
Indergarh is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Indergarh Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Indergarh Tehsil.

Indergarh Tehsil Overview

Indergarh is Town and sub district in Datia district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Indergarh Tahsil. Total area of Indergarh is 546 km² including 528 km² rural area and 18 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Indergarh sub district, There are 113 villages in Indergarh Tehsil.

Population of Indergarh Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Indergarh has a population of approximately 136,921 peoples which is divided into urban population is 23,045 and rular population is 113,876 The population density in Indergarh sub district region is about 251 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 73,315 63,606 136,921
Rural 61,191 52,685 113,876
Urban 12,124 10,921 23,045

Households of Indergarh Tehsil

There are about 27,102 houses in the Indergarh sub district, including 4,367 urban houses and 22,735 rural houses. The average household size in Indergarh sub district is about 5.05 person per household.

Type Households
Total 27,102
Rural 22,735
Urban 4,367

List Of Villages in Indergarh Tehsil

Indergarh district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 113 villages in Indergarh Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Indergarh Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Amawali 182.43 454
Anandpur 340.06 808
Andora 249.6 636
Badehari 282.28 1178
Bagpura 551.3 1449
Bagurdan (Proj) 435 926
Bagurdan (Siddha) 193.44 786
Bahera 246 535
Baina 275.64 447
Bandapara 262.48 420
Barabuzurg 270.76 719
Barguwan 488.58 1027
Barjorpura 168.55 1078
Basith 117.98 266
Bhadol 713.32 1875
Bhadona 808.82 1818
Bharroli 985.53 2526
Bharsula 884.94 1906
Bilaspur 174.78 1155
Binori 85.23 0
Birsingpura 50.07 0
Chadhraua 93.78 0
Chakdhanoli 100.32 0
Chakkbena 296.68 749
Chakunchiya 139.06 0
Chapra 254.75 153
Chhenkuri 201.61 635
Chhikau 303 1384
Chimghan 153.33 672
Chitai 153.34 217
Dabhera 340.03 766
Danguchad 651.75 97
Degawangoojar 270.16 712
Delua 394.98 1486
Dhanoli 441.89 550
Dhimaryau 116.54 0
Dhirpura 265.36 661
Dohar 421.41 1673
Durgapur 178.93 130
Fatepur 388.24 850
Gohana 435.68 1032
Govindnagar 131.21 339
Husenpura 124.41 530
Ikona 408.24 1099
Itarora 307.3 778
Jaitpura 210 284
Jaroli 266.77 879
Jaswantpur 263 891
Jaswantpura 306.04 795
Jiginiya 509.31 972
Jonia 730.52 2190
Joura 928.1 915
Jujharpur 1095.84 3461
Kanjoli 975.07 1523
Katapur 323 769
Khadaua 536.73 2495
Khaikheda 438.1 550
Khajoori 425.6 1476
Kherichachu 161 477
Kheridevta 218.45 479
Kherona 370.75 920
Kheronaghat 365.44 1213
Khiriya 1.16 1
Khirka 237 788
Kudari 823.11 3170
Kudra 153.19 190
Kulenth 1109.71 2812
Kurra 244 0
Kuthonda 218.18 1249
Laharakalan 236.05 799
Laharawed 151.89 312
Loch 581.76 2483
Lodhipura 351.9 768
Mahonajat 312.19 1035
Mau 148.48 0
Murgawan 753.52 1442
Nandana 198.63 494
Nimona 116.02 393
Pacherabuzurg 434.48 496
Pachokhara 736.84 2724
Pachorakhurd 130.4 0
Padri 1030.56 2954
Pahadirawat 326 856
Pahadishyam 213.23 523
Parsondagoojar 530.78 1991
Peepri 279.64 442
Piparua 340 1114
Pipra 310.95 957
Ramdeva 213.59 526
Ramgarha 239.35 861
Ranipura 352.1 959
Raruajiwan 492.6 1563
Raruarai 369 1502
Ronni 308.05 620
Roora 183.5 346
Seguwan 671.01 2724
Senthri 856.24 2957
Seoni 175.84 474
Sikari 692.46 2003
Silori 549 2275
Simthara 122 436
Sunari 993.92 2824
Sundarpura 151.58 543
Surapara 91.08 385
Syawari 398.3 1098
Teekar 238.24 0
Theli 303 848
Tigra 482 825
Tigroo 104.73 736
Tiletha 746.86 1322
Toda 196.67 349
Uchad 513.76 2388
Unchiya 1266.35 2508

Frequently Asked Question About Indergarh Tehsil

How many villages are there in Indergarh Tehsil ?

There are 113 villages in the Indergarh Tehsil.

Is Indergarh is rural or urban ?

Indergarh is urban area.

What is the population of Indergarh Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Indergarh Tehsil is 136,921

How many town or city are there in Indergarh Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Indergarh Tehsil.


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