
Kannod is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Kannod Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Kannod Tehsil.

Kannod Tehsil Overview

Kannod is Town and sub district in Dewas district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Kannod Tahsil. Total area of Kannod is 700 km² including 698 km² rural area and 2 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Kannod sub district, There are 65 villages in Kannod Tehsil.

Population of Kannod Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Kannod has a population of approximately 112,387 peoples which is divided into urban population is 17,744 and rular population is 94,643 The population density in Kannod sub district region is about 160 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 57,799 54,588 112,387
Rural 48,714 45,929 94,643
Urban 9,085 8,659 17,744

Households of Kannod Tehsil

There are about 22,513 houses in the Kannod sub district, including 3,288 urban houses and 19,225 rural houses. The average household size in Kannod sub district is about 4.99 person per household.

Type Households
Total 22,513
Rural 19,225
Urban 3,288

List Of Villages in Kannod Tehsil

Kannod district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 65 villages in Kannod Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Kannod Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Adanya 905.7 763
Ambada ( Dawatpura ) 1017.43 2081
Amoda 817.21 765
Bagankheda 1679.44 1714
Bahirawad 1575.96 2969
Bamnikhurd 896.45 1908
Barkhedi 201.53 96
Bawdikheda 3659.81 6017
Bhilai 1504.25 1839
Bijwad 572.73 1589
Burut (Pipalkota) 1044.52 1557
Burutkheda 313.72 456
Chaplasa 575.83 1471
Dabkakheda 167.23 0
Dabri 827.71 674
Dehariya 682.15 1390
Deoli 865.3 346
Deosiralya 700.72 449
Dokakui 1278.37 2139
Gadiya 444.48 691
Gadway 918.27 681
Gudbel 612.9 1439
Hatlay 1130.72 714
Hatnora 662.4 73
Hatnori 303.59 939
Jagtha 2328.67 1373
Jamunya 829.11 756
Janjalkhedi 602.77 1133
Kalapatha 1099.78 611
Kalwar 1195 2779
Katkut 1393.7 1655
Kharpa 620.11 1787
Kheri 1165.3 1685
Kiloda 1124.78 1319
Kiloda 636.56 1351
Kitya 530.41 812
Kolari 828.17 712
Kothda 575.35 1463
Kothmir 619.09 1502
Kusmanya 1084.58 2549
Magarya 334.41 434
Mahudiya 952.3 1461
Maljipura 605.25 922
Mathni 980.68 1189
Mawada 2805.8 2144
Mawasya 538.93 517
Muhai 423.25 679
Nanasa 1830.77 4299
Nandon 1282.06 805
Pangara 1017.18 1885
Panigaon 2225.16 6441
Pipalda 817.05 1251
Pipalkota 876 3496
Piplani 741.25 1507
Raipura 416.07 849
Ratway 739.1 1798
Sergona 868.44 1536
Shivjipura 156.99 1
Sirsodiya 673.64 1080
Siya 1780.67 1284
Sonkhedi 1490.12 2043
Sukalya (Suldiya) 493.6 532
Surani 487.39 968
Thikariya 248.04 648
Thuriya 2187.45 2627

Frequently Asked Question About Kannod Tehsil

How many villages are there in Kannod Tehsil ?

There are 65 villages in the Kannod Tehsil.

Is Kannod is rural or urban ?

Kannod is urban area.

What is the population of Kannod Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Kannod Tehsil is 112,387

How many town or city are there in Kannod Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Kannod Tehsil.


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