
Ichhawar is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Ichhawar Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Ichhawar Tehsil.

Ichhawar Tehsil Overview

Ichhawar is Town and sub district in Sehore district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Ichhawar Tahsil. Total area of Ichhawar is 1,149 km² including 1,149 km² rural area and 0 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Ichhawar sub district, There are 159 villages in Ichhawar Tehsil.

Population of Ichhawar Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Ichhawar has a population of approximately 162,307 peoples which is divided into urban population is 15,221 and rular population is 147,086 The population density in Ichhawar sub district region is about 141 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 84,198 78,109 162,307
Rural 76,243 70,843 147,086
Urban 7,955 7,266 15,221

Households of Ichhawar Tehsil

There are about 32,106 houses in the Ichhawar sub district, including 2,735 urban houses and 29,371 rural houses. The average household size in Ichhawar sub district is about 5.06 person per household.

Type Households
Total 32,106
Rural 29,371
Urban 2,735

List Of Villages in Ichhawar Tehsil

Ichhawar district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 159 villages in Ichhawar Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Ichhawar Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Abidabad 2516.3 3552
Allipur 366.46 1318
Amla Noabad 491.47 1488
Amla Ramjipura 457.56 915
Amlaha 1163.32 3715
Arwaliya 165.25 239
Arya (Ariya) 502.2 1603
Atraliya 131.03 206
Bagan Kheda 82.44 352
Balapura 467.71 673
Balondiya 1279.11 1092
Balupat 1267.53 194
Bamala Dad 440.43 721
Baman Khedi 193.36 0
Bapcha 52.01 0
Barkheda Kurmi 475.86 1076
Bawadiya Gusain 1024.68 1220
Bawadiya Noabad 366.72 738
Bawadiyachor Alias Shaharyakpur 1515.41 1370
Bhada Khedi 398.97 1286
Bhagwatpur 594.88 543
Bhanu Khadi 2127.73 5431
Bhojpura 116.17 324
Bichholi 78 1342
Bijori 318.11 217
Bishan Kheda 234.24 390
Bishan Khedi 653.37 1666
Bordi Kalan 1350.48 2931
Bordi Khurd 613.76 249
Borpani Alias Dudalawa 1922.29 736
Brijis Nagar 3199.99 4232
Chainpura 1125 1699
Chandpura 282.61 0
Chhapari Karan 265.97 308
Chhapari Talluk 275.29 1043
Chhapri Miya 179.97 0
Chikalpani 1531.46 575
Deh Khedi 212.2 383
Dehriya Mukati 373.84 444
Devan Khedi 144.98 0
Dhabla Mata 1451.55 2001
Dhabla Rai 359.16 2016
Dhain Kheda 1284.47 1210
Dhamanda 1153.18 3729
Dharampuri 83.55 65
Diwadiya 730.08 4582
Dolatpur 1759.74 1248
Dudlai 392.58 1145
Durgpura 292.04 684
Gadiya 699.2 738
Gaji Khedi 1294.61 1777
Gaontalab 560.61 79
Gau Khedi 543.43 1100
Golu Khedi 620.85 2246
Gora Khedi 304.69 286
Goyal Khedi 226.97 132
Guradi 372.18 1019
Haliya Khedi 288.28 654
Haraspur 982.02 813
Himmatpura 483.24 664
Huliya Khedi 299.94 0
It Kheda 532.47 726
Jamli 1181.69 1230
Jamoniya Fatehpur 227.8 635
Jamoniya Hatesingh 928.13 1075
Jat Khedi 231.3 501
Jhal Pipali 2037.23 754
Jhalki 907.5 2462
Jhar Kheda 353.56 735
Jogda Khedi 162.59 253
Jujharpura 127.59 10
Kalapipal 1042.64 1868
Kaliya Khedi 334.35 291
Kalyanpura Dhakad 369.73 676
Kalyanpura Dubey 61.04 0
Kaneriya 959.95 754
Kankad Kheda 741.2 2277
Karanpura 255.39 0
Khajuriya Dhengi 1294.3 1538
Kham Kheda 1856.71 778
Khejda 426.19 674
Kheri 2153.41 3429
Kherpura 84.26 32
Kolu Khedi 185.1 426
Kotara 1168 0
Kudi 687.6 971
Kulhadi 502.88 852
Kundikhal 576.66 814
Kushalpura 120.57 752
Ladawad 49.16 0
Ladpura 159.84 0
Laliya Khedi 1452.03 1078
Lasudiya Godi 188 619
Lasudiya Goyal 623.57 852
Lasudiya Kangar 601.01 1364
Lasudiya Ram 508.68 827
Lasudiya Shekhu 334.74 576
Lau Khedi 483.05 773
Lawa Khadi 3705.46 2169
Loha Pathar 2290.22 614
Lotiya 2278.83 694
Magarpat 1385 761
Mandalgarh 482 124
Mawada 596.7 658
Mogra 742.96 800
Mohanpur Lendi 156.88 714
Mohanpur Noabad 386.92 421
Molakhedi 126.5 289
Molga 791.39 1240
Moya Pani 785.02 831
Mundla 527.22 1058
Nadan 1094.63 1109
Nagli 234.21 632
Narsingh Kheda 620.99 2008
Nawalpura 640.12 703
Nayapura 684.4 1659
Nibu Kheda 410.12 493
Nilbad 832.94 1425
Nipaniya 421.14 912
Pal Khedi 475.35 1174
Pangari Jangali 362 453
Pangra Khati 381.88 1134
Pangri 244.86 0
Partappura 205.68 393
Parwaliya 70.15 0
Patariya Banka 122.08 322
Patariya Sidha 217.2 520
Phangiya 920.87 1281
Ram Nagar 614.08 2077
Ramdasi 653.56 1498
Ramgarh 527.47 859
Rampura 350.19 436
Ratanpur 404.11 736
Rugnathpura (Raghunathpura) 264.52 414
Rupadeh 612.92 360
Rupdi 277.33 280
Sali Kheda 1096.94 150
Samapura 273.72 621
Saras 2565.84 1048
Satpipaliya 661.16 1153
Semli Jadid 1360.39 2002
Sendho Khedi 236.73 170
Sewaniya 1057.84 1228
Sewaniya Parihar 225 897
Shaharyar Nagar 221.11 0
Shahpura 271.8 792
Singapur 576.64 309
Siradi 638.43 1114
Sohan Chhapari 410.77 84
Sohan Kheda 896.86 1204
Sukaliya Hansraj 259.36 358
Sunar Khedi 134.58 0
Suwa Kheda 369.23 515
Tonkpura 618.9 643
Toraniya 510.11 965
Umar Khal 688.39 947
Veerpura (Birpura) 318.18 542
Vinakpura (Binakpura) 432.61 32
Yar Nagar 132.47 0

Frequently Asked Question About Ichhawar Tehsil

How many villages are there in Ichhawar Tehsil ?

There are 159 villages in the Ichhawar Tehsil.

Is Ichhawar is rural or urban ?

Ichhawar is urban area.

What is the population of Ichhawar Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Ichhawar Tehsil is 162,307

How many town or city are there in Ichhawar Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Ichhawar Tehsil.


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