
Susner is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Susner Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Susner Tehsil.

Susner Tehsil Overview

Susner is Town and sub district in Shajapur district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Susner Tahsil. Total area of Susner is 675 km² including 674 km² rural area and 1 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Susner sub district, There are 118 villages in Susner Tehsil.

Population of Susner Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Susner has a population of approximately 143,828 peoples which is divided into urban population is 31,213 and rular population is 112,615 The population density in Susner sub district region is about 213 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 73,539 70,289 143,828
Rural 57,555 55,060 112,615
Urban 15,984 15,229 31,213

Households of Susner Tehsil

There are about 29,512 houses in the Susner sub district, including 5,989 urban houses and 23,523 rural houses. The average household size in Susner sub district is about 4.87 person per household.

Type Households
Total 29,512
Rural 23,523
Urban 5,989

List Of Villages in Susner Tehsil

Susner district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 118 villages in Susner Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Susner Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Amarkot 15.02 317
Amla Nankar 394.24 541
Ankli 316.07 1050
Antraliya 423.73 1187
Arniya Ka Kheda 242.2 433
Badiya 714.36 1274
Bajna 998.78 726
Bamniyakhedi 642.31 1782
Banda 442.03 267
Barai 1198.19 2842
Bayra 292.96 263
Bhawanipura 354.11 344
Bid Madhopur 431.32 0
Bid Pipliya 203.22 0
Bijana Khedi 359.76 679
Borkhedi Kabal 346.77 691
Borkhedi Lada 629.55 623
Chhapariya 617 1158
Datya Khedi 401.92 632
Dehriya Soyat 707.2 2063
Dehriya Susner 1116.51 1456
Deopur 836.47 1031
Devli 330.43 1446
Dhabla Kelwa 336.34 643
Dhabli 152.43 469
Dhanya Khedi 166.37 234
Dharu Khedi 539.97 1096
Dhaturiya 308.96 495
Dhola Khedi 448.78 516
Diwan Khedi 530.82 924
Dongargaon 2324.57 7159
Dongargaon Susner 451.56 397
Dulya Khedi 585.41 300
Faraspura 593.62 363
Gagorni 525.71 520
Ganeshpura 737.2 1626
Garda 346.65 510
Gelana 496.13 1385
Ghata Khedi 583.48 437
Gundlawada 533.97 816
Guradi Soyat 274.28 518
Guradi Susner 485.38 529
Guradiya Soyat 336.7 1630
Guradiya Susner 491.96 664
Jakh 465.28 1164
Jakhli 130.72 300
Jamuniya 361.1 631
Jeewapura 130.31 170
Jetpura 248.76 206
Kadiya 605.04 952
Kadmi 443.52 555
Kajlas 446.8 1216
Kalariya 489.31 844
Kalyanpura 254.16 452
Kanthaliya 163.01 443
Kanthaliya Ka Kheda 311.74 848
Kanwara Khedi 177.83 2127
Karkadiya Soyat 1001.78 1282
Kayra 400.1 852
Keet Khedi 596.78 811
Khajuri 766.36 1091
Khanota 961.27 831
Khejda Khedi 396.88 690
Khejdi 447.64 721
Kherana 998 1197
Kheriya Soyat 478.94 1729
Kheriya Susner 499.82 1229
Khimapura 353.48 484
Khindiya Khedi 423.31 684
Khoyaria 130.01 349
Kishanpura 236.04 580
Kothada 310.92 574
Lala Khedi 662.54 1474
Laturi Gujar 520.68 618
Lodha Khedi 606.38 781
Lohariya 781.35 2023
Longdi 519.03 879
Magariya 400.23 596
Maina 1084.98 2357
Malanwasa 808.35 1253
Mana 936.26 1675
Mangishpur 668 899
Mehandi 312.41 545
Mehatpur 679 865
Modi 1471.06 5176
Morukhedi 226.6 0
Naharkheda 837.36 1148
Nandna 632.97 1232
Nanora 518.87 746
Nawa Kheda 181.46 115
Nipaniya Gehlot 334.92 0
Nipaniya Susner 433.56 810
Palda 801.75 837
Parsulya Kalan 482.09 1125
Parsulya Khurd 292.39 495
Patpada 323.12 486
Payali 727.11 1609
Pipalya Ka Kheda 146.75 200
Pipalya Nankar 631.81 1323
Pithapura 180.47 417
Prempura 119.67 0
Rawli 423.4 1254
Richhadiya 485.08 579
Sadalpur 363.56 706
Sakatpura 67.16 0
Salariya 566.95 972
Salyakhedi 663.32 2916
Sardarpura 214.6 294
Sarsi 660.27 1039
Sekakhedi 164.78 0
Semali 1112.08 913
Shatrukhedi 230.88 448
Shripatpura 407.79 1036
Shyampura 1238.65 1679
Sirpoi 562.35 1423
Soyat Khurd 2580.4 3878
Tilokpura 61.16 136
Umariya 607.12 610

Frequently Asked Question About Susner Tehsil

How many villages are there in Susner Tehsil ?

There are 118 villages in the Susner Tehsil.

Is Susner is rural or urban ?

Susner is urban area.

What is the population of Susner Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Susner Tehsil is 143,828

How many town or city are there in Susner Tehsil ?

There are 2 town or city in the Susner Tehsil.


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