
Kalapipal is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Kalapipal Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Kalapipal Tehsil.

Kalapipal Tehsil Overview

Kalapipal is Town and sub district in Shajapur district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Kalapipal Tahsil. Total area of Kalapipal is 817 km² including 811 km² rural area and 6 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Kalapipal sub district, There are 124 villages in Kalapipal Tehsil.

Population of Kalapipal Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Kalapipal has a population of approximately 201,354 peoples which is divided into urban population is 11,723 and rular population is 189,631 The population density in Kalapipal sub district region is about 246 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 104,561 96,793 201,354
Rural 98,466 91,165 189,631
Urban 6,095 5,628 11,723

Households of Kalapipal Tehsil

There are about 38,267 houses in the Kalapipal sub district, including 2,631 urban houses and 35,636 rural houses. The average household size in Kalapipal sub district is about 5.26 person per household.

Type Households
Total 38,267
Rural 35,636
Urban 2,631

List Of Villages in Kalapipal Tehsil

Kalapipal district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 124 villages in Kalapipal Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Kalapipal Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Adam Kheda 114.6 83
Agkhedi 448.14 1669
Akodi 182.79 379
Alanya 629.46 1617
Alisariya 1089.96 2105
Anandi Khedi 304.56 555
Aranya Kalan 2299.84 7867
Badbeli 683.4 1306
Baddalpur 387.91 709
Bagoda (Gaddi Khedi) 527.02 1054
Bakayan 1267.88 4444
Bamuliya Maina 533.63 697
Bamuliya Muchhali 769.35 1652
Bapcha 560.2 920
Bawadi Kheda 718.16 1472
Bawadiya Maina 674.45 964
Behrawal 2241.89 6208
Berchha Datar 1050.51 2066
Bhaisaya Gadha 722.16 2300
Bhanya Khedi 826.29 1060
Bhardi 645.88 1772
Bhesaya Nagan 515.17 1576
Bhilkheda 842.24 1591
Bhuriya Khajuriya 710.06 1755
Bishan Khedi 571.16 1064
Chakrana Bad 219.27 142
Chakrod 1348.74 3826
Char Khedi 763.14 1449
Chauki Rahimabad 116.86 0
Chayani 987.63 2800
Chhapri 482.02 1377
Dadiya Khedi 449.76 496
Deora Khedi 94.16 149
Dhabla Dheer 1276.2 2702
Dhabla Husainpur 1004.43 981
Dholpur 371.42 710
Dhuboti 715.31 1278
Dodi 235.17 579
Dorabad 356.6 576
Dubadi 455.43 615
Farad 923 1903
Gadra Khedi 511.68 919
Galbi 226.17 1154
Ganeshpur 386.11 1052
Ghat Khedi 255.85 458
Ghatti Mukhtyarpur 479.35 1603
Gowar Dhaniya 268.06 425
Gunpipli 450.3 773
Hadlay Khurd 833.7 1601
Hajipur 283.79 601
Hanumant Kheda 295.14 148
Harraj Kheda 401.8 673
Harru Khedi 378.35 716
Imli Kheda 425.01 816
Jabadi 500.89 975
Jabadiya Bheel 778.58 2115
Jangi Khedi 372.44 611
Jawadiya Dharwas 909.44 1871
Jhundi 161.56 537
Jogikhedi 472.85 761
Kadi Khedi 350.94 990
Kalali 174.72 124
Kalapipal Gram 1259.54 2768
Kamalpur 1424.2 3039
Kanadiya 781.85 999
Kankad Kheda 454.41 1532
Kankariya Khokra 527 1162
Kankariya Ranayal 142.21 8
Kannadpur Marethi 212.06 332
Khajuri Alahdad 1036.11 1938
Khalilpur 162.04 276
Khamlay 1655.21 3139
Khardon Kalan 1700.99 5296
Khardon Khurd 745.29 3354
Kharkhar 226.71 289
Kher Khedi 350.46 1237
Khokara Kalan 1217.21 6529
Khokara Khurd 430.88 532
Kohada 585.02 977
Kohadi 688.02 1044
Kolwa 465.58 949
Kothadi 1706.21 3005
Kumer 498.47 963
Kuthali 344.47 340
Lalakhedi 687.38 1464
Lasudaliya Ghagh 790.52 782
Lasudalya Malak 1096.35 2798
Lasudalya Patla 614.77 1085
Lasudliya Gouri 491.29 1790
Laxmanpur 28.07 0
Mahuwa Khedi 231.55 1023
Mandla Khedi 974.5 1581
Mansaya 454.49 1256
Mohammadpur (Machhnai) 1309.47 3035
Mundla Maina 329.35 1028
Nandni 1561.26 5052
Nipanya Hisamuddin 576.25 849
Nipanya Khanjar 612.08 1664
Nipanya Khurd 469.7 1283
Parda Khedi 470.44 1110
Partappura 230.69 695
Pasisar 686.7 1368
Pipliya Nagar 1177.25 3575
Pochaner 1788.34 3918
Raghokhedi 765.29 2274
Ramdi 908.5 1497
Rampura 509.24 1288
Ranayal 1652.93 5341
Richhadi 785.4 1931
Rola Khedi 647.42 1235
Ronsi 407.99 664
Rosala 1076.7 1869
Sadan Khedi 454.52 930
Saloni 214.09 0
Semali Kheda 233.58 454
Semliya 593.62 1398
Shekhpur Bongi 180.14 358
Sherpura 357.09 1121
Shyampur Nanukhedi 662.45 485
Siloda 382.64 995
Sukaliya 419.53 797
Tigariya 154.13 2
Tilawad 2060.1 5960
Tilya Khedi 238.17 577

Frequently Asked Question About Kalapipal Tehsil

How many villages are there in Kalapipal Tehsil ?

There are 124 villages in the Kalapipal Tehsil.

Is Kalapipal is rural or urban ?

Kalapipal is urban area.

What is the population of Kalapipal Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Kalapipal Tehsil is 201,354

How many town or city are there in Kalapipal Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Kalapipal Tehsil.


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