Moman Badodiya

Moman Badodiya is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Moman Badodiya Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Moman Badodiya Tehsil.

Moman Badodiya Tehsil Overview

Moman Badodiya is Town and sub district in Shajapur district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Moman Badodiya Tahsil. Total area of Moman Badodiya is 488 km² including 488 km² rural area and 0 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Moman Badodiya sub district, There are 105 villages in Moman Badodiya Tehsil.

Population of Moman Badodiya Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Moman Badodiya has a population of approximately 115,216 peoples which is divided into urban population is 0 and rular population is 115,216 The population density in Moman Badodiya sub district region is about 236 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 59,549 55,667 115,216
Rural 59,549 55,667 115,216
Urban 0 0 0

Households of Moman Badodiya Tehsil

There are about 23,019 houses in the Moman Badodiya sub district, including 0 urban houses and 23,019 rural houses. The average household size in Moman Badodiya sub district is about 5.01 person per household.

Type Households
Total 23,019
Rural 23,019
Urban 0

List Of Villages in Moman Badodiya Tehsil

Moman Badodiya district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 105 villages in Moman Badodiya Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Moman Badodiya Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Adalim Khedi 124.4 237
Akodiya 193.67 424
Anandi Khedi 387.98 652
Ankhali 139.62 414
Aroliya 482.89 1311
Bachhaniya 384.45 676
Badaudi 413.21 1289
Badbeli 289.8 374
Badoni 556.99 643
Bagoda 223.46 352
Bagor Khedi 94.16 0
Bakani 212.49 872
Bandahedi 558.97 856
Barnawad 942.82 2751
Bhandedi 378.43 720
Bhanwarasa 471.49 1113
Bhatahedi 205.5 556
Bhopa Khedi 253.56 494
Bijana 967.66 1852
Bijanakhedi 385.56 781
Biragaon 189.61 783
Borkhedi 80.53 21
Burlay 948.35 1954
Chandoni 246.16 423
Chouma 871.31 2625
Chousla Karju 451.15 409
Dangicha 352.19 1544
Dehripal 944.49 2688
Deori Mulla 479.72 1070
Dhakni 125.25 125
Dhandeda 686.19 1072
Dharli 119.71 0
Dhatrawada 660.97 1156
Dhenka 573.3 1468
Dokargaon 425.7 1009
Dudhana 1251.4 2722
Dumahedi 169.61 185
Dungargaon 197.8 450
Dungari 181.26 434
Dupada 1569.81 6356
Fardkhedi 347.59 507
Fawaka 587.59 1177
Gadra Khedi 97.76 411
Gagorni 116.15 411
Govinda 473.64 1129
Hamali 66.17 14
Hariyani 351.54 847
Jaloda 1140.14 2727
Jaman 396.07 931
Jamlay 284.43 690
Jaswada 224.95 759
Jawadi 304.65 880
Jhikdiya 159.4 278
Kabulpur 261.44 707
Kadula 1328.92 1703
Kalmodiya 183.86 108
Kalwa 707.43 631
Kamardipur 230.57 773
Karju 2715.37 5134
Kharhar Khedi 85.04 236
Khoriya Aima 1069.49 2278
Kolu Khedi 240.37 302
Konta 239.02 1030
Kumariya Khas 566.89 1643
Kumdi 203.84 559
Kumhariya Pal 354.13 834
Lasudalya Jagmae 560.88 869
Mahuwa Khedi 244.08 223
Mala Khedi 230.17 395
Malayahedi 421.5 1219
Mandoda 633.38 3204
Mangaliya 454.41 829
Manjur Khedi 144.08 160
Matana 485.03 955
Matewa 514.1 967
Meghakhedi 326.65 442
Mohana 1684.41 4747
Moman Badodiya 1312.1 7686
Nagjhiri 372.32 1106
Nipanya Karju 615.23 2265
Pachawata 373.53 1200
Pachor 511.75 1158
Palasi 311.63 318
Parsula 692.98 1097
Pipaliya Naulay 457.27 961
Pipalkheda 151.03 402
Pitha Khedi 132.47 300
Ramal Khedi 333.43 535
Rasulpur 268.49 1039
Rijawata 596.76 1077
Rolya Khedi 251.4 366
Sadan Khedi 344.07 555
Sagadiya 517.07 917
Sarsi 541.48 1279
Sasta Khedi 274.25 826
Shadipura 404.86 568
Simarol 1152.86 1063
Sirsodiya 856.01 1409
Sodhana Khedi 161.2 473
Sunar Khedi 81.55 0
Tigariya 475.26 724
Tugani 222.18 519
Ukawata 683.93 2572
Umariyadaya 488.18 1035
Usman Khedi 129.85 196

Frequently Asked Question About Moman Badodiya Tehsil

How many villages are there in Moman Badodiya Tehsil ?

There are 105 villages in the Moman Badodiya Tehsil.

Is Moman Badodiya is rural or urban ?

Moman Badodiya is urban area.

What is the population of Moman Badodiya Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Moman Badodiya Tehsil is 115,216

How many town or city are there in Moman Badodiya Tehsil ?

There are 0 town or city in the Moman Badodiya Tehsil.


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