharashtra, India. This article provides an in depth look at Korpana Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Korpana Taluka.

Korpana Taluka Overview

Korpana is Town and sub district in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Korpana Tahsil. Total area of Korpana is 560 km² including 525 km² rural area and 36 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Korpana sub district, There are 110 villages in Korpana Taluka.

Population of Korpana Taluka

As of the 2011 census, Korpana has a population of approximately 125,317 peoples which is divided into urban population is 41,015 and rular population is 84,302 The population density in Korpana sub district region is about 224 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 64,675 60,642 125,317
Rural 43,427 40,875 84,302
Urban 21,248 19,767 41,015

Households of Korpana Taluka

There are about 30,011 houses in the Korpana sub district, including 9,937 urban houses and 20,074 rural houses. The average household size in Korpana sub district is about 4.18 person per household.

Type Households
Total 30,011
Rural 20,074
Urban 9,937

List Of Villages in Korpana Taluka

Korpana district is divided into several Taluka or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 110 villages in Korpana Taluka. The following is a list of villages in Korpana Taluka.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Akola 336.5 508
Antargaon Bk. 1136.26 1814
Asan Bk. 275.72 269
Asan Kh. 255.96 454
Bakhardi 1003.56 1598
Belgaon 885.31 333
Bharosa 540 655
Bhoyegaon 630.41 1570
Bibi 645.45 3458
Borgaon 484 336
Borgaon Bk. 226.01 305
Borgaon Kh. 401.35 1030
Bori Navegaon 219.13 427
Chanai Bk. 375.98 934
Chanai Kh. 408.15 134
Chich Navegaon 154.48 0
Chichkhod 209.8 0
Chincholi 427.76 336
Chopan 904.26 258
Dahegaon 115.04 0
Danoda 433.43 0
Devghat Rith 115.04 0
Dhamangaon 295.65 717
Dhanoli 265.32 610
Dhanoli Tanda 294.06 991
Dhoptala(Seraj) 540.82 521
Dhunki 146.06 173
Durgadi 678.83 892
Ekodi 588.4 368
Erai 509.38 358
Gadegaon 629 757
Gandhinagar 428.53 811
Ganeshmod Rith 386.93 13
Govindpur (parsoda) 441.21 510
Hatloni 604.26 530
Heti 307 614
Hirapur(songoda) 629 920
Injapur 850.72 1092
Jaitapur 483.13 429
Jamuldhara(Kanhalgaon) 1022.75 139
Jewara (Bhoygaon) 334.82 0
Jewara (Kanhalgaon) 547.86 445
Kadholi Kh. 782.59 1613
Kanhalgaon 425 1420
Karawa 674.29 325
Kargaon Bk. 231.98 257
Karwahi 193.36 127
Katlabodi 337.75 835
Kavithgaon(Rith) 379.2 0
Kawathala 642.72 1726
Kerambodi 136.45 10
Khadki (Rupapeth) 406.89 596
Khairgaon (korpana) 345 592
Khairgaon(gadegaon) 428.23 508
Khairgaon(Rith) 232.37 0
Khirdi 505.84 894
Kodsi Bk. 942 881
Kodsi Kh. 287 960
Koradi 250.18 199
Korpana 526.41 5195
Kothoda Bk. 718.55 1198
Kothoda Kh. 268.99 224
Kukadsath 349.65 682
Kukalbodi 238.76 213
Kusal 557.86 625
Lakhamapur 543.58 2420
Loni 447.24 1139
Mandawa 602 1176
Mangulhira 956.01 476
Matha 703 1368
Mehandi 558.2 59
Nandgaon 838 1371
Naranda 1746.23 2670
Navegaon(Koradi) 209 301
Nimani 662.77 1228
Nokari(Palgaon) 557.36 999
Palezari 132.4 0
Palgaon 696.98 690
Paramba 134.4 0
Pardi 558.2 1417
Parsoda 675.21 959
Pipalgaon 937.38 1345
Piparda 892 1040
Pipri 606.96 1083
Raipur 96.21 216
Rupapeth 945.28 1132
Sangoda 303.01 862
Sawalhira 658.56 693
Seraj Kh. 256.87 491
Sheraj Bk 386.75 621
Shivapur 391.16 352
Shivnaranda 82.59 0
Sonurli 160.42 310
Sonurli (Wansadi) 424.21 1900
Talodhi 853.86 984
Tambadi 526.05 744
Tamsi 104.77 0
Tangala 740.11 350
Thippa 668.7 363
Thutra 1259.31 1689
Tulsi 462.83 295
Umarvihira 584.95 162
Upparwahi 450.97 2770
Virur(Gadegaon) 629.01 1162
Wadgaon 557.07 1609
Wanoja 763.31 745
Wansadi 330.38 1786
Yergavhan 974 843
Zoting 774.32 68
Zulbardi 68.21 25

Frequently Asked Question About Korpana Taluka

How many villages are there in Korpana Taluka ?

There are 110 villages in the Korpana Taluka.

Is Korpana is rural or urban ?

Korpana is urban area.

What is the population of Korpana Taluka ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Korpana Taluka is 125,317

How many town or city are there in Korpana Taluka ?

There are 3 town or city in the Korpana Taluka.


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