
Rehatgaon is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Rehatgaon Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Rehatgaon Tehsil.

Rehatgaon Tehsil Overview

Rehatgaon is Town and sub district in Harda district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Rehatgaon Tahsil. Total area of Rehatgaon is 1,029 km² including 1,029 km² rural area and 0 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Rehatgaon sub district, There are 118 villages in Rehatgaon Tehsil.

Population of Rehatgaon Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Rehatgaon has a population of approximately 96,032 peoples which is divided into urban population is 0 and rular population is 96,032 The population density in Rehatgaon sub district region is about 93 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 49,120 46,912 96,032
Rural 49,120 46,912 96,032
Urban 0 0 0

Households of Rehatgaon Tehsil

There are about 18,285 houses in the Rehatgaon sub district, including 0 urban houses and 18,285 rural houses. The average household size in Rehatgaon sub district is about 5.25 person per household.

Type Households
Total 18,285
Rural 18,285
Urban 0

List Of Villages in Rehatgaon Tehsil

Rehatgaon district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 118 villages in Rehatgaon Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Rehatgaon Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Alampur 549.93 1697
Alanpur 152.83 3
Alyagaon 172.27 0
Amba 956.74 360
Amsagar 63.28 939
Angaon 57.79 0
Badjhiri 719.11 1481
Badwani Vangram 156 810
Bahadurpura 339.11 0
Bahara Khedi 331.49 251
Baharagaon 700.68 831
Baliya Khedi 436.27 23
Banshipura 44 500
Banspani 306 1003
Bapcha 823 591
Barudghat 402.03 584
Bhadugaon 1002.82 2442
Bhayli 295.87 520
Bheelgaon 130.81 169
Bitiya 1735.12 482
Bodhi 322.17 820
Bori 535 1317
Borpani 420 776
Bowda 569 840
Chandarkhal 321 1312
Chandiapura 382.85 639
Chhindgaon Tamoli 649.48 1695
Chhirpura 659.66 899
Churni 701.24 525
Debrabandi 1612.13 598
Dehariya 442 982
Dhangaon 339.66 665
Dhanpada 334.75 488
Dhaulpurkalan 829.64 2076
Didamada 221 611
Dokartalai 116.3 52
Dolariya 419.1 1052
Domra 1680.12 205
Dong 132.44 186
Dudhakachkalan 884.46 1621
Gadamod 469.37 761
Gangradhana 185 518
Gohatti 1319.94 721
Gorakhal 318 798
Gurar Kheda 272.13 139
Ikdalia 204.65 0
Imdrapura 34 834
Isli 236.33 0
Jadkahu 272 517
Jamghad 97.76 0
Javarda 188.68 415
Jhadbida 896.28 1603
Jhiri Kheda 229 324
Jhirna 1267 831
Jinwani 449.99 493
Jogi Kheda 271.42 191
Juna Pani 314.12 16
Junapani 3784.19 484
Kachnar 547.87 1443
Kalpi 243.04 361
Kangaon 218.42 388
Kapasi 441.15 518
Kasarni 635.95 997
Kayada 1375 946
Kayari 1789.08 608
Keli 731.04 1292
Keljhiri 92 451
Khamgaon 542.96 895
Khatama Kheda 190.21 292
Khedikhushal 54.3 24
Khumi 444.64 199
Kishana Khedi 123.38 0
Kumroom 2314.12 1033
Lahadpur 298.98 326
Lakhadeh 65 585
Lodhidhana 466 1049
Luchgaon 324.34 0
Mahukhal 276 587
Malegaon 1043 1712
Malgaon Khurd 308.91 19
Maniya Khedi 358.52 1008
Mannasa 400.77 334
Nandwa 392.53 788
Naranpura 382 0
Nazarpura 517.65 3453
Neemanpur 150.24 0
Nimacha Kalan 424 819
Nimiygaon 342.49 312
Padwan 388.16 462
Paili 278.63 6
Pandharmati 672.25 934
Pantalai 832.1 1829
Patiyakuan 708.74 639
Phuidi 607.35 2197
Pipliya (Mafi) 311.74 48
Ponsadhana 1253 378
Rahat Gaon 1020.61 6420
Raja Barari 1244.29 1949
Ratamati 105 812
Rawang 1387.16 1743
Rootwarra 171 393
Sahbedi 136.32 0
Salai Thekedari 822.32 526
Saradpur 223.85 0
Sigoda 45 496
Sindhkheda 279.7 587
Singanpur 279.7 515
Sirkamba 515.39 1184
Sodalpur 831.68 5710
Sohagpur 758 1270
Sountada 485 1025
Tega 442.34 1007
Temagaon 974.32 1735
Temaru Bahar 1156.93 2208
Uchabarari 348 646
Umardha 514.16 372
Undrakachchh 542.05 1337
Uskalli 498.71 475

Frequently Asked Question About Rehatgaon Tehsil

How many villages are there in Rehatgaon Tehsil ?

There are 118 villages in the Rehatgaon Tehsil.

Is Rehatgaon is rural or urban ?

Rehatgaon is urban area.

What is the population of Rehatgaon Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Rehatgaon Tehsil is 96,032

How many town or city are there in Rehatgaon Tehsil ?

There are 0 town or city in the Rehatgaon Tehsil.


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