
Hatpiplya is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Hatpiplya Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Hatpiplya Tehsil.

Hatpiplya Tehsil Overview

Hatpiplya is Town and sub district in Dewas district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Hatpiplya Tahsil. Total area of Hatpiplya is 362 km² including 360 km² rural area and 2 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Hatpiplya sub district, There are 97 villages in Hatpiplya Tehsil.

Population of Hatpiplya Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Hatpiplya has a population of approximately 106,612 peoples which is divided into urban population is 17,419 and rular population is 89,193 The population density in Hatpiplya sub district region is about 294 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 54,934 51,678 106,612
Rural 45,982 43,211 89,193
Urban 8,952 8,467 17,419

Households of Hatpiplya Tehsil

There are about 22,024 houses in the Hatpiplya sub district, including 3,357 urban houses and 18,667 rural houses. The average household size in Hatpiplya sub district is about 4.84 person per household.

Type Households
Total 22,024
Rural 18,667
Urban 3,357

List Of Villages in Hatpiplya Tehsil

Hatpiplya district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 97 villages in Hatpiplya Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Hatpiplya Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Amlataj 1262.74 3147
Ankheli 65.3 198
Arlawada 1114.51 3004
Awrajsani 629 555
Babulya 457.52 716
Badiyamandu 659.47 2636
Bagwada 192.65 8
Bamani 263.84 552
Baranpur 62.93 30
Barkhedalad 576.72 560
Baroli 278.9 627
Bhanwarda 585.79 343
Bhatoni 444.85 495
Bhilamla. 1584.26 1523
Bhilukhedi 216.72 190
Bichhapura 87.2 13
Borkhedapurwiya 764.83 1412
Brahmpuri 193.43 96
Chakarpura 218.84 392
Chandkhedi 67.29 22
Chansiya 235.33 1390
Chilki 475.78 921
Dehariya Abha 301.66 549
Dehariya Sahu 669.84 5322
Deogarh 874.59 3608
Dhanori 318.63 677
Dhekiya 327.31 448
Dhigarkheda 224.11 1157
Digod 226.4 634
Dokarkheda 429.07 593
Dongari 335.55 20
Gajipura 277.28 0
Gaula 359.19 892
Ghatiyagayasur 444.93 1061
Guradiya Hathi 985.95 1265
Guradiya Hatu 328.76 772
Guraiya 496.44 701
Gusat 354.45 935
Gyaraspur 439.29 645
Haidarpur 169.47 555
Hamir Khedi 176.47 468
Harjipura 179.67 152
Hatpipalya(R.Area) 1285.92 210
Hirapur 256.35 284
Jamanya 217.9 362
Kajaliban 881.59 847
Kaneriya 671.07 392
Kanjhar 721.44 1109
Kawadi 213.5 225
Khajuriybina 602.78 1698
Kherkhedi 101.2 219
Khokarya 542.36 699
Kohdiya 605.37 1142
Kopla 414.85 653
Kulawad 1493.96 1093
Lasudiyahatu 302.3 988
Limboda 897.53 2521
Madiyaguradiya 120.82 551
Mahudiya 134.21 942
Mahudiya Khalsa 129.43 599
Mahukheda 1386.52 2985
Manapipalya 509.64 1094
Manasa Karnawad 507.69 1293
Mankund 1462.9 4357
Mankundi 209.9 213
Mendiya 632.84 930
Merukhedi 246.1 441
Muradpur 265.19 486
Nanukheda 690.22 2634
Nasirabad 60.53 22
Nevri 1088.31 6242
Palasi 317.57 0
Palkhan 824.21 1491
Phangati 444 1134
Pitawali 597.82 934
Ponasa 529.59 1154
Ramalkhedi 241.41 466
Ramgarh 233.6 186
Randipura 62.35 3
Rehli 436.11 820
Richhadiya 119.11 11
Rojadi 910.76 1632
Sadipura 304.59 649
Salkhedi 571.49 430
Samalpura 13.19 0
Sapti 280.72 78
Sarkheda 95.7 38
Semli Raisen 153.13 47
Semlibuzurg 311.32 639
Setkhedi 243.98 435
Shamshabad 169.73 400
Shivpurmundla 1221.2 1226
Singawada 213.45 614
Sumrakheda 284.2 229
Syalkheda 372.03 99
Tappasukalya 262.44 1541
Tilyakhedi 240.05 422

Frequently Asked Question About Hatpiplya Tehsil

How many villages are there in Hatpiplya Tehsil ?

There are 97 villages in the Hatpiplya Tehsil.

Is Hatpiplya is rural or urban ?

Hatpiplya is urban area.

What is the population of Hatpiplya Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Hatpiplya Tehsil is 106,612

How many town or city are there in Hatpiplya Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Hatpiplya Tehsil.


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