
Phulambri is a Taluka and city located in the state of Maharashtra, India. This article provides an in depth look at Phulambri Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Phulambri Taluka.

Phulambri Taluka Overview

Phulambri is Town and sub district in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Phulambri Tahsil. Total area of Phulambri is 719 km² including 719 km² rural area and 0 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Phulambri sub district, There are 92 villages in Phulambri Taluka.

Population of Phulambri Taluka

As of the 2011 census, Phulambri has a population of approximately 161,012 peoples which is divided into urban population is 0 and rular population is 161,012 The population density in Phulambri sub district region is about 224 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 83,591 77,421 161,012
Rural 83,591 77,421 161,012
Urban 0 0 0

Households of Phulambri Taluka

There are about 31,550 houses in the Phulambri sub district, including 0 urban houses and 31,550 rural houses. The average household size in Phulambri sub district is about 5.1 person per household.

Type Households
Total 31,550
Rural 31,550
Urban 0

List Of Villages in Phulambri Taluka

Phulambri district is divided into several Taluka or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 92 villages in Phulambri Taluka. The following is a list of villages in Phulambri Taluka.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Adgaon Kh. 392 1090
Adgaon Bk. 838 1881
Alad 1144 3967
Babhulgaon 608 703
Babhulgaon Kh. 701.85 1325
Babra 1699.81 5006
Bhalgaon 299.76 719
Bhawadi 266 815
Bhoygaon 164.16 252
Bilda 684.07 2555
Bodhegaon Bk. 1257.16 1995
Bodhegaon Kh. 348 1409
Borgaon Arj 642 2319
Chincholi (Nakib) 587.56 1474
Chincholi Bk 710.21 948
Daregaon 333 1114
Dhamangaon 1512 3274
Dhanora 648.53 923
Dongargaon Kawad 1196 1496
Dongargaon Shev 1134 1918
Fulambri 4140 16665
Ganori 3428.43 6230
Georai Gungi 1507.95 2143
Georai Paiga 713.26 1954
Girsawali 403.14 844
Gumastala 118.33 254
Hiwara 768 1087
Jalgaon Mete 514 918
Janefal 200.12 513
Jategaon 1290.94 2468
Jatwa 747 1705
Kanhegaon 502.14 839
Kanhori 673.55 1935
Kawitkheda 166 480
Khamgaon 2165.4 4714
Kingaon 1049 3205
Lahanyachiwadi 888.55 1977
Lalwan 342 737
Leha Babra 944 1691
Mahal Kinhola 585.2 1495
Malodyachiwadi 263 468
Mamnabad 262.33 800
Marsawali 2157 2084
Mhasla 203.32 497
Murshadabadwadi 375.81 1180
Naigaon 407 1307
Naigaon 813.25 1433
Nandra 990.06 1768
Narla 483 1093
Nidhona 1300 2957
Nimkheda 215.77 1258
Padali 214.53 575
Padali Wawana 180.49 294
Pal 1423 4339
Panwadi 2129 2018
Pathri 1010.9 2131
Pedgaon Alad 331.91 742
Pimpalgaon Gangdeo 706.25 1706
Pimpalgaon Walan 1086 2382
Pimpalgaondeo 176 472
Pirbawada 1453.3 3029
Pokhari 362 351
Pophala 261 408
Ranjangaon 583.29 1155
Relgaon 329.94 962
Ridhora 442.04 1500
Sanjul 215 1003
Satal Pimpri 587.9 1737
Satala Bk. 600 1158
Selgaon 591 1183
Shahapur 357 185
Shelgaon 387 427
Shevta Bk. 233.64 532
Shevta Kh. 327.71 1154
Shirodi Bk 1184.36 1832
Shirodi Kh 445.45 1354
Sonari Bk. 145.73 473
Sonari Kh. 99.94 177
Sultanwadi 309.57 1003
Takali Kolte 843 1921
Umravati 1690 3513
Wadod Bajar 1234.06 4835
Wadod Kh. 490.29 813
Waghalagaon 417 1366
Waghola 910.49 1429
Wahegaon 881 1385
Wakod 501.9 1648
Wanegaon Bk 416 1319
Wanegaon Kh 415.48 1475
Waregaon 1231 3138
Wawana 385 1110
Wiramgaon 176.05 896

Frequently Asked Question About Phulambri Taluka

How many villages are there in Phulambri Taluka ?

There are 92 villages in the Phulambri Taluka.

Is Phulambri is rural or urban ?

Phulambri is urban area.

What is the population of Phulambri Taluka ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Phulambri Taluka is 161,012

How many town or city are there in Phulambri Taluka ?

There are 0 town or city in the Phulambri Taluka.


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