
Bhander is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Bhander Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Bhander Tehsil.

Bhander Tehsil Overview

Bhander is Town and sub district in Datia district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Bhander Tahsil. Total area of Bhander is 670 km² including 669 km² rural area and 2 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Bhander sub district, There are 154 villages in Bhander Tehsil.

Population of Bhander Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Bhander has a population of approximately 159,829 peoples which is divided into urban population is 25,204 and rular population is 134,625 The population density in Bhander sub district region is about 238 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 85,376 74,453 159,829
Rural 71,926 62,699 134,625
Urban 13,450 11,754 25,204

Households of Bhander Tehsil

There are about 32,174 houses in the Bhander sub district, including 4,379 urban houses and 27,795 rural houses. The average household size in Bhander sub district is about 4.97 person per household.

Type Households
Total 32,174
Rural 27,795
Urban 4,379

List Of Villages in Bhander Tehsil

Bhander district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 154 villages in Bhander Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Bhander Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Ahroni 719.92 1757
Ahrora 158.32 274
Ajitpura 366.75 750
Alapur 39.73 0
Ansuli 308.07 584
Astot/ (Astot-) 649.39 932
Atari Kheda 157.82 56
Bad Kachhari 147.65 371
Badera Haveli 374.87 983
Badera Sopan 586.7 3224
Bagda 277.18 472
Bagdehi 365.04 405
Baghanpura 133.01 448
Bagpura 509.31 1288
Baija Para 340.33 499
Baisora 354.58 916
Barana 540.12 560
Barcholi 622 1190
Barka 631.6 1860
Bedhari 352.05 631
Benda 512.19 729
Berachh 781.66 1819
Bhadraua 253.21 543
Bhalka 554.28 1687
Bharroli 517.31 646
Bhedpura 536.92 967
Bhitari 435.91 1892
Bichhodana 1396 2727
Bichhreta 296.87 612
Bilheti 564.19 1389
Bindwa 403.63 862
Bisae Pura 138.21 322
Bisal Pura 408.18 578
Bodar 389.27 681
Chak Abdu 162.81 0
Chak Pir Khan 202.39 0
Chandani 287.73 955
Chandrol 597.21 1471
Charrai 297.07 544
Chhachh Pura 366.1 479
Chhan 420.25 711
Dali Pura 264.4 452
Dalpatpur 658.59 746
Dalpatpura 129.84 548
Deora 179 429
Deori Khurd 307.87 247
Dhamna 707.4 1159
Dhan Pipri 358.66 1160
Dhanoti 786.66 1243
Dharampura 309 734
Dhound 668.59 1409
Gaddi Pur 19.18 0
Ganesh Pura 303.8 752
Ghanshyam Pur 197.14 740
Godan 1595.39 3600
Gudaha 483.92 610
Hansa Pur 498.79 547
Hardai 296.76 544
Hasan Pur 340.93 747
Hasari Bhander 43.05 0
Imaliya 411.94 643
Ingui 421.79 101
Intarora 318.77 232
Jauri 476.06 1048
Kabulpur 21.38 0
Kadura 271.84 346
Kaimara 146 0
Kamlapuri 474.58 1137
Kanera 223.44 0
Karra 366.59 966
Kashipur 355.34 954
Kherideo 251.15 152
Khiriya Alam 564.55 941
Khiriya Faijulla 715.39 862
Khiriya Gopi 321.62 940
Khiriya Jhansi 209.44 415
Khiriya Kadoor 431.91 940
Khiriya Riyasat 214.51 650
Khiriya Sahab 502.1 916
Kudila 297.63 166
Kulariya 358.57 870
Kumariya Raj 641.03 775
Kurgaon 325.45 473
Kutauli 507.04 700
Kyolari 281 474
Lahar Haveli 673.74 2440
Lidhora Haveli 157.57 458
Madhopura 405.19 857
Mahadua 292.69 775
Maithana Pahuj 652.36 1767
Maithana Pali 604.73 1094
Malaua 141.79 434
Malgujar 17.65 0
Mangroli 287.95 216
Muriya (Muria-) 406.94 719
Mustara 437.39 916
Nadiya 335.5 746
Natarra 304.14 720
Nayagaon 196.8 422
Nichroli 157 169
Nobai 529.89 935
Nogawan 330.46 1125
Padri Kalan 398.04 1072
Pandokhar 1259.69 2553
Patan Govind 200.91 0
Pathara Narayan 400.25 927
Piprauakalan 1241 1989
Piprauakhurd 229.92 331
Porsa 637.91 2183
Pura Bilheti 213.52 472
Pura Daboh 317.44 644
Puranpura 148.15 157
Pyawal 540.42 1187
Raipur 240.85 0
Rajpura 221.57 0
Rakhra 213.94 741
Ramgarh 379.56 307
Ramner 342.41 797
Rampura 240.5 604
Richhoura 277.59 1307
Sadka 302.62 611
Sahjora 229.61 256
Sakatpura 287.65 568
Saletara 973 2261
Salon Bharroli 747.85 1882
Salon Bhitari 829.6 4225
Sarsai 1261.12 4612
Saujana 566.1 501
Semaha 391.37 852
Semari 200.64 443
Sentol 381 901
Sikandarpur 290.75 0
Sikri 312.61 181
Simariya 114.13 283
Simthara 278 942
Singhpura 496.01 838
Soda 319.08 1245
Softa 421.29 1467
Sohan 610.15 1809
Sukalhari 208 273
Sunri 510.9 973
Syora 542.96 733
Tantana 370.29 623
Tatarpur 974.04 1890
Tedot 884.01 1094
Telgaon 957.26 2373
Tighra Kalan 265.3 597
Tilhera 393.75 450
Tor 104.67 8
Torpatharra 57.89 154
Touri 364.12 1118
Tukda Tori 9.14 0
Udi 464.12 839
Udina 922.31 3377

Frequently Asked Question About Bhander Tehsil

How many villages are there in Bhander Tehsil ?

There are 154 villages in the Bhander Tehsil.

Is Bhander is rural or urban ?

Bhander is urban area.

What is the population of Bhander Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Bhander Tehsil is 159,829

How many town or city are there in Bhander Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Bhander Tehsil.


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