
Khacharod is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Khacharod Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Khacharod Tehsil.

Khacharod Tehsil Overview

Khacharod is Town and sub district in Ujjain district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Khacharod Tahsil. Total area of Khacharod is 638 km² including 628 km² rural area and 10 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Khacharod sub district, There are 109 villages in Khacharod Tehsil.

Population of Khacharod Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Khacharod has a population of approximately 161,270 peoples which is divided into urban population is 34,191 and rular population is 127,079 The population density in Khacharod sub district region is about 253 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 81,942 79,328 161,270
Rural 64,591 62,488 127,079
Urban 17,351 16,840 34,191

Households of Khacharod Tehsil

There are about 31,421 houses in the Khacharod sub district, including 6,239 urban houses and 25,182 rural houses. The average household size in Khacharod sub district is about 5.13 person per household.

Type Households
Total 31,421
Rural 25,182
Urban 6,239

List Of Villages in Khacharod Tehsil

Khacharod district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 109 villages in Khacharod Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Khacharod Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Akyajagir 858.52 1736
Antalwasa 458.4 651
Arjala 489.41 1244
Bachhakhedi 384.4 405
Badagaon 1495.2 3544
Bagedi 638.4 1212
Banjari 828.5 1846
Baramadkheda 395.3 578
Barkheda Jaora 514.82 1259
Barlai 533.1 973
Barthun 693.1 1817
Batlawadi 815.3 2559
Bedavanya 1022.8 1795
Behlola 633.84 1842
Beriyakhedi 426.18 1409
Bhandla 314.92 628
Bhanwasa 847.5 1315
Bhat Khedi 490.6 1221
Bhensola 914.2 1551
Bhikampur 1160.69 2364
Bilwaniya 571.53 1546
Bordiya 565.7 987
Brahman Khedi Kalan 159.57 98
Brahman Khedi Khurd 180.63 307
Buranabad 949.7 1990
Chak Narayangarh 325.55 121
Chandodiya 523.11 1261
Chandwasla 668.7 986
Chanpa Kheda 782 2378
Chanpaner 713.18 2100
Chirola 906.56 1655
Chowki Junnardar 518.9 963
Dadiya 236.22 230
Dhaturiya 274.63 505
Dipakhedi 118.57 270
Divel 637.43 1286
Dodiya 344.83 1021
Dupdawada 946 1176
Farnakhedi 585.44 1674
Ghinoda 1360.38 2974
Ghudawan 577.7 803
Gidawada 289.5 713
Gindwanya 579.56 1560
Gothda 277.3 645
Jalod 361.4 432
Jalwal 459.44 623
Jhirmira 563.95 1129
Kadiyali 252.5 557
Kamthana 881.3 2205
Kamthani 300.04 390
Kanchankhedi 507.42 1313
Kantharkhedi 289.75 410
Kanwas 873.98 1820
Kesariya 524.32 1224
Khamariya 535.96 1837
Khandwa 357.3 829
Khatakhedi 248.34 500
Khedawada 521.6 1326
Khurmundi 345.84 547
Kumharwadi 640.92 1253
Kutlana 411.08 888
Lasudiya Daiyar 91.9 38
Lasudiya Khema 607.5 1346
Lekodiya Tank 560.03 1416
Lohachitara 297.69 706
Luhari 341.4 567
Lusdawan 757.24 1302
Madawada 1821.6 4223
Madawadi 499.2 1313
Madgani 234.1 306
Malakhedi 285.57 604
Meen 627.03 1511
Mokdi 1023.49 1989
Nandiyasi 764.72 1452
Nandwasla 355.28 675
Napakhedi 256.18 634
Naredikhurd 497 933
Naredipata 846.9 1124
Nareli 288.88 800
Narsinghgarh 1426.58 2033
Nawatiya 465 1464
Nimadi 287.6 560
Pachlasi 1158.99 1799
Padalyakhurd 170.71 517
Padsulya 431.67 1140
Palna 471.6 908
Panwasa 417.65 1072
Piplodapanth 500.6 622
Rajpur Rayti 592.3 740
Ramnagar 363.05 688
Rigania 498.1 1120
Runkheda 815.25 1621
Sakatkhedi 532.04 1195
Sanasala 317.04 744
Sandawda 635.1 1084
Sandla 1130.6 1878
Sarwanakhacharod 274.41 748
Sekdi Sultanpur 380.5 854
Sendri 477.75 1109
Shribachh 607.9 1226
Siparda 286.73 420
Sonchidi 264.9 444
Surel 906.5 1723
Tarod 537.54 1029
Thadoda 358.88 898
Tumni 247.32 64
Umarna 489.11 1851
Umarni 496.83 1093
Unchaheda 482.33 1015

Frequently Asked Question About Khacharod Tehsil

How many villages are there in Khacharod Tehsil ?

There are 109 villages in the Khacharod Tehsil.

Is Khacharod is rural or urban ?

Khacharod is urban area.

What is the population of Khacharod Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Khacharod Tehsil is 161,270

How many town or city are there in Khacharod Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Khacharod Tehsil.


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