
Mahidpur is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Mahidpur Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Mahidpur Tehsil.

Mahidpur Tehsil Overview

Mahidpur is Town and sub district in Ujjain district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Mahidpur Tahsil. Total area of Mahidpur is 1,137 km² including 1,114 km² rural area and 23 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Mahidpur sub district, There are 224 villages in Mahidpur Tehsil.

Population of Mahidpur Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Mahidpur has a population of approximately 259,299 peoples which is divided into urban population is 41,970 and rular population is 217,329 The population density in Mahidpur sub district region is about 228 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 132,838 126,461 259,299
Rural 111,497 105,832 217,329
Urban 21,341 20,629 41,970

Households of Mahidpur Tehsil

There are about 51,696 houses in the Mahidpur sub district, including 7,728 urban houses and 43,968 rural houses. The average household size in Mahidpur sub district is about 5.02 person per household.

Type Households
Total 51,696
Rural 43,968
Urban 7,728

List Of Villages in Mahidpur Tehsil

Mahidpur district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 224 villages in Mahidpur Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Mahidpur Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Aamdi 145.1 829
Akyabajrang 210.75 220
Akyadhanga 623.74 669
Akyajassa 326 879
Akyalimba 578.77 1006
Alakheda 529.25 866
Aranya Najeek Chivdi 280.79 429
Aranya Najeek Sherpur 278.02 196
Aranyabagda 445.31 725
Aranyabena 183.66 293
Asadi 459.9 1080
Azmabad 465.24 910
Badgaon 432.41 1098
Bagla 559.55 889
Bagni 270.04 596
Bahadurpura 255.95 435
Baijnath 441.31 701
Balah 174.06 466
Baloda 490.03 558
Balra 209.77 428
Bamnai 412 1002
Bani 558.01 1237
Banjari 802.73 1254
Bansingh 811.54 1642
Bapaiya 944.19 2013
Barapathar (Part) 577.27 37
Barda Bhurekhan 107.2 0
Barkhedabuzurg 527.77 900
Barkhedakhurd 190.42 561
Barkhedibazar 546.81 1009
Barukhedi 550.46 845
Bawalya 287.95 708
Belakheda 564.02 1353
Bhadwa 718.4 1284
Bhatkhedi 184.5 749
Bhavrasi 329.77 452
Bhimakheda (Part) 370.68 2381
Bilkheda 298.53 328
Binpura 532.91 699
Bisalkhedi 428.19 783
Bolkhedaghat 708.2 1000
Bolkhedanau 882 1782
Borkhedi 310.8 481
Brahmankheda 761.55 1610
Chhajjukhedi 384.52 696
Chhingri 297 644
Chibdi 328.56 430
Chiramya 388.28 628
Chitawad 1047.57 1486
Chorwasa 472.74 763
Delakhedi 193.75 294
Delchibuzurg 1194.52 2115
Delchikhurd 905.17 2024
Deoli 288.54 816
Dhablabeni 390.73 931
Dhablasiya 1320.28 1241
Dhablikamma 431.55 620
Dhanodiya 705.81 1356
Dharakheda 521.96 680
Dhelwadi 300.52 606
Dhulet 773.34 1186
Dongarkheda 881.86 1631
Dongla 478.39 1001
Dubli 193.63 612
Dungariya 606.55 1178
Dungarkhedi 271.76 697
Gangajalya Kheda 272.56 383
Gelakhedi 636 1420
Ghat Khedi 179.89 336
Ghatiyajassa 323.87 550
Ghatiyasaindas 659.35 1314
Ghatpeepalya 407.9 1023
Ghiyakhedi 194.48 310
Ghodabag 187.15 367
Ghosla 898.71 5012
Gogakheda 496.67 805
Guradiyadasa 617.83 985
Hajalyakhedi 300.29 383
Hajratpur 206.31 378
Harbakhedi 418.59 811
Hingoniya 623.86 934
Ilyakhedi 273.44 509
Indokh 728.5 2030
Isankhedi 628.07 2291
Itawa 562.23 940
Jagoti 1297.41 5060
Jawasiyasolanki 439 1093
Jawasyapanth 606.63 1066
Jelyakhedi 415.9 1259
Jhangra 350 514
Jhangri 224.98 360
Jharawada 613.06 678
Jharda 1320 6777
Jharkhedi 211.13 291
Jhutawad 1468.68 3220
Jodmabirbhan 168.62 361
Jodmalakkha 616 1139
Kachariya 809.27 1983
Kachhaliyachand 590.05 922
Kachhaliyasaiyad 609.5 960
Kadhai 796.99 2233
Kajikhedi 344.89 519
Kalapipal 399.98 838
Kallapipalya 649.83 1107
Kamalyakhedi 314.19 536
Kanakedi Eklaspur 617.7 801
Kanakhedi Hamma 516.14 608
Kanakhedi Harbans 541.21 640
Kanthari 223.53 399
Kanthariya 608.65 620
Karnawad 433.26 964
Kason 985.53 1282
Katariya 811.18 1018
Khajuriya Mansoor 494.09 929
Khardiya Manpur 338.96 909
Kheda Madda 832.09 1433
Khedakhajuriya 1205.01 3058
Khedla 228.05 476
Khoriya Padma 695.28 974
Khoriya Sumra 326.8 690
Khurchanya Chandrabhan 293.57 264
Khurchanya Pratap 765.28 757
Kitiya 550.4 985
Koyal 819.7 1323
Kukalkheda 298.55 452
Kukni 371.57 512
Kundikheda 533 1180
Kuwandiya 252.08 567
Ladanpur 314 654
Lakhakhedi Naharpur 454.41 1745
Lakhakhedi Umath 410.47 214
Lambikhedi 351 728
Lasudiyadevsi 444 808
Lasudiyagoyal 533.74 1241
Lasudiyamansoor 743.02 944
Lasudiyanhata 782.44 1416
Lasudiyashripat 405.57 445
Loharwas 303.38 391
Lotiya Junarda 690.82 1737
Mahidpuriya 165.75 90
Mahu 658.59 1264
Mahudi 629.59 1276
Mahudipura 460.18 920
Mahudiya 568.31 881
Makla 1613.19 3090
Malikhedi 444.57 682
Malya 860 1245
Marukheda 398.44 568
Maukhedi 259.05 732
Melakhedi 267.9 598
Melaniya 343 541
Mendki 272 635
Mochikheda 441.9 727
Modi 322.35 393
Moyakheda 375.77 420
Mundlaparwal 571.01 1347
Mundlasondhya 1010.46 1806
Mundlibhoj 411.4 577
Mundlidotru 627.14 980
Munjakhedi 295.51 847
Nagguradiya 898.71 1582
Nagpura 509 877
Naharkheda 196 533
Nalkheda 911.72 1556
Narana 405.14 913
Narayankhedi 473.89 667
Neemkheda 395.68 1119
Nipaniyabadar 621.01 1196
Nipaniyaraju 677.39 1490
Padikheda 496.03 710
Padlya 575.14 1726
Palwa 794.42 1448
Panodiya 419.11 433
Parasali 143 291
Parwatkheda 486 1145
Patakhedi 467.94 855
Pepalya Bhim 273.44 420
Petlawad 777.37 1572
Pipalya Dhuma 923.78 1653
Pipalya Harji 325 657
Pipalya Nath 533.62 1145
Piplikheda 199.67 242
Rabdaniya 516 779
Raghvi 276.88 917
Ramnagar 194.16 260
Ramsara 457.47 883
Ranayrapeer 1180.84 2744
Ranipura 342.48 363
Rasulpura 138.59 453
Rawatkhedi 435.4 578
Rohida 460.72 917
Rudaheda 462.58 563
Rudrakheda 265.23 680
Sagwali 865.46 2227
Sakariya 517.42 887
Samakota 203.88 235
Sangvikheda 233.67 360
Sanoriya 624.9 572
Sarwankheda 740.3 780
Sekakhedi 450.49 691
Sekli 310.98 796
Semalya 1286.19 2451
Serankhedi 189.32 309
Shakkarkhedi 842.3 1450
Sherpur 264.24 562
Shrawan 731.85 1197
Simrol 333.85 683
Singdewala 577.03 627
Sipawara 312.97 635
Somchidi 207.21 364
Suhagpura 486.96 1116
Sukdi 465.2 262
Sumrakheda 270.62 798
Tajpur 260.64 417
Tajpura (Part) 163.41 33
Tanda 279.32 523
Tarnod 574.47 1795
Tarot 1045.91 1346
Teelyakhedi 333.39 343
Thikariya 367.61 1061
Tipukheda 390.67 872
Tolyakhedi 164.32 193
Tulsapur 164.68 512
Yashwantpura 205.29 367

Frequently Asked Question About Mahidpur Tehsil

How many villages are there in Mahidpur Tehsil ?

There are 224 villages in the Mahidpur Tehsil.

Is Mahidpur is rural or urban ?

Mahidpur is urban area.

What is the population of Mahidpur Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Mahidpur Tehsil is 259,299

How many town or city are there in Mahidpur Tehsil ?

There are 2 town or city in the Mahidpur Tehsil.


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