
Timarni is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Timarni Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Timarni Tehsil.

Timarni Tehsil Overview

Timarni is Town and sub district in Harda district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Timarni Tahsil. Total area of Timarni is 416 km² including 407 km² rural area and 9 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Timarni sub district, There are 61 villages in Timarni Tehsil.

Population of Timarni Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Timarni has a population of approximately 76,786 peoples which is divided into urban population is 22,359 and rular population is 54,427 The population density in Timarni sub district region is about 185 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 39,938 36,848 76,786
Rural 28,376 26,051 54,427
Urban 11,562 10,797 22,359

Households of Timarni Tehsil

There are about 15,424 houses in the Timarni sub district, including 4,420 urban houses and 11,004 rural houses. The average household size in Timarni sub district is about 4.98 person per household.

Type Households
Total 15,424
Rural 11,004
Urban 4,420

List Of Villages in Timarni Tehsil

Timarni district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 61 villages in Timarni Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Timarni Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Ahalwada 562.41 1058
Ariya Bedi 167.72 322
Baghawad 1100.61 1891
Bahala 458.69 201
Bajaniya 1024.43 2043
Barja 490.41 739
Barkalan 447.26 1113
Bhavras 524 980
Bichhapur 827.13 2202
Billod 415.11 710
Birjakhedi 318.5 228
Charkheda 670.93 1264
Chaukdi 706.25 493
Chhindgaon Mal 766.61 2561
Chichot 237.09 67
Chipaner 1070.65 2410
Churni 180.02 6
Dholpur Khurd 451.4 662
Dumdum 232.72 0
Gadamod 485.09 979
Gadrapur 771.11 740
Gausar 475.01 56
Godri 522.29 1168
Gondagaon Kalan 1375.94 1770
Gondagaonkhurd 384.45 1442
Gullas 562.82 1023
Gurar Kheda 474.18 0
Guwadi 299.42 48
Jaloda 354.71 636
Jamuniya 244.17 0
Jeejalvada 129.77 9
Jhadtalai 711.86 70
Jhagar 491.49 0
Kartana 705.47 2046
Kathadi 588.38 898
Khartalab 462.88 580
Khidki 486.1 968
Khodiya Khedi 240.14 103
Kuhi 456.91 1264
Lachora 741.53 925
Lakha Khedi 354.68 459
Malgaon Kalan 908.53 165
Malona 467.26 1413
Mathni 166.75 12
Media Khedi 461.5 6
Nausar 2323.98 2788
Nayagaon 914.11 1936
Nimacha Khurd 377.38 1165
Pachora 163.67 0
Pipliya Kalan 667.6 1247
Piplya Khurd 243.38 0
Pokharni 1754.5 3524
Raibor 821.54 1325
Ranhai Khurd 257.55 64
Rundlay 893.75 1555
Samardha 856.16 1103
Samsabad 413 665
Sannasya 275.03 1318
Sawal Kheda 384.46 0
Tajpura 486.19 2007
Timarni 853 0

Frequently Asked Question About Timarni Tehsil

How many villages are there in Timarni Tehsil ?

There are 61 villages in the Timarni Tehsil.

Is Timarni is rural or urban ?

Timarni is urban area.

What is the population of Timarni Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Timarni Tehsil is 76,786

How many town or city are there in Timarni Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Timarni Tehsil.


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