
Budni is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Budni Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Budni Tehsil.

Budni Tehsil Overview

Budni is Town and sub district in Sehore district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Budni Tahsil. Total area of Budni is 615 km² including 592 km² rural area and 23 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Budni sub district, There are 86 villages in Budni Tehsil.

Population of Budni Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Budni has a population of approximately 91,906 peoples which is divided into urban population is 16,808 and rular population is 75,098 The population density in Budni sub district region is about 149 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 48,652 43,254 91,906
Rural 39,688 35,410 75,098
Urban 8,964 7,844 16,808

Households of Budni Tehsil

There are about 19,016 houses in the Budni sub district, including 3,448 urban houses and 15,568 rural houses. The average household size in Budni sub district is about 4.83 person per household.

Type Households
Total 19,016
Rural 15,568
Urban 3,448

List Of Villages in Budni Tehsil

Budni district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 86 villages in Budni Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Budni Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Akola 781.94 991
Amon 365.97 1052
Bagwada 1569.17 1326
Baktra 1377.31 5957
Bamhori 257.71 329
Baneta 380.76 1145
Bans Gehan 482.22 506
Bhimkothi (Vangram) 334 122
Bineka 206.37 134
Bisa Khedi 187.72 288
Bodra 152.63 211
Borna 338.72 470
Chachmau 962.98 141
Chakla (Vangram) 2702 0
Chandla Kalan 377.85 233
Chikli 97.72 675
Dehri 238.52 683
Devgaon 391.91 770
Dobi 681.78 2270
Dungaria 696 669
Gadar 290.44 967
Gonda Kheda 188.9 0
Guwadia 224.47 519
Gwardiya 331 899
Hathlewa 163.82 298
Hathnora 599.83 1126
Hingnasir 285.82 110
Hirani 261.68 534
Hoda 782.55 305
Holipura 808.92 1572
Isharpur 177.38 386
Itwar 219.07 329
Jahanpur 620 663
Jait 604.58 1223
Janwasa 270.76 416
Jawahar Kheda 314 588
Jontala 991.26 2147
Joshipur 329.3 791
Karitalai 118.37 148
Khabada 581.32 964
Khanda Bad 2008.53 1963
Khapa Khurd 306.29 80
Khatpura 3827.6 1462
Kheri Silgena 897.25 1552
Khidiya Kurmi 563.17 716
Khitwai 129.45 812
Khoha 337.15 1045
Kosmi 286.28 441
Kusam Kheda (Kusum Khed) 627.54 604
Machhwai 496.15 1409
Madhawan 247.85 380
Makodia 277.32 192
Maukala 616.46 1822
Murari 662.14 490
Naganpur 393.74 131
Nander 1221.82 1604
Narayanpur 457.74 831
Neem Khedi 150.66 424
Neemtone 556 796
Nonbhet 430.57 608
Pahar Khedi 271.69 492
Panari 398 97
Pandado 340.74 468
Paraswada 128.82 468
Pilikarar 578.26 1934
Pipaliya Kharra(Kheda) 458 616
Ramnagar 1042 495
Rampura 636.86 267
Richhoda 148.48 517
Sagpur 383.8 751
Saidganj 1474.85 457
Samnapur 1086.27 235
Sankhedi 235.53 556
Sardar Nagar 1227.03 2893
Satramau 475.09 1109
Shahganj 1134.91 8510
Siya Gahan 619.86 1172
Somalwada 152.64 254
Sudania 292 573
Sudon 183.13 623
Talpura 684.02 2170
Thikri 504.37 580
Tillot 216.56 300
Ukai 625.85 0
Vikrampur 108.13 0
Yar Nagar 1417.44 242

Frequently Asked Question About Budni Tehsil

How many villages are there in Budni Tehsil ?

There are 86 villages in the Budni Tehsil.

Is Budni is rural or urban ?

Budni is urban area.

What is the population of Budni Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Budni Tehsil is 91,906

How many town or city are there in Budni Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Budni Tehsil.


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