
Gondpipri is a Taluka and city located in the state of Maharashtra, India. This article provides an in depth look at Gondpipri Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Gondpipri Taluka.

Gondpipri Taluka Overview

Gondpipri is Town and sub district in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Gondpipri Tahsil. Total area of Gondpipri is 750 km² including 744 km² rural area and 6 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Gondpipri sub district, There are 97 villages in Gondpipri Taluka.

Population of Gondpipri Taluka

As of the 2011 census, Gondpipri has a population of approximately 79,672 peoples which is divided into urban population is 8,474 and rular population is 71,198 The population density in Gondpipri sub district region is about 106 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 40,315 39,357 79,672
Rural 36,013 35,185 71,198
Urban 4,302 4,172 8,474

Households of Gondpipri Taluka

There are about 21,031 houses in the Gondpipri sub district, including 2,136 urban houses and 18,895 rural houses. The average household size in Gondpipri sub district is about 3.79 person per household.

Type Households
Total 21,031
Rural 18,895
Urban 2,136

List Of Villages in Gondpipri Taluka

Gondpipri district is divided into several Taluka or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 97 villages in Gondpipri Taluka. The following is a list of villages in Gondpipri Taluka.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Adegaon 554.67 944
Aksapur 428.78 1497
Arvi 416.12 456
Bhanar Heti 477.19 666
Bhangarpeth 623.72 634
Bhangram Talodhi 1081.39 3446
Borgaon 339.35 1491
Chak Bapur 643 974
Chak Beradi 630.89 794
Chak Borgaon 780.27 831
Chak Darur 807.71 1679
Chak Dongargaon 166.49 0
Chak Ghadoli 306.19 628
Chak Gojoti 94.8 474
Chak Likhitwada 524.78 1016
Chak Nandgaon 732.02 576
Chak Navegaon 717.3 399
Chak Pargaon 461.03 987
Chak Pellur 442.27 438
Chak Pipari 898.76 1097
Chak Somanpalli 261.84 237
Chak Sukwasi 203.1 599
Chak Talodhi 286.56 257
Chak Tarada 87.28 64
Chak Vihirgaon 101.47 0
Chak Vithalwada 594.15 407
Chak Wedgaon 332.9 0
Chak Wedgaon 219.24 0
Chiwandha 401.52 341
Darur 902.11 1088
Dhaba 1151.64 2695
Dhamangaon 394.65 843
Dhamanpeth 163.17 463
Dhanapur 741.69 1352
Dongargaon Mal 330.09 729
Dubar Peth Chak 289.75 414
Fulora 96 374
Furdi Heti 905.33 689
Ganesh Pipari 165.15 929
Ganpur 240 495
Ghadoli 388.38 878
Gojoli Makta 610.03 822
Gujari 217.14 227
Heti Nandgaon 28 397
Hiwara 574.45 1001
Kanhalgaon 170.19 668
Karanji 1093.8 3046
Kharal Peth 560.13 1639
Kirmiri 240.31 643
Kondhana 278.55 98
Korambi 236.77 342
Kudesavali 528.37 890
Kultha 560.13 407
Kunde Nandgaon 147.71 242
Lathi 1149.24 1326
Likhitwada Rith 146.58 0
Mangal Peth 200.37 346
Nandgaon 456.72 464
Nandwardhan 484 940
Nawegaon Waghade 275.31 429
Pachgaon 1286.45 224
Panora 531 683
Pardi 244.74 352
Parsodi 904.07 640
Patalwada 183.69 0
Patalwada Chak 134.91 0
Pipari Tukum 134.8 43
Polsa 628.3 651
Ralapeth 647.34 614
Sakmur 470.64 280
Salezari 528.46 874
Sarandi 437.84 294
Shivani Deshpande 1018 710
Sirsi Deulwar 96.09 367
Somanpalli 338.15 1070
Sonapur Deshpande 989.4 1366
Supgaon 394.65 750
Surgaon 309.23 492
Tarda 360.19 368
Tarsa Bk. 552.79 662
Tarsa Kh. 579.41 1207
Tekoda 15.33 0
Tohogaon 1392.46 3356
Tomta 361.43 82
Undirgaon Alies Kantepeth 91.51 0
Undirgaon Ryt. 61.49 317
Vihirgaon 262 543
Vithalwada 955.05 2511
Vyankatpur 207.54 448
Vyankatpur Chak 144.11 174
Wadholi 601.9 2022
Wadkuli 340.46 1096
Wamanpalli 246.06 345
Watrana 142.22 326
Wedgaon 986.05 1180
Wejgaon 911.37 952
Yen Bothala 624.12 391

Frequently Asked Question About Gondpipri Taluka

How many villages are there in Gondpipri Taluka ?

There are 97 villages in the Gondpipri Taluka.

Is Gondpipri is rural or urban ?

Gondpipri is urban area.

What is the population of Gondpipri Taluka ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Gondpipri Taluka is 79,672

How many town or city are there in Gondpipri Taluka ?

There are 1 town or city in the Gondpipri Taluka.


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