
Nagda is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Nagda Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Nagda Tehsil.

Nagda Tehsil Overview

Nagda is Town and sub district in Ujjain district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Nagda Tahsil. Total area of Nagda is 652 km² including 602 km² rural area and 50 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Nagda sub district, There are 109 villages in Nagda Tehsil.

Population of Nagda Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Nagda has a population of approximately 237,996 peoples which is divided into urban population is 114,813 and rular population is 123,183 The population density in Nagda sub district region is about 365 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 121,378 116,618 237,996
Rural 62,499 60,684 123,183
Urban 58,879 55,934 114,813

Households of Nagda Tehsil

There are about 47,494 houses in the Nagda sub district, including 22,759 urban houses and 24,735 rural houses. The average household size in Nagda sub district is about 5.01 person per household.

Type Households
Total 47,494
Rural 24,735
Urban 22,759

List Of Villages in Nagda Tehsil

Nagda district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 109 villages in Nagda Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Nagda Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Akya Najik 730.27 1242
Akyakoli 857.22 1212
Alot Jagir 1053.1 1731
Alsi 314.84 636
Amlawad Junnardar 392.35 1535
Antraliya 463.27 880
Arolya Dewda 307.99 508
Arolyajassa 282.05 542
Atlawada 550.95 953
Azimabad Pardhi 379.7 1722
Bachhoda 495.16 984
Bagla 259.65 656
Baijnathkhedi 277.36 475
Banbana 1126.42 2237
Banbani 422.65 722
Banwada 783.16 1333
Barkheda Madan 493.2 1122
Barkheda Najeek 397.19 1345
Bedawan 857.35 2729
Berchha 970.3 2482
Bhagatpuri 182.55 940
Bhakarda 357.17 800
Bhatera 365.53 465
Bhatisuda 921.32 1859
Bhilsuda 548.45 1639
Borkheda Pitramal 2471.78 1691
Chambal Padlaya 738.67 1670
Chawand 314.46 686
Chidi Rawadiya 480.12 483
Chinkuganj 270.29 581
Dabri 385.6 1422
Dallaheda 386.94 776
Dhoomaheda 764.14 1243
Didiyakhedi 453.91 538
Geedgarh 336.15 686
Gurachha 480.57 581
Guradiya Sanga 698.03 1520
Guradiyapitramal 573.2 1093
Gurla 1094.17 1701
Hapakheda 324.18 364
Hatai 470.83 1102
Hebatpur Bhimpura 233.69 738
Heedi 981 1705
Itawa 491.5 705
Jalodiya Khacharod 483.95 997
Jalodiya Unhel 362.74 592
Jhanjhakhedi 441.24 1110
Jhiranya Khacharod 640.16 1068
Jhiranya Unhel 374.58 543
Jiyajigarh 228.4 478
Kachnariya 743.48 821
Kalalkhedi 333.51 1019
Kalsi 486.39 1172
Kankarda 414.29 470
Karnawad 900.88 1810
Karondiya 389.5 722
Khajuriya 238.8 644
Khimlakhedi 317.41 447
Khokri 570.5 1322
Kilodiya 455.23 865
Kiradiya 369.58 458
Kundla 532.3 957
Lasudiya Jaisingh 372.16 831
Lasudiyachuwad 461.94 708
Lekodiya Anjana 938.6 2359
Madhavgarh 250.93 255
Mahu 445.27 619
Makla 859.95 707
Malikhedi 542.88 1885
Matra 195.52 412
Mohna 606.25 960
Mundla 427.47 607
Nagjhiri 337.19 1385
Nawada 654.67 1835
Nayan 581.31 2268
Nimbodiya Khurd 485.69 1010
Nimbodiyakalan 750.03 2124
Ninawatkheda 404.43 834
Nipanya 266.06 790
Pagara 421.59 415
Palkhi 293.05 712
Pankhedi 318.84 425
Parmarkhedi 624.44 837
Parolya Padma 429.93 534
Paslod 1212.95 2934
Pipalya Dabi 1026.7 1626
Pipalya Molu 565.23 1257
Pipalya Rani 947.06 1120
Pipalya Sarang 342.32 493
Pipalyasees 514.3 1060
Piploda Sagotimata 1290.59 3392
Punakheda 321.75 556
Raiyapur 224.18 371
Rajgarh 646 950
Rajla 738.3 1411
Rajota 306.89 597
Ramabaloda 1174.46 1758
Ratanyakhedi 298.27 885
Rathda 354 364
Rohal Kalan 616.28 1042
Rohalkhurd 1424.25 3221
Roopakhedi 347.29 752
Rupeta 1767.92 4378
Sarwana Unhel 756.67 1415
Simrol 433.88 939
Surjakhedi 524.31 958
Takrawada 320.82 1227
Tootiyakhedi 786.4 1778
Umariya 399.18 658

Frequently Asked Question About Nagda Tehsil

How many villages are there in Nagda Tehsil ?

There are 109 villages in the Nagda Tehsil.

Is Nagda is rural or urban ?

Nagda is urban area.

What is the population of Nagda Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Nagda Tehsil is 237,996

How many town or city are there in Nagda Tehsil ?

There are 2 town or city in the Nagda Tehsil.


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