
Nalkheda is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Nalkheda Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Nalkheda Tehsil.

Nalkheda Tehsil Overview

Nalkheda is Town and sub district in Shajapur district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Nalkheda Tahsil. Total area of Nalkheda is 603 km² including 567 km² rural area and 36 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Nalkheda sub district, There are 96 villages in Nalkheda Tehsil.

Population of Nalkheda Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Nalkheda has a population of approximately 118,592 peoples which is divided into urban population is 23,907 and rular population is 94,685 The population density in Nalkheda sub district region is about 197 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 60,953 57,639 118,592
Rural 48,674 46,011 94,685
Urban 12,279 11,628 23,907

Households of Nalkheda Tehsil

There are about 23,725 houses in the Nalkheda sub district, including 4,263 urban houses and 19,462 rural houses. The average household size in Nalkheda sub district is about 5 person per household.

Type Households
Total 23,725
Rural 19,462
Urban 4,263

List Of Villages in Nalkheda Tehsil

Nalkheda district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 96 villages in Nalkheda Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Nalkheda Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Anandikhedi 217.74 327
Bagawad 665.74 975
Baigaon 506.06 1472
Banskhedi 236.84 555
Basya 360.52 655
Bawadikheda 198.58 0
Berchhakhedi 461.44 671
Bhaisoda 1011.72 3230
Bhandawad 761.63 1987
Bhidon 848.01 656
Bhilkhedi 354.92 619
Bishani 478.16 631
Borkhedi Gujar 419.27 464
Borkhedi Saloki 414.53 513
Chapakheda 475.13 745
Chharda 420.55 1033
Damdam 825.35 1889
Datya 152.5 149
Dawatpur 295.43 646
Dehari Gujar 490.1 605
Dehrideo 266.49 521
Dhabla Songara 1075.24 1144
Dhandheda 597.73 1357
Dhanora 725.24 915
Dhanya Khedi 162.49 385
Dharola 2097.15 3825
Digon 308.92 1114
Eklera 451.11 924
Gadiya 520.16 579
Gareli 529.85 809
Godalmau 710.52 1398
Gokulpur 239.74 353
Gothada 1579.11 2305
Goyal 772.45 1390
Gudrawan 851 2433
Gujarkhedi 1118.48 2053
Gunjariya 303.57 555
Guradiya Deo 289.46 707
Guradiya Nalkheda 518.7 911
Hirankhedi 608.95 1563
Jamuni 256.13 531
Kabuli 170.36 513
Kachnariya 1381.04 866
Kanali 239.07 0
Karkadiya 351.72 774
Khelagaon 491.35 832
Kherkhedi 131.07 0
Khoriya 257.25 326
Kilona 351.03 524
Kohadiya 784.71 1492
Kothadi 820.93 958
Kushalpura 346.38 879
Ladon 477.15 746
Lalukhedi 517.84 1030
Lasudaliya Gopal 190.15 501
Lasudaliya Kelwa 868 1560
Laturi Gehlot 604.99 1715
Laturi Umat 687.72 934
Lolaki 465 1167
Madhopur 256.19 215
Mahendri Nalkheda 313.64 340
Manasa 589.09 1389
Molyakhedi 468.65 1205
Najarkheda 204 505
Nanya Khedi 342.6 783
Nathu Khedi 480.05 556
Nipanya Khinchi 407.96 382
Pachlana 720.93 1945
Padalya 270.1 596
Padana 1101.36 2214
Pagariya 123.04 257
Panala 390.5 855
Panali 480.74 474
Pankhedi 205.7 821
Patna 985.55 604
Pheti 698.55 387
Pilwas 1420.19 2716
Pipalkhedi 211.2 657
Pipalya Songara 666.31 476
Pipalyaset 730.59 1154
Ramnagar 290.59 322
Richhi 389.25 1502
Rindoli 489.43 749
Rojadi 576.85 551
Ruparel 248.59 404
Samri 474.75 501
Semali 955.83 1742
Semalkhedi 2114 2954
Sigankheda 47.29 154
Siya 611.65 909
Suigaon 1491.2 2096
Surjani 140.52 230
Takhla 1144.33 2074
Thikariya 405.07 1063
Tikon 1064.89 1839
Tolakya Khedi 324.81 653

Frequently Asked Question About Nalkheda Tehsil

How many villages are there in Nalkheda Tehsil ?

There are 96 villages in the Nalkheda Tehsil.

Is Nalkheda is rural or urban ?

Nalkheda is urban area.

What is the population of Nalkheda Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Nalkheda Tehsil is 118,592

How many town or city are there in Nalkheda Tehsil ?

There are 2 town or city in the Nalkheda Tehsil.


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